Hello, and Welcome..

After The great success of our first Amiga CDROM disc - The AGA Experience,
we decided that we should utilise our higly acclaimed interface system to 
produce a series of Compact Discs suitable for virtually any AGA Amiga Owner.

'The AGA Experience Volume 2' is the perfect CD for any AGA Amiga
owner. It features over 600Mb of programs specifically for AGA Amiga owners.

We decided from the start that we wanted to have as much of the contents as
possible ready to run straight from the CD. Some CDs have everything 
compressed which is in my opinion really defeating the object of CD. Why
shouldn't you be able to use as much as possible straight from the CD? Due
to this, we have also stayed away from confusing menu systems, and have
opted for the approach most people should be happy with - a MagicWorkbench
front-end with virtually everything accessible through a standard
double-click with the mouse button. With most things ready to run, this CD 
holds slightly less than some other CDs, but I think for most people having
well over 700 meg (decompressed) of the VERY BEST AGA Software is enough! 

We have worked very hard for many months on The AGA Experience 2 , and 
have done our very best to ensure it is of the very highest quality.

Richard Brown.

Kristian Phillips.

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