A few days ago orgin showed me the grabs of a press release from Phase 5 digital products that was in german. I have no clue if it is legit but the facts seem right and so does the style of the document. I have translated it into english for the rest of the world, any translation errors are not my responsibility (I am neither German nor English) so if you want to be sure about what you read better take a crash course in german and read these four pages ( 1, 2, 3, 4). That were found on the Moccamachines homepage. Anyway, they are nice to read, good for morale, so have a look if you want.

PowerUP If you belong to the group of AMIGA-Users that have their eyes set on tomorrow, we have good news for you. There is life after the 68000 for the AMIGA.

Ever since it was founded phase 5 digital products has played a leading role in innovative design of AMIGA products. In 1993 they created the Fastlane Z3, the first Zorro-III-DMA controller and in 1994 they build the Cyberstorm 060, the first 68060-board for AMIGA-systems world wide. In 1995 they created the CyberVision64 with its CyberGraphX-Software, together they defined the new graphics standard for AMIGA-systems. They were also responsible for the BLIZZARD-boards for the AMIGA 1200 , this board is currently in its 4th generation and sets the standard for value and performance. These successes were possible because of our experienced development team, that has been working with the AMIGA ever since the arrival of the legendary A1000 some 10 years ago. WIth the PowerUP-Program phase 5 digital products brings all its knowledge together into one sensational project, one with which in 1996 a new decisive innovative step is taken into the next 10 years of AMIGA computing. The PowerPC-RISC-processor will be the new heart of the AMIGA.

Life after the 68000...

The top of the current line of processors used in the AMIGA is the 68060-Processor, it is used in products like the Cyberstorm 060/50, the Blizzard 1260 or the Blizzard 2060. Although this processor offers very good performance, it is the best choice for Power-users that want to upgrade their system at this time, further expansion with this line of processors is not possible because the 68060 is the last in its series. Even running the processors at higher clockspeeds will only provide marginal improvement.

Only Power will help in the long run

They way out of this performance limit is the PowerPC-RISC-Processors that will form the bridge from the 68k-Processors into the AMIGA future. With its high performance, good pricetag and innovative capabilities of both Motorola and IBM, who promote the PowerPC-architecture as an alternative for the common PC-processor, the PowerPC-processor line brings the solution that will give the AMIGA a position in the future as one of the most powerfull desktop-workstations available. Even better; because of the combination of this new generation of processors and the unique capabilities of the AMIGA the performace of this computer can bring many different applications into new heights. The various available and new to come versions of the PowerPC will bring the right perfermance for the right price for every user. With its fast RISC architecture and good floating point performance the PowerPC-Processors are more than ready to take on the most demanding tasks in the fiellds of Multimedia, 3D, Image processing. Video editing, Rendering and animation.

Hardware for the next century

As new heart for the AMIGA the PowerBoards from phase 5 digital products will be available halfway in 1996. Initially two types of PowerPC-processors will be used. In the lower price range the MP603e-processor with a clockrate of 100 MHz and upward will be employed. In the proffessional high end boards the MPC604-processor also at 100 MHz and upwards will be used. For 1996 both versions will be sold at up to 150 MHz. Apart from these two boards new board using even more powerfull members of the PowerPC familly, right upto the real 64-Bit MPC620-processor with clockrates of up to 300 MHz, are in development. In the, not to far, future these will bring new levels of performance to the AMIGA. Apart from using the PowerPC-processors the Powerboards from phase 5 will be equipped with a variety of new technical developments. 64 Bit wide memory expansions are as obvious as a fast 64-bit Local bus-system with an optional PCI-bridge. These will guarantee good high performance expansion possibilities for the Powerboards.
Powerboards from phase 5 will be available, according to performance, in the price range from DM1000,- up to DM2000,-. They will be available for the AMIGA 1200, AMIGA 3000 and the AMIGA 4000. They are delivered in the usual phase 5 high quality and compatibility and will be delivered with an extensive system software package and CyberGraphX 3.0 native.

A program overview

The PowerUP-program from phase 5 digital products has as goal the development of a complete and trouble free upgrade for existing 68k-based AMIGA-systems using a PowerPC solution. Apart from developing a powerfull hardware solution for a variety of AMIGA-systems this also includes the modification of the operating system for use with the new PowerPC-processors. An experienced team of system programmers is working on these neccesary modifications, these include the translation of the Exec- and Multitasking routines into PowerPC native code. This code will work as basis from which an overlaying 68k-emulator will run the existing operating system from version 3.0 and upwards. Because of the native coding of vital exec- and multitasking routines a high over-all system performance is guarantueed. The other operating system functions will initially be run in the fully compatible emulation, during the development of later versions new function-libraries will be optimised in native PowerPC code.

CyberGraphX 3.0 Native

In order to deal with a major performance lag right from the beginning, a new version of the well known CyberGraphX-software is developed for the PowerUP-project. This package will be available in PowerPC native code and will be responsible for the graphic control of GFX-cards and also - new in version 3.0 - for the AGA-Chipset of the A1200 and A4000. Because of the high demands of graphical output of todays multimedia applications on the CPU power of a computer the PowerPC version of CyberGraphX guarantuee a big rise in performance using the full capabilities of modern RISC PowerPC-Processors. Further CyberGraphX will be expanded with a range of new routines for 3D- and multimedia applications, these will allow for a whole new generation of applications on the present AMIGA platform. The hardware independent availability of powerfull 3D-routines and multimedia functions for audio and video will allow Software producers to easily create programs that will run on varius hardware configurations. This will have a positive influence on the popularity of the AMIGA platform and will lead to a Software Boom of unknown proportions in both the fields of serious applications and games of a new generation.

We are not alone

Right from the start of the PowerUP-project a wide front of Software developers, for instance Almathera (Photogenics), Maxon Computer, ProDad, Softwood and many others, have been actively supporting the PowerUP project through redesigning their applications for the new PowerPC-processors. With the expected support of more widespread Software developers a large variety of extremely powerfull applications, right from the start of the market entrance of the Powerboards, is expected.
Combined with the PowerUP-project phase 5 digital products has taken extensive measures to support software developers. Evaluation boards will be available for commercial developers from the beginning of 1996 in order to support the software development on AMIGA platforms using a PowerPC-processor. Software tools and development systems are being prepared by phase 5 digital products and partnerfirms. Commercial developers will get total support from phase 5 digital products. The development of strategically important applications will also be supported directly by Motorola.

Investing in new technology

What should AMIGA-users do when they need more performance today, and can not wait for six to eight months for the market entry of the new PowerBoard-generation. Phase 5 has thought of these people and offers fitting upgrade solutions. All customers that have bought a 68k-based processor board of phase 5 after 01-09-1995 will get, on showing a copy of their bill of puchase, special upgrade offers when purchasing a PowerPC baser processor board (*). For owners of high cost 68060-boards an even better trade-in-program is planned, this will make upgrading to the new Powerboards even easier. This program will allow people that need more power now to invest their money safely withouth having to worry about the future. As you can see: we are here to serve.
(*) The upgrade program will be valid for all registred owners who have purchased a 68k-Turbocard from the phase 5 series at an autorised dealer or from phase 5 digital products directly; buyers of second hand processor boards can not apply to this upgrade program.

All this just dreams of the future?

Yes, but for a future that is very close. This future is allready happening today, it is supported by huge investments. The PowerUP program will result in PowerPC-based processor boards for a variety of amiga systems. With the innovative and powerfull capabilities of phase 5 digital products, in its role as one of the leading developers in the AMIGA world, you have the assurance that the latest and best technology will be available for your AMIGA. When you, as a user, are interested, or if you as a developer want to take the step into the future of PowerPC, contact us through the available coupon. You will be presented immedeately with information conserning the PowerUP program.


Phase 5
In der Au 27 61440 Oberursel
Information dated October 1995, any changes concerning price, technology or supply is possible. Amiga is a trademark of ESCOM AG, PowerPC is a trademark of the IBM corporation. All other used brands are trademarks of various other corporations.

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