Pascal files

The notation 'ASP' indicates the program complies with the
standards of the Association of Shareware Professionals.

Pascal textfiles and tutorials

NOPASCAL.PDF Why Pascal is Not My Favorite Programming Language
PASCALT1.ZIP PASCAL TUTOR is a text-based tutorial on using the Pascal language.
PASCALT2.ZIP PASCAL TUTOR is a text-based tutorial on using the Pascal language.
PASCSRC.ZIP Getting Started with the Pascal tutorial, source
PASCTXT.ZIP Getting Started with the Pascal tutorial, text
PNL001.ZIP Turbo Pascal Newsletter, Issue #1
PNL002.ZIP Turbo Pascal Newsletter, Issue #2
PNL003.ZIP Turbo Pascal Newsletter, Issue #3
PNL004.ZIP Turbo Pascal Newsletter, Issue #4
PNL005.ZIP Turbo Pascal Newsletter, Issue #5
PNL006.ZIP Pascal Newsletter Vol 6, Tips & Routines
PNL010.ZIP Pascal Newsletter #10, Many Source Examples
VISPAS.ZIP Visible Pascal is a tutorial that is ideal for the novice Pascal programmer. Beginners learn about the language, how to edit a program, and how to write Pascal programs. A simple editor and a simple compiler is included in this program.

Pascal S.W.A.G files

ALLSWAGS.ZIP ALLSWAGS from Sourceware Archive Group. This archive contains ALL SWAG PASCAL snippets THROUGH 02/29/96, PLUS version 3.12 of READER.EXE and all DOC and info files. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. There are 56 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available.
SWAG9602.ZIP NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 02/29/96. From Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of READER.EXE v3.12 and DOC files. Will automatically update .SWG files on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. Contains 58 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available. This is ONLY the update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to date.
SWAGWIN.ZIP SWAG for WINDOWS version 1.03. WINDOWS version READER program for .SWG files. Includes WINDOWS help file and SETUP program. Compatible with WINDOWS 3.x or WINDOWS 95.

Turbo Vision

2DATA.ZIP TVision: Reading multiple input lines.
2MENUS.ZIP Turbo Vision: 2 MenuBars at the top of your screen.
BROADCAS.ZIP Turbo Vision: Message between dialogs/update background.
CALUNIT.ZIP Extended calendar TVision application.
DLGDSN.ZIP A Dialogbox Design Program for Turbo Vision
FORMLINE.ZIP TVision: TInputLine type objects for formatting.
HINT.ZIP TVision app for hints on status bar.
LISTBX.ZIP Turbo Vision: ListBox of directory with double click.
MC00.ZIP MenuCase 0.0; Case tool which will allow you to create and test Turbo Vision menus using a Turbo Vision interface which works much like Borland's Resource Workshop for Windows.
MENU.ZIP Turbo Vision: Menubar change at runtime.
MENUGE.ZIP MenuGen Version 1.0 Menu and Status Line Generator for Borland's Turbo Pascal 6.0(R) with TurboVision(R)
MENUSTAT.ZIP Turbo Vision: Menubar and Statusline change at runtime.
PALETTE.ZIP Turbo Vision: Palette color discussion.
PICKLST.ZIP Turbo Vision: Simple pick list example.
QRDEMO.ZIP QuickRez is a Turbo Vision CaseTool, create Turbo Vision interfaces via interactive designing.
RAND2.ZIP TPW: pass parameters from object vision to TPW DLL's.
SCROLL3.ZIP Using a TScroller in Turbo Vision
SFIRST.ZIP TVision: Simple load and store desktop.
STREAM13.ZIP Supplement Turbovision/object Windows Stream "Wierd Stream Tricks" might be a good name for this unit. It contains a miscellaneous collection of objects and procedures, all on a theme of adding functionality to the streams in Borland's Turbo Pascal libraries TurboVision and ObjectWindows.
TVCOLOR.ZIP Explains Turbo Vision Colors palette
TVRW211D.ZIP Turbo Vision Resource WorkShop v2.11 Demo a complete Turbo Vision toolkit. Contains dialog-, menu-, statusline-, string- and subview editors. Generates pascal source code (include files or full units or programs). Full Undo- Redo, clipboard and much more. XT and protected mode versions available. Can be used for a 30 day trial basis only. Registration fee is $49/89DEM. Author: Balázs Scheidler, HUNGARY.
TVTOOL2.ZIP TV Tool Box V2.0 for Turbo Pascal 7.0 The TV Tool Box library enhances the Turbo Vision framework for Turbo Pascal. TV Tool Box includes formatted data entry with input masks, scrolling dialog boxes, dialog box field locking, check mark menus, string routines, 3D controls, 3D tool bars, iconizable windows, popup menus, virtual list boxes, slider controls, spin controls, and more. Shareware $40.00

Communication files

1KZMOD.ZIP 1k-ZModem source in pascal (German)
ASYNC1.ZIP A serial communication utility.
BBSKT20E.ZIP BBSkit version 2.00 Communications toolkit for Turbo Pascal
COMM.ZIP Asynchronous, serial port, modem, buffered input.
COMM_TP5.ZIP RS-232 communications routines
CRCPAS.ZIP CRC/Xmodem pascal source
IBMCOM31.ZIP Communications port interrupt driver for the IBM-PC.
MNET101.ZIP Multi-Net, Turbo Pascal v6.0 kit for Network Sharing. Multi-Net is a set of Turbo Pascal v6.0 routines which allow a programmer to add simple Networking/Multitasking File Sharing support to their products Multi-Net is the most complete and the simplest to use of all that i have found.
MODEM.ZIP TPW: serial communications using API and object windows
MODEMFAX.ZIP TPW example of serial communications
MODEMO.ZIP Simple modem communications program
MODEMX.ZIP Simple modem example featuring X-Modem
PCL4P43.ZIP PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS LIBRARY FOR PASCAL (PCL4P43.ZIP), March 95, Ver 4.3, <ASP>. Async comm library supporting COM1-COM20 to 115,200 baud, 4+ ports concurrently, many dumb multiport boards, 16550 UART, interrupt driven, RTS/CTS flow control, any UART address using IRQ2 thru IRQ15. Supports Turbo Pascal. By MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. $65
PPL4P10.ZIP PERSONAL PROTOCOL LIBRARY FOR PASCAL (PPL4P10.ZIP), March 95, Ver 1.0, <ASP>. PPL4P is a protocol library supporting ASCII, XMODEM, XMODEM-CRC, XMODEM-1K, YMODEM, YMODEM-G, and ZMODEM protocols. Will support Turbo C, Borland C, MIX Power C, Microsoft C. Requires the Personal Communications Library for Pascal (PCL4P). By MarshallSoft Computing , Inc. $40.
PROT100.ZIP Modem Protocol Source Codes (Pascal).
QCOM.ZIP QCOM is a small library of RS232 communications routines
TPCOM.ZIP Turbo Pascal 6.0 Support for Serial Port / Modem.
TPFZM100.ZIP TPascal ZModem unit
TPHYD100.ZIP TP-Hydra Version 1.00 A sample Turbo Pascal implementation of the HYDRA Bi-Directional File Transfer Protocol
TPZNEWG.ZIP Source For Zmodem
TPZSFZ.ZIP Pascal source for Z-modem,

Pascal BBS and Door files

32URDOOR.ZIP URDOOR Version 3.20 \ Pascal Door Writing Kit Version 6 & 7Drop File Support.. DOOR.SYS, CALLINFO.BBS, PCBOARD.SYS and DORINFOx.DEF Fossil and Internal Comm Routines RIP Detection Registered Version Comes with Source Used to write "iMMortal Combat"
BBSKIT.ZIP BBSKit,A Turbo Pascal unit for the BBS author
BOI120.ZIP BBS Onliner Interface (BOI) 1.20
DDPLUS71.ZIP DDPLUS 7.1 Turbo Pascal 7.0 Door Kit Supports most popular BBS Software packages, including PCBoard Vers 15.XX & WildCat 4.XX. With Rip detect. Supports non-standard interrupts, com 1-4, IRQs 0-15, and speeds up to 115, 200 baud. Fossils to 115,200. Provides automatic support for most common multi-taskers. 100% Source. 100% Free. Comes with complete door writing tutorial, extensive documentation, door configuration setup program, an inter-BBS kit, RipLink for viewing RIP on local screens an d many other features too numerous to mention! Provides needed knowledge and expertise to programmers who have always dreamed of making their own door programs, but until now didn't know how!!
DOORDR40.ZIP DoorDriver is a set of procedures for turbo pascal that allows
HOTM60.ZIP HOTMOD is a program that allows you to reassign the hot keys in the Integrated Development Environment of Turbo Pascal 6.0. the easy creation of Door programs for various bbs.
JPDOOR32.ZIP The Ultimate Door Writing Unit.
LOGPAS17.ZIP LogPas 1.7 TP/BP Unit source code to write to Frontdoor/Binkley/D'Bridge logs. Implements a Pascal "Text Device Driver" to which a file can be assigned. All text written to that file is then formatted as a log entry with date/time etc. Five levels of logging are available. * Free Sourceware *
POWRDOOR.ZIP PowerBBS's PowerDOOR - A Programmers Door Interface to PowerBBS
RMDOOR41.ZIP RMDoor 4.1 - Is a Turbo Pascal unit for writing doors for such systems as TriBBS, PCBoard, Gap, Spitfire, WildCat!, RBBS, WWIV, etc. Includes a TP 5.5, TP 6.0, and a TP 7.0 version of the RMDoor unit. Very easy to use! Now supports nonstandard IRQs and a few new procedures.
SLTPU70C.ZIP Searchlight BBS Programmer's Library and development package including object code (TPU files), source code, and reference materials for BP/TPascal v7.0
TWARS.ZIP Source To Trade Wars 2001 the BBS Door Game
VIS082S.ZIP Full Source Code To Vision Bbs System

Pascal programming libraries

BLAISE.ZIP Screen saver library for TPW 1.5
FAMAPI.ZIP 16-bit OS/2 2.x Family API library for Borland C++ 3.x for DOS.
GMTPUTIL.ZIP Pascal Game developers Utilities These utilites are specifically made for the GameTP libraries.
MATHLIB2.ZIP This is the ultimate mathematic library for Turbo Pascal or Borland Pascal users on 386/387, 486 and Pentium based machines. The library includes 5 files providing as many units.
MKMSG102.ZIP MK Msg Access Source for Squish, Jam, *.Msg, Hudson, and Ezy. The included programs make up a library of routines to allow you to easily access various message base types in a very generic manner.
PASLEDIT.ZIP Library of string-handling routines and Simple line editor program.
PASWIZ14.ZIP Pascal Wizard's Library v1.4 for Turbo Pascal & Quick Pascal. BCD math, mouse, kbd, joystick, music, string and math extensions, equipment info, equation solver, more.
PASWIZ15.ZIP Pascal Wizard Library v1.5 for Turbo Pascal and compatibles. BCD math, mouse, joystick, kbd, music, string and math extensions, equipment info, equation solver, archive
SHDK-1.ZIP The skyhawk development library
SORTKIT1.ZIP Oops Library For Internal Sorting routines
SRTKIT11.ZIP Internal, External & Combined Sort Library
STACKARY.ZIP Library For Stacks Inplemented In A Array
STACKPTR.ZIP Library For Stacks Implemented Pointers
STRLIB12.ZIP Turbo Pascal(tm) 5.5 String Library Unit
TDL400.ZIP Turbo Development Library v4.00; This is a collection with over 200 functions and procedures you can incorporate in your own Borland Pascal 7.0 programs. TDL 4.0 is written using as much inline assembler code as possible to make the functions and procedures fast and small.
TOOL-INC.ZIP Contains a number of "include libraries" used by the Tools Shop Library Tools. These include-libraries are "building blocks" that I use in most new programs that I write.
TOTDEM11.ZIP TECHNOJOCK'S OBJECT TOOLKIT v1.10 <ASP> - A sophisticated library of tools for Turbo Pascal programmers. With this Toolkit you can quickly and easily build programs sporting the latest interface style with pop-up dialog boxes, scroll-bars and stretchable/dragable windows. To display a sorted directory list in a moveable window, for example, takes just three lines of code. ** This file contains the demo programs **
TOTDOC11.ZIP TECHNOJOCK'S OBJECT TOOLKIT v1.10 <ASP> - A sophisticated library of tools for Turbo Pascal programmers. With this Toolkit you can quickly and easily build programs sporting the latest interface style with pop-up dialog boxes, scroll-bars and stretchable/dragable windows. To display a sorted directory list in a moveable window, for example, takes just three lines of code. ** This file contains the documentation **
TPLIB21.ZIP Turbo Pascal Library 2.1.
TUTIL2.ZIP Function library for Pascal

Pascal math files

EEV100R1.ZIP Expression Evaluator Toolkit V1.00 Revision 1 These files provide you with a complete API for 2 mathematical expression evaluators. One is written to evaluate infix (algebraic) expressions. The other is written to evaluate postfix (RPN) expressions.
MATH.ZIP Match Tools and Procedures.
MATH3871.ZIP TP/B unit for scientific work,implements inline code for sin/cos/tan/atan/ln, more. Req. 387+ math co-processors, or 386 machines with co-processor installed,486DX,or Pentium, TP 6/7.
MOREPSCL.ZIP More Pascal Source, Math Strings.
MT1.ZIP TURBO TPU TOOLKIT! v1.0 <ASP> TPU based toolkit of math functions such as inverse trigonometric, hyperbolic and other functions. Accuracy to 19 significant figures. For use with Turbo Pascal 5.5+ compilers. Functions plug in where the programmer wants them. Comes with sample programs. Manuals available upon registration.
TPASMATH.ZIP Turbo Pascal Math Functions
TPMATH.ZIP Standard Mathematical Functions.
VMATH10.ZIP Vector/matrix Functions & Procedures unit

Pascal string files

DIRECTW.ZIP Write a string directly to video memory.
FASTWR.ZIP Write strings directly to video memory.
FUZZ.ZIP Filesearcher using fuzzy logic Similar uses the Ratcliff/Obershelp gestalt pattern matching algorithm to compare two strings and return their percentage similarity.
OBJSTR.ZIP Object Oriented String Handling
POSBM.ZIP Faster string search routine to substitute the POS()
PSSTR102.ZIP TP String/Keyboard Functions With Source.
STREAM15.ZIP Sample streams with strings example
STRING.ZIP STRINGS.TPU is a Turbo Pascal unit containing 27 string-related functions mostly implemented in assembler.
STROBJ.ZIP A unit for manipulating strings.
TEXTF.ZIP TEXTF is a text file processing package that allows for position seeks and faster string input from files.
TEXTSTR.ZIP Safe user input while in text mode. Accepts strings-numbers
TPSTR121.ZIP Turbo Pascal Rexx STRINGS Unit
TSTRINGS.ZIP Using Null Terminated String Handling

Pascal graphics files

AZZAM10.ZIP Azzamouse 1.0 - BGI SVGA mouse driver source (Pascal)
BMPPAINT.ZIP Simple example of painting a bitmap using OWL
BUTTEST.ZIP Graphical button and cursor program. Contain source code to a buttons unit and mouse unit and several different graphical cursors. Turbo Pascal.
CONTOUR.ZIP Source For Rapid Contour Plots
CONTOUR1.ZIP Pascal contour plotting routines
EGASAV.ZIP Save/restore EGA (640x350) 16 color graphics screens.
GIFSIZE.ZIP Source for a GIF size shower utility
GRAPHIN.ZIP Get user input while in graphics mode
MCEDIT10.ZIP Mouse Cursor EDITor is a programming tool that will enable developers to graphically create mouse cursors. If you have ever manually coded the screen and cursor masks for a mouse cursor you will appreciate this program. Will work with all languages. Requires a mouse and EGA compatible graphics. Includes demo w/source and a TP5 mouse unit.
MOUSE.ZIP A general purpose mouse unit for text/graphics mode.
MOUSPROT.ZIP Graphics/Text mouse works in protected mode by Michael Day
PCXSHW.ZIP Draws various graphical formats on screen.
RMOUSE11.ZIP TP 6.0 mouse TPU (Graphic cursor in TEXT mode)
TP4GIF.ZIP GIFSLOW experimental GIF file viewer.
VGAINTRO.ZIP Writing (Graphic) VGA Intros/Loaders
VICON19.ZIP Video Icon Editor for TP C .BGI.

Pascal disc and files programs

BCSHARE.ZIP How to use file sharing in Pascal
BLOAD.ZIP A program to demonstrate how to load files saved the Basic BSAVE command into Turbo Pascal for display.
BOOTLOOK.ZIP Example on how to access the disks sectors
CRC_101.ZIP CRC_Calc v1.01: TP source to calculate a file's 32 bit CRC and compare it at each runtime to prevent virus infection or hacking;
DISKINF3.ZIP Absolute disk reads and writes on harddrives larger than 32M
DISKINFO.ZIP Read the bootsector of a floppy disk
EXTEND7.ZIP Extends the number of available file handles in BP/TP 7.0
FASTDIR.ZIP FASTDIR is a PASCAL program that will search directory paths and return a linked list of all files that match the search critera. Additionally, it can handle ARJ,ZIP,LZH,ARC and PAK archive files as if they too were directories on your disk.
FFIND.ZIP FFIND is a file finder program much like FF found in the Norton Utilities Advanced Edition.
FILEFIND.ZIP This program can be used to find any files using the set PATH, so you can open and use your TURBO *.COM programs together with their data files from any subdirectory, if they are located in a PATH-directory.
FILEOB.ZIP This unit contains the object FileObjType. This object collects and mak available information about a given file. It is a handy way to check various features of a file without a lot of coding.
GERA.ZIP Pascal Source for a Global search utility to find and delete files. drive not specified - uses the current always starts at the root directory and searches every directory below it.
GETSERNO.ZIP Get the serial number from a disk.
GRCRYPT.ZIP Official Greeker Encryption Program, File Encryption Example
HTMIX20.ZIP This package contains a collection of memory, disk, keyboard and screen routines written in Turbo Pascal 6.0 (tm).
IDEDIAGP.ZIP IDE hard disks Diagnostic With Source in TP.
INTRFC62.ZIP Dumps TP 6.0 and TPW 1.0 format files.
LABELPAS.ZIP Read and set the labels on a disk, updated version
LINE.ZIP Line counting utility. This program will count the number of lines in a text file, display the number of pages needed to print the file, the number of lines that exceed 80 characters, and the longest line.
LINKLST2.ZIP Another linklist example, storing the list on disk, delete
LOTUS1.ZIP Read/write Lotus & Symphony Files
MI10.ZIP Public-domain Turbo Pascal program to move files between directories. Includes TP source-code. (Handles wildcards/duplicates).
NUMWRIT2.ZIP Writing arrays of numbers to and from a text file
REFORM16.ZIP Disk defragmenter with source
SCANH310.ZIP SCANHELP v3.1; Utility to produce help files from TP source code.
SCRMBL00.ZIP Source Code For File Encryption
SDI.ZIP A Pascal unit saves and restores any BGI image to disk.
SETFATR.ZIP Set file Attribute utility
STORAGE.ZIP This Unit was designed to allow you the user to save and restore several bodies of text or information into a single file and restore that information based on a single LONGINT.
TPSEEK.ZIP Hard Disk Benchmark Utility
WHEREIS.ZIP Whereis, Finds File Location On Drive
VISIMP.ZIP Visual Implementation; Turbo Pascal For Windows Code For a Most Recently Used Filelist and a shadowed popup text box
WRAP_IT.ZIP A routine to do wordwrap in text files.
ZDISK.ZIP Zerop Out Unused Sectors On Disk for security purposes
ZIP2OBJ.ZIP The Turbo Pascal ZIPfile Data Objitizer
ZIPTEST.ZIP Routine For Validating Zip Files

Pascal compiler, debugger and linker files

ANSIPAS.ZIP ANSI code Generation and Processing Compatable with most PASCAL Compilers
CPASDEMO.ZIP Sample demonstrating a very limited way to link C and Pascal
DEBUGGER.ZIP Built-in Debugger, Invalid linker version error.
EDITOR.ZIP Why bined compiled with {$f+} locks computer.
HDEB20S.ZIP The Heap Debugger V2.0 TP/BP 7.0 (DOS/DPMI/WIN). Lists all not/incorrect released blocks of heap memory with references to source code (file+lineno.). Add into the uses-clause of your program & recompile.
HDEBUG.ZIP Turbo Pascal Heap Debugger With Many Features
LINKER.ZIP Unused Data Eliminated, Smart Linker.
MIXLANG.ZIP Linking OBJ files from turbo c or Tasm and others.
PMD110.ZIP Borland Pascal Debug Kit 1.10b by NederWare provides the programmer with ■ Allocation and deallocation tracking ■ A report of not deallocated memory after your program's termination ■ A full stack dump (procedure names and parameters) if a run-time error occurs ■ C-like assertions to `fortify subsystems' You never want to be without it!
SPO110.ZIP Sally Tpu Peephole Optimizer v1,1; produce faster programs with Borland Pascal version 7.0 by optimizing the intermidiate code produced by that compiler.
TDHIDE.ZIP TDHIDE 1.0 - Shrinks TLink debug information
TDTA.ZIP Turbo Debugger, Turbo Assembler issues.
TP_ASM22.ZIP Compile Time Integrated Assembler Built-In Assembly Language Support for Turbo Pascal Compilers
TP_XMN.ZIP Assembly Level Examination Routines EXAMINE.EXE is a utility program which can be used to display the assembly level implementation for each line of any source files compiled with Turbo Pascal version 4.0 or 5.0.
TPA22.ZIP Integrated Compile-Time Assembler Memory Mode Assembly Language Development Tool
VTPROLOG.ZIP VT-PROLOG - Very Tiny PROLOG with pascal source is a simple prolog interpreter provided with full source code to encourage experimentation with PROLOG.

Pascal sourcecode

3DLIFE.ZIP 3D version of John Conway's Game of Life.
3POINT1.ZIP 3 points on circle geometry problem. Pascal source code. of printer codes for HUNDREDS of printers! It's designed to help eliminate a night- mare many programmers face. Dir 80
ACCESSPC.ZIP ACCESS.bus Controller (Pascal)
ACCHN101.ZIP Makes Randon Spread Data,pascal Source Included
AMOUSE10.ZIP TP Mouse Handling Toolbox.
ANIMATE.ZIP Shows simple animation
ASMOBJ.ZIP Addressing the fields of an object when you are using BASM
AUTOINS.ZIP Turbo Pascal - making selfmodifying code
AVLTREE.ZIP Binary Tree Routines
BANK.ZIP OOP Bank Simulation
BASICS.ZIP Basics ( BASIC functions in Turbo Pascal )
BGI256.ZIP Third part BGI driver for 256 colors and high resolution.
BGIRES.ZIP Put .BGI files into a resource file (TP6 source)
BI3.ZIP You might need to reference this file in your TDW.INI file i
BI4.ZIP Detecting available drives on a system
BIGARRAY.ZIP An object that simulates a huge array and a test program.
BIGSTUFF.ZIP Arrays larger than 64k, improved version
BINHELP.ZIP Binary Trees
BIRDSTUF.ZIP This function will initialize the Borland BGI interface in a Turbo Pascal program.
BLDPAS.ZIP Build Program is a simple but flexible way to build a screen with associated cursor contorls and database without programming. Although you can program changes since a program is generated.
BMP256.ZIP TPW display 256 color bitmaps
BMPDESK2.ZIP Load a BMP from a resource, blit desktop into it, show it
BP7BUGS1.ZIP Unofficial Bug List for TP/BP 7.0.
BP7SB103.ZIP Borland Pascal Source Beautiefier
BPTOOLS.ZIP Missing BP7.0 Tools
BREAKNOW.ZIP Intercept interrupt #9/check for a Ctrl-Break key press.
BTREE1.ZIP A heap based binary tree unit for Turbo Pascal 5.0
BTRVPAS.ZIP Btrieve Interface for TP.
BUFSTUFF.ZIP Routines to stuff the keyboard buffer.
C2PAS08B.ZIP C2PAS is a program that processes a 'C' source code ASCII file and produces a source file that is very close to being a valid source file for Turbo Pascal.
C4PAS000.ZIP C routines for Turbo Pascal 5.5 C4PAS000 is a collection of some useful C routines that don't have a direct counterpart in Turbo Pascal.
CENTER.ZIP How to center your dialog in a window
CHAIN.ZIP Adds a chaining facility to TP4 and TP5.
CMOS.ZIP Read and write CMOS
CODER.ZIP Encryption source in Pascal
COLRMENU.ZIP A unit designed to build a color selection menu.
COMBODLG.ZIP DropDown combo in dialog, use InitResource, select List item
COOLSTUF.ZIP Source: time37 (asm), runexe (C), fconv (C), mcb (pascal) Time37 : show you the time !!! runexe : is like direxe but launch progz fconv : convert text-file from and going to unix world mcb : show the mcb list with some extra information !
CPUID.ZIP Get the CPU id of the machine
CRC32.ZIP 32-Bit Crc Routines
CRCASM.ZIP Crc Routines
CRCSET11.ZIP Make Self-CRC Checking .Exe's In Pascal
CTOPAS2.ZIP C to Pascal program -- filter to replace C punctuation and certain key words with their Pascal equivalents.
CURSOR.ZIP This is a sample program that demonstrates how to change the cursor on an IBM PC.
DATA.ZIP Largest global data struct, static vars
DATABASE.ZIP Running tabuild and taccess.def file.
DATES.ZIP Converts from mm/dd/yy to Julian day number.
DATETIM2.ZIP Routine to read and set date and time.
DBLCLICK.ZIP How to act on a double mouse click
DBLK2.ZIP DBLOOK is a Turbo Pascal Unit which reads Dbase III + .DBF files, displays the structure information on the screen, converts from Dbase format to various internal formats to assist gathering data from Dbase data files.
DESKBLIT.ZIP Copy the desktop window into your programs window. (Mirrors)
DIR.ZIP Pop-up Driveselector unit for pascal
DLGKBHND.ZIP Handling tabs in a dialog window
DLGWIN.ZIP Tdw:example for using BWCC dialog class
DLGWIND2.ZIP Placing a child style dlgwindow inside a main window
DOS.ZIP How to returning error levels to batch files
DOTIME.ZIP An ISR (interrupt service routine) for the timer interrupt
DOUBCONV.ZIP Converting double types
DRAW.ZIP A new way of drawing a line
DRBOB2.ZIP Dr. Bob - On Pascal Bugs, Reports & Fixes
DRIVEFND.ZIP Lists the drives in your computer
DVUNIT.ZIP This unit adds support for the DESQview" multi-tasking enviroment
DXFPAS.ZIP TP Unit to Read Write Autocad DXF files.
EDITDOWN.ZIP Handle downarrow in edit control as you would a tab
EDITPAT.ZIP Fix for editor.pas example in TP 6.0
ENHKBD.ZIP Activate the IBM enhanced keyboard.
ERROR.ZIP Internal error report to Borland, type mismatch error
EULER.ZIP EulerPath_Algorithm
EXECSW.ZIP An advanced technique to exec other programs.
EXECWS.ZIP EXECWSWP - Exec a windowed command with optional minimal-memory mode
EXEMOD.ZIP Modify global variables in EXE or COM file
EXXMS.ZIP This program tests various XMS calls.
FASTKB.ZIP Fast keyboard handler unit - undocumented 386+ (Pascal)
FASTWR1.ZIP Fast Screen Writing routines
FCOMM240.ZIP Turbo Pascal 5.5\6.0 Unit for Fossil.
FILESELE.ZIP Use this overlay utility in your PASCAL and C applications to select file name from a directory, or enter new file name. Mouse.
FINPUT.ZIP This unit implements a derivative of TInputLine that supports several data types dynamically. It also provides formatted input for all the numerical types, keystroke filtering and uppercase conversion, field justification, and range checking.
FLPSE.ZIP Bresenhamn's circle algorithm source
FLUSHKEY.ZIP Code to flush the keyboard buffer
FONTINFO.ZIP TPW: Information for creating and using fonts in Windows.
FORG.ZIP Programming tool for dBASE.
FORMPAS.ZIP Pascal Source-Code Formatter
FRAME3.ZIP Example of customizing a common dialog
FSPRITE3.ZIP FastSprite Unit for TPASCAL Users. Very fast. Comes with sample surreal game. A must for all game programmers!
FSSERIAL.ZIP This unit is designed to allow the user to use a FOSSIL driver for a serial unit that is event-driven aware.
FULLDB13.ZIP Add .OBJ line number information to Turbo Pascal .TPU. Works with TP 5.5, TP 6.0, or TPW 1.0!
FUNCTEST.ZIP Pass a function as a parameter to another procedure.
G2P55.ZIP The Guide.2.Pascal A Turbo Pascal Version 5.5 Database
GAMEKIT.ZIP Pascal Unit With Keyboard And Timer Interrupts Better Designed For Action Games (E.G., Read Multiple Keys Simultaneously).
GAMETP20.ZIP Pascal routines for game developers
GENERAL.ZIP 64k limits, exe file sizes, conditional compilation, etc.
GENOVR.ZIP Pascal General Overlay File Support
GETPUT.ZIP Save/restore a rectangular screen region in text mode.
GRAVITY.ZIP Pascalkod till 2 spelar-gravityforce-liknande spel
HCN305.ZIP HALCYON v3.05 - Turbo Pascal source code to access dBase files. Allows reading and updating of dBase III .DBF, .DBT, and .NDX files. For dBase IV, the .DBF and .DBT files may be updated. Source will compile in TP 5.5, 6.0, 7.0, Real, Protected, and Windows. Will work in a network environment. Product of Griffin Solutions. Shareware; $89.95
HEAPARY.ZIP Example of moving arrays up on the heap
HEAPSPY.ZIP Windows Heap memory map utility
HOPFIELD.ZIP Traveling salesman problem, PASCAL
IFP1S158.ZIP Pascal Source Code To Info Plus Version58
INLINER.ZIP Inliner is an assembler which translates 8088 assembly language directly into Turbo Pascal INLINE code.
INPUTPAL.ZIP Place an inputline in a window and clean up palette
INT24.ZIP Complements to Turbo 4 critical error handler.
IO.ZIP IO Tools and procedures.
JOYSTK.ZIP David Howorth's joystick support routines.
JPLAY.ZIP Demonstrates how to play a PIANOMAN MUZ file from Turbo Pascal version 4.0.
KABLOO.ZIP Kablooie is a pseudo-programmable fireworks simulator
KEYBOARD.ZIP Summary: how to detect key press/release (Pascal)
KEYINT.ZIP "Replacing the Keyboard Interrupt"
KEYSTUFF.ZIP Stuff the keyboard buffer
KF_MOUSE.ZIP { Kuba_MSE 1.1 - Kuba Fast } PD pascal mouse library Includes source code
KMOUSE10.ZIP KMouse is a Turbo Pascal Micorsoft/Logitech Mouse handler that enables text based programs to use a mouse with a minimal amount of effort by the programmer.
LAUFLICH.ZIP Example on how to program the LED's on your keyboard (pascal)
LBSETTAB.ZIP Info on lb_settabstops
LINEDR.ZIP ASCII linedraw routine in pascal
LINKLIST.ZIP Simple linked list example
LINKS.ZIP OOP Linked List Unit with Turbo 5.5
LINKTEXT.ZIP Example Of Linked Lists
LISP.ZIP The Essence Of A Lisp Interpreter
LIST1.ZIP A simple example of a linked list.
LIST10.ZIP TheLister v1.03 is an advanced source lister for Pascal. Its particular graphic layout greatly enhances the readability of your listings. Fully and easily customizable to fit your needs and your taste. It's a Windows application - SHAREWARE New in v1.03: line wrapping, drag'n'drop, print from clipboard, command line parameters.
LISTBOX5.ZIP ListBox examples, including ExecuteDialog and Transfer data
LISTSEL.ZIP Doubleclick on item in listbox and display selected item
LOADBMPS.ZIP Used by for displaying BMP's
MAC.ZIP Portability between IBM and Mac TP versions.
MAKHELP.ZIP Creates On-line Help For Turbo Pascal Programs
MCLK102.ZIP Colourful moving clock display. Displays the system time on the screen, different location and colour of the time display every second. W/ Pascal source. Cursor fix.
MEMORY.ZIP Memory Tools and procedures.
MEMSWAP.ZIP Creating virtual memory swap files in prot mode with boahbfp
MENUDEMO.ZIP Loading and changing menus
MESSAGE.ZIP Example of how to send messages between views in a Dialog TV
MINHOOK.ZIP Set a Windows Hook
MINMAX.ZIP Changing Min and Max window sizes
MISCPAS.ZIP Miscellaneous Pascal Files.
MISCTI.ZIP Miscellaneous TI's from TP 2.0 to TP 6.0
MKERR101.ZIP Here is a little error device I wrote for Turbo Pascal.
MMSYSTEM.ZIP Mmsystem.pas update
MNG132.ZIP This program mangles the Turbo Pascal source code for a unit so it will be unreadable (or very hard) for humans. The compiler should still be able to compile it without any problems or lost functionality.
MODAL.ZIP Using a system modal dialog in a OWL program.
MOUSTL55.ZIP Turbo Pascal 5.5 Mouse Support tool
MOVENOW.ZIP Display moving messages on screen
MULTCALC.ZIP Some calculation sources in Pascal
MULTI.ZIP Powerful multitasking facilities for TP5 programs.
MUSIC.ZIP A Collection Of Songs In pascal
MYEDIT.ZIP Edit Control keystroke trapping
NED103.ZIP Third party, non Borland TV Editors unit, with wordwrap.
NETCALL.ZIP A Turbo Pascal 4.0 unit that simplifies adding LANtastic Netbios functions to your programs.
NEWFONT.ZIP New version of the BGI font editor.
NEWRTM.ZIP Rtm.exe dpmi16bi.ovl from the bc++ 4.0 release. latest rev.
NG_CLONE.ZIP Norton guide source to view Ng files
NOTE20.ZIP Source To a simple Ascii Texteditor
OBJA.ZIP An OOP unit that extends TP's standard objects unit.
ODBC.ZIP Access files to reach ODBC from Pascal windows
OOP.ZIP Object oriented programming information.
OOPMOU_B.ZIP Program that demonstrates use of the mouse object and Bezier spline curves
OOPPAS.ZIP Demo programs from the OOP world tour.
OVERLAYS.ZIP Overlay Tools and procedures.
OVERXMS.ZIP Loading Overlays in XMS
OWLTAB.ZIP Allow tab to move focus for an owl multiline edit control
OWNRDRAW.ZIP Creating custom bitmap buttons
P_PASCAL.ZIP Portable Standard Pascal system, with some C extensions.
P_ROBO31.ZIP P-ROBOTS -- Version 3.1 <ASP> A game for PASCAL programmers. Battle robots programmed by others in a fight with flying missiles, shields, cloaks, and bombs. Ideal for the PASCAL "pro" or beginner alike. Includes new "IDE" or Integrated Development Environment.
PARSE10.ZIP Recursive expression parser in Pascal
PARSER.ZIP This program was my entry for the Winter/83 Linguistics 145 (Intro to Computational Linguistics) final exam at UCLA with Dr. Eric Wehrli. The program is a context free, top down, left to right parser. It uses recursion, binary trees, linked lists and sorts and all sorts of other tools.
PAS_TUT.ZIP An Pascal tutorial
PAS2TPU.ZIP Build TP unit interface from implementation. Tool for the professional TP programmer.
PASBLK.ZIP PASBLK.PAS is a TP4/5 program that is designed to help visualize block structures in Pascal programs.
PASFORMA.ZIP Pascal Program Formatter
PASMOU.ZIP Turbo and Microsoft C Mouse Routines - Release 1.0
PASMOUSE.ZIP Mouse routines in Pascal
PASSM.ZIP Source for a Logic Circuit Assembler
PASTUTOR.ZIP The PaperLess Edition of the Turbo Pascal Tutor version 2.4
PC_MOUSE.ZIP Pc Mouse Interface
PHELLO.ZIP TPW: Hello world demo programs
PICK.ZIP Pop-up shadow menu file selection routines.
PRINT_IT.ZIP Printing from windows
PRINTBMP.ZIP Printing bitmaps
PRINTERR.ZIP Replacement printer unit for printer error checking.
PRINTR3.ZIP Pascal Cross Referencer and Listing Formatter
PRNSTAT.ZIP Get the printer status, is it busy, etc.
PRNTPW.ZIP TPW: printing in turbo Pascal for windows.
PROCCALL.ZIP Passing functions as parameters
PROFILER.ZIP Turbo profiler issues
PROTINT.ZIP Protected Mode Interrupt Handler
PRPAS.ZIP PrettyPascal 1.0 is intended for Pascal programmers to help make program files more legible by spacing operators, procedure calls, & control guards, and by reformatting the code to a specified style and indentation preference. PrettyPascal is a great tool for programmers who have to maintain or review Pascal programs developed by others. Shareware ($30) from Invariant Software.
PSDIR101.ZIP TP Directory Functions With Source.
PSLST100.ZIP TP List Functions With Source.
PSPPD100.ZIP TP Database Functions With Source.
PSSTK101.ZIP TP Stack Functions With Source.
PULL70B.ZIP Pull - is a set high performance pull-down menu utilities for Turbo Pascal 5.0.
PX141.ZIP Pascal Source Cross Referencer
PXE3M.ZIP PX Engine Maintenance release
PXSRCHFD.ZIP Pxe3.0 pxsrchfld workaround
QWIK71A.ZIP Qwik - is a high performance screen writing utility for TP4 programmers. You never want to be without it!
QWRIT11.ZIP Quick screen writing unit.
RAMSWAP.ZIP RamSwap - allows a programmer to write a large complex application under the DOS environment and still have plenty of memory for child processes.
RBOOTP55.ZIP Source To Reboot Computer
READEXT.ZIP Reading f11 and f12 keys in DOS.
READWRTE.ZIP Make an interrupt call in protected mode
REBOOT.ZIP Example to reboot the computer.
RKEY31TP.ZIP RegKey 3.10 Registration key system for Turbo Pascal. Add registration key support to your Turbo Pascal (DOS and Windows) programs. of the PASCAL RELATED UNIT SYSTEM SUPPORT GROUP. All units are included in full source only, so you will have to compile'em yourself.This release contains approximately 100 to 200 routines to improve and enhance your TPascal programs.
RKPLUS31.ZIP RkPlus(tm) 3.1 Enhanced Registration Key Unit for Turbo Pascal(tm) 5.0, 5.5, 6.0 & 7.0; Turbo Pascal(tm) 1.0 & 1.5 for WINDOWS(tm); BORLAND PASCAL(tm) 7.0 (DOS Real, DPMI Protected & Windows modes) and STONY BROOK PASCAL+(tm). Supports multiple registration Typeset manual & source code available.
RMASTR02.ZIP Raster Master V2.0, Sprite Editor For Tp 5-6
RUBBER.ZIP Rubber band drawing
SCRED1.ZIP Turbo ScrEdit 1.6, Screen Development Tool
SCRIPT.ZIP TPW: Manual installation instructions.
SCRSAV.ZIP Screen Saver Object For Turbo Pascal 6.0
SEARCHBM.ZIP Advanced Boyer-Morre Search for Turbo Pascal (works with array of char)
SERNUM.ZIP Read Write floppy serial numbers in Turbo Pascal.
SHAZAM.ZIP SHAZAM generates complete TApplications, including help, so you can test the look & feel of your visual shell.
SLLIST.ZIP Examplesource Of Singly-linked List
SNPD21.ZIP StaNdArd Printer-Pascal (SNAP-P) D2.1 <ASP> A Pascal with Objects pretty printer for DOS. Adjusts margins and capitalization to give a standard look to your source code. Make imported code readable, cut development costs. Simple, non-intrusive installation, menu driven and completely safe to use. An optional table lookup gives control over the looks of names such as "cmCancel" and "mfYesButton". A Turbo Vision(R) application.
SORTIN.ZIP A comparison of various sorting methods.
SP12SRC.ZIP WORDS Version 1.2 - A fast word extractor program
SPLASH.ZIP Display a bitmap before your app loads
SPLOTCH.ZIP Splotch, An example of cellular automata.
SPRITES.ZIP Basically a simple and effective spriteengine
SPX10.ZIP Awesome TP Game Programmer Toolkit.
SPXDMO.ZIP Demo Of Turbo Pascal Game developer Toolkit!
STATUS3.ZIP Simple status line, variation on status.pas from tpwbonus
STICK.ZIP Example to read the joystick position.
SWAPTP.ZIP Demonstrates the use of the functions ExecCommand and ExecPrg from the SWAP unit
SWAPUNIT.ZIP Turbo Pascal (Ver 4 to 6) Units.
SWAPUNT7.ZIP Swap and Execute Unit for Tp4+.
SYNTAX.ZIP Case and scalar identifiers, packed, nested for loops
SYSCOLOR.ZIP TPW: Change the palette colors. Source included.
T_REF5.ZIP Source Listing/cross-reference Utility
T301AS.ZIP A set of RS-232 routines written in Turbo Pascal 3.01
TABTEXT.ZIP How to use TabbedTextOut function.
TASKS.ZIP A Turbo Pascal Task Scheduler
TBTREE16.ZIP Turbo BTree version 1.6
TDESIGN.ZIP TURBO Designer is a programer toolbox for the TURBO Pascal compiler.
TESS-5.ZIP Routines for Developing Ram Resident Programs.
TESS-D.ZIP Developing Ram-Resident Programs, documents
TEXTIO.ZIP Demonstration of useful text i/o features with turbo pascal:
TOPMAP.ZIP Kohonen topology preserving maps in Pascal
TP5MENU1.ZIP Professional Program Shell for Turbo Pascal 4.0/5.0 developers.
TP6MAP.ZIP TP6MAP - a partial map of the Borland Turbo Pascal 6.0 IDE
TP6SBVOC.ZIP Pascal source to demonstrate the SBVoice Unit
TP6UTIL.ZIP TPCONFIG is a utility program that performs the same function as the Borland program by the same name that was included with versions of Turbo Pascal prior to 6.0.
TP6XMS.ZIP XMS (eXtended Memory Specification) Unit For Turbo Pascal 6.0
TPAPI.ZIP History of turbo Pascal API's for novell netware
TPBUF11.ZIP TP-BUFFER v1.1; Pascal source to use the keyboard buffer. Read char WITHOUT wait; Read SCAN CODE from buffer; ERASE buffer; Full documentation, Public domain software
TPDATE.ZIP TP Date Routines.
TPDETCT1.ZIP TPdetect detects programs written in Turbo Pascal.
TPHRT3.ZIP Turbo Pascal High Resolution Timer Toolbox
TPMAGIC.ZIP TP Add-in, Menus, Boxes Much Mo.
TPML2INL.ZIP Turbo Pascal Machine Language to Inline Form.
TPMUL310.ZIP MulAware (MultiTasker Aware) v3.10: Turbo Pascal 6.0 Unit to make your programs fully multitasker aware; supports MS-Windows, DESQview, DoubleDOS, OS/2 1.3/2.0, DOS 5.0 Task Switcher/compatibles, TaskView, TopView, OmniView, and compatibles; 08/12/92;
TPOWER.ZIP Several Utility Programs from Turbo Pascall.
TPP112.ZIP Turbo Pascal Pre-Processor
TPPOP18C.ZIP Turbo Pascal 4/5 TSR Routines.
TPREAL2.ZIP Improved Number Routines For Turbo Pascal
TPRINT.ZIP Printer unit
TPSCHK11.ZIP Anti-virus & Hacker Routines
TPSCRNSV.ZIP Screen Saver With Source Code
TPTALK.ZIP Turbo Pascal Utilities To Allow Speech On a PC
TPTSR.ZIP Example Of Memory Resident Programming
TP-TSR.ZIP This package illustrates a method for writing TP4/5 interrupt routines with sufficient power and flexibility to support sophisticated resident applications. The interrupt hook and
TPU2ASM.ZIP A symbolic disassembler for Turbo Pascal version 5.0 units
TPU55A.ZIP Inside Turbo Pascal 5.5 Units
TPWHUGE.ZIP Manage Huge Global Memory Blocks
TPWSPY.ZIP A Turbo Pascal for Windows translation of the famous Spy on Windows program by Michael Geary.
TSPA3260.ZIP Prof. Timo Salmi's TPU collection of nearly 200 useful Turbo Pascal 6.0 routines for text-mode programs.
TSPA3370.ZIP Powerful collection of almost 200 Turbo Pascal 7.0 routines for text-mode programs.
TSRSRC.ZIP TP/ASM Source for TSR Utilities.
TWI11.ZIP The Text Windowing Interface (TWI) v1.1 is a Turbo Pascal 6.0 Toolkit designed for an author to easily produce a consistant, easy to use interface. TWI includes windowing and pull down menuing procedures to produce a very complete interface for your programs. If you don't like Borland's Turbo Vision or you can't program in OOP, use TWI! ($15)
TYPEIT12.ZIP TYPE-IT converts your computer into a typewriter. Print text to your printer letter by letter, line by line, or page by page. TYPE-IT is NOT a word processor, and its features are few and simple. Ideal for quick notes and memos.
UCLPSRC.ZIP Clipboard Extender for TP for Windows.
UNIX_SRC.ZIP UNIX DATE Version 1.00 This unit provides access to UNIX date related functions and procedures
UPCONV22.ZIP Source Case Converter
UTIL161.ZIP Handy Turbo Pascal Utility Unit
UTIL178.ZIP UTILITY - Turbo Pascal * SOURCE CODE * including Save_Screen, Rebuild_Screen, Cursor Control, Full Screen Input, Date Routines, Set Border, Allow bright colour backgrounds, All Shift Keys, Comma Routines, Drive Ready, Elapsed Time, Encryption, Fast Write to Screen, 43 Line mode, PopUp WINDOWS, Print Screen, Random Numbers, Printer Ready, Read Screen, Reboot, Set Screen Attributes,
VDL020D.ZIP Visionix Developer Libraries 0.20 BETA. Turbo/Borland Pascal libs for SCSI, CDROM, DPMI, EMS, XMS, Advanced Power Manager, Interrupt Alarms, Math, Date & Time, DOS, Multitasking, Console I/O, Serial Port, MIDI, Mouse, VGA Font redefination, File Management and more! Documentation.