Windows OCX files

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standards of the Association of Shareware Professionals.

CAL32.ZIP DameWare Cal32 OCX is a calendar custom control for use with Visual Basic and Visual C++. It incorporates many customizable properties (3D, colors, fonts, tool tips, context menu, etc.) and has a date range between January 1, 100 through December 31, 9999. Easy to use with customizable date format, event notification and many "method" functions to get the return date as desired. Shareware. DameWare Development
CHKLIST.ZIP DameWare CheckList OCX is a 32bit "Check" List-Box custom control for use with Visual Basic and Visual C++. Offering many customizable properties (fonts, colors, 3D, etc.), it is very end-user friendly versus the old multiple select list-box. Easy to use with configurable options, event notification and many "method" functions. Shareware. DameWare Development
COM_IT.ZIP CompressIT/VBX/OCX information
COMPRI.ZIP CompressIT/VBX/OCX EVALUATION Version A Memory Data Compression Component for Visual Basic and Access 2.0 Programmers!!!
DB32.ZIP DB32/OCX is a free 32-bit OLE Custom Control to provide the DB-Library translation layer as VBSQL.VBX does.
DSSKOCX.ZIP dsSocket (DEMO) OCX for TCP/IP communications using Winsock. Client and/or Server connections. Online help file included.
EZBARX32.ZIP Barcode Control (Easybar/OCX) v2.0 Barcode Control is a 32-bit Microsoft Windows OLE custom control for printing barcodes. It can be used by developers in host programming environments supporting 32-bit OLE controls, like Visual Basic and MS-Access for Windows 95. It can also be used by end-users in some document-editing applications like WordPad in Windows 95. It is royalty-free for programmers. Barcode Control is the 32-bit sequel to the previous popular Easybar/VBX. It is backward compatible with the VBX version, while supporting new features.
EZNET.ZIP EASYNET/OCX Version 1.0 (16 bits and 32 bits) EasyNet/OCX is a custom control which allows to develop QUICKLY an application that needs to manage a network diagram (workflow, data base diagram, organigrams, communication networks, state transition diagrams, etc...)
FINGER.EXE The Finger custom control allows you to query a host about a user's address or read information about a user's account (e.g., last time logged on, etc.).
FORMAIDE.ZIP Form Aide OCX ABRISOFT Form Aide OCX is a control that can center Forms, maintain Forms always on top, and save the last position and window state of a Form. Your users will see the Forms the way they left them the next time they run the program.
FTP.EXE The FTP OCX allows you to incorporate FTP functionality into your 32 bit container/development environment. FTP allows you to transfer files between nodes on the Internet.
GETHST.EXE GetHst OCX translates host names into IP address, and IP addresses into host names. Since all of the other Internet controls use IP addresses and most people prefer to use host names, this control is almost mandatory when using other Internet controls.
GLASSTIC.ZIP Glasstic OCX is a high performance sprite engine for building anything from custom controls, splash screens, to animated special effects. Glasstic uses WinG32.dll the fastest device context available for windows.
GOPHER.EXE The Gopher OCX encapsulates the Gopher Protocol used to provide access to the morass of documents, files, and search databases available on the Internet. The Gopher custom control allows you to incorporate Gopher functionality right into your 32-bit container/development environment thus providing connectivity to the vast resources of information available on the Internet.
GVOCX.ZIP GVBOX, Graphics viewer OCX, views JPG, GIF, BMP......
LLOCX1.ZIP Light Lib Evaluation Edition - OCX, disk 1/2 Light Lib Images is a complete document and image management library for adding imaging support to your applications.
LLOCX2.ZIP Light Lib Evaluation Edition - OCX, disk 2/2 Light Lib Images is a complete document and image management library for adding imaging support to your applications.
MAZE.ZIP Maze.OCX, This control is basically a game maze or grid which you can incorporate into your applications. It has NO graphical representation. I figured I'd leave that to you since everybody will want something different.
MAILX4.ZIP Mail eXtension OCX 32, OCX 16 , DCU & VBX Version 1.51 Mail eXtension is a SET of Visual Basic & Delphi Components that will ADD powerful e-mail capabilities to your Visual Applications in minutes!!!. Mail X is a real Object Oriented Control based in the Microsoft Mail API (MAPI).
MSGBLAST.ZIP For those of you who aren't familiar with the Message Blaster, it is a 32 bit OLE Custom Control (OCX) that allows a Visual Basic application (or any other application that supports OCX's) to intercept messages destined for any window in any running program.
NETCODE.ZIP NetCode 2.0, for programing Network programs (VBX/OCX)
NETLIST.ZIP DameWare NetList OCX is a 32bit Network Resource Browser custom control for use with Visual Basic and Visual C++. It incorporates many customizable properties (resource type, comments, context menu, etc.). Easy to use with customizable resource options, event notification and many "method" functions to get the network resource as desired. Shareware. DameWare Development
NIMGVB10.ZIP NED Image OCX, Demo Release 1.0 for 32-bit VB 4.0 users The NED Image OCX Control is a 32-bit Microsoft Windows OLE custom control that displays and prints various types of image files. It
NPARSE32.ZIP NPARSE is a 32 bit OCX that is used to parse through either text files or immediate strings. Visual Basic 4.0 users writing for Win 95 may now easily parse information by adding this control to a form, setting a few properties, and telling it to start. It then fires events that VB can use to process the retrieved data. Multiple field delimiters, ability to strip out quotemarks, upper/lower case conversion and extensive error checking are but a few of the selectable properties. For more details, click here. This is a "must have" control for VB developer
PAINTW~1.ZIP PaintWindow OCX This control is basically a paint window which you can incorporate into your applications. Right now it just draws
RASOCX12.ZIP RASDIAL.OCX is an ActiveX control that interfaces many programming languages like Visual Basic, Access and Visual C++ 4.0 to the Remote Access Service provided by Windows 95 and Windows NT. It allows programmers to establish dialup networking connections automatically and close them down when needed.
SOCKET.EXE The Socket custom control encapsulates much of the functionality of the Windows Sockets API to provide a simple, yet robust, means of accessing and communicating across the Internet from any 32-bit container / development environment.
SYSINFO.ZIP (OCX)The SysInfo control allows you to respond to certain system messages sent to all applications by the operating system. Your application can then adapt to changes in the operating system if necessary.
TIME.ZIP The Time protocol, also called the NTP protocol, provides a site-independent, machine readable date and time in seconds since midnight on January 1, 1900. One premise for the protocol arises from the fact that not all systems have a date/time clock, and all are subject to occasional human or machine error. The use of network-wide time-servers makes it possible to quickly confirm or correct a system's time by making a brief poll of several independent sites on the network.
TRAYICON.ZIP TrayIcon is a 32 bit OCX for Windows 95. It provides an easy way for OLE container applications such as Microsoft Visual BasicTM and Microsoft AccessTM (and several other development tools) to place their own icons in the tray area of the Windows 95 taskbar (as shown). It allows the application to receive messages in order to show custom menus.
TTCGOPH.ZIP TTC GOPHER CUSTOM CONTROL (OCX) component software, the TTC Gopher Custom Control v1.00a provides plug-n-play capabilities for the Internet. The 32-bit custom control encapsulates the Gopher Protocol used to provide access to the morass of documents, files, and search databases available on the Internet. The Gopher Custom Control allows you to incorporate Gopher functionality right into your 32-bit container / development environment thus providing connectivity to the vast resources of informati on available on the Internet.
UB_OCX.ZIP Ultimate Border OCX v2.0
UDPPORT.ZIP DATAGRAM communication via Winsock, (OCX)
WBSTR913.ZIP The Webster OLE2 Custom Control An HTML-Aware OCX From Trafalmador The Webster OCX is a drop-in HTML display and Web browsing solution, a WWW client as an OLE control. Webster can retrieve, interpret and display HTML pages (including forms and images), and respond to hyperlink mouse clicks.
WHOIS.EXE The WhoIs custom controls provides access to the WhoIs servers on the Internet. By incorporating the control into your applications you may query for information about hosts, users, and businesses who have accounts on the Internet.
VOGON15.ZIP Source code for Vogon Poetry Web Browser (HTML) An demo container for Webster, the HTML OCX control.