Windows programming files

The notation 'ASP' indicates the program complies with the
standards of the Association of Shareware Professionals.

Various windows programming files

3DLIB17F.ZIP Object Compiler converts OBJ defs to OBJ files
BAGOSRC.ZIP Source Code To Boggle Game For Windows
BC40EXAM.ZIP Windows help file listing BC++ 4.0 example programs
BLRPLT.ZIP Biolerplate: startup for OWL programming
BLTW110.ZIP [Bullet for Windows 1.10] is a super-fast, super-small B-tree/dBASE .DBF, transaction-based, multi-user database toolkit for Windows compilers.
BLTW125.ZIP Bullet for Windows, v1.25 high-speed database toolkit
BOXES.ZIP BOXES - Demoprogramm for MS Windows 3.0 BOXES Draws random Boxes in its window.
BOYER03.ZIP Fast String Search Algorithm (Boyer) for Windows/C Programmer
CATCH.ZIP Catch is a batch programming language for Windows
CDBW.ZIP Database Toolkit for Windows Programmers
CHECK02.ZIP C Syntax Checker for Microsoft Windows (Alpha version)
CHKREL.ZIP Check relocations if Windows loader fails error 8 memory
CLASSLIB.ZIP Doc. for container class libraries for TC++ for Windows 3.0
CLEANUP.ZIP List of routines req'd after a Win Resource is used
COPYLZ.ZIP Uses windows API lzopenfile and lzcopy to copy file
CPPWIN10.ZIP Windows/zortech C++ Classes
CTLBAR.ZIP Bar chart custom controls; sizable text custom controls
DEMO.ZIP Demo Program
DEVEL201.ZIP Spell Checker for Edit Boxes
DIAGEXT.ZIP Microsoft's redistributable 3D dialog extension library
DOTS.ZIP Dots - Programming Example of the paper game connect.
FAULT.ZIP Trap Application Exceptions
FINGER32.ZIP NT 32 bit port of windows finger program with source
FONTSW.ZIP Windows make your own .fon .fnt files
GENMIX1B.ZIP Genmix is a C code library, provides real-time additive waveform synthesis and output
GRAYBUTT.ZIP Windows 3.0 Graying Buttons Source
HEX.ZIP Source For Windows File Hex Dump Utility
HYPLK2.ZIP Hyperlink: link between src code and SDK online system
IL2HDK22.ZIP Interrupt List to help dev kit conversion program
JFKLIB.ZIP A Great Windows Programming Toolkit For C/p
LINECALC.ZIP Windows Source For Text-line Calculator
LOWPASS.ZIP Sample multimedia file I/O svcs to R/W RIFF files (C)
MALLOC15.ZIP malloc15 (version 1.5) Memory leak checker Drop in replacement for the malloc\free found in MSVC 1.5 (aka 8.00c), it checks for rouge pointers, buffer overflows and memory leaks. It is a drop in replacement, not a wrapper. Versions also exist for SCO Unix and HP-UX, SunOS and AIX. Shareware -
MANAGE.ZIP VideoSoft Custom Control Demo - VB/Manager for VB Windows Programming.
MANYCURS.ZIP Windows Loading different cursors
MEDMFC.ZIP The CMagmaEdit Class
MENUBA.ZIP Allows custom toolbars for programs.
MLOCAL.ZIP Heap Management Routines For Ms-windows
MMPP010.ZIP M.M. PRODUCTIVITY PACK V 1.0 <ASP> Various Window Programming utilit./controls- Includes:Window Analyser (Analyse Your window char.); Super Spy ( advanced Spy ut.);Easy context sens. Help; Internat. Lib (Time,Date Currency,Number controls formatted from the Control Panel); Teleph. Lib (a Tel. Control with DB); STP (easy build Training package for stw. prod)
MODEM2.ZIP Simple serialcommunication in Windows (C++)
MSPOTS.ZIP MultiSpot Demo Program Draws Random Spots in its Window.
NEWTK200.ZIP NewTrack v2.0: extension to C++ pgms which validates deletes, discovers memory over and underruns, and shows up any unfreed memory allocations; written for Borland C++ v3.1 and MS-Windows;
OM36.ZIP Provide quick access to programs and utilities under Windows 3.0 and 3.1. This is a menu only system - no file management facilities are provided.
ORDEMB.ZIP The enclosed files will allow the building of a Windows program under Borland C++ compilers which will demonstrate the use of Object Resource Corporation's shareware C++ classes for Btrieve.
OWLDLGS.ZIP Examples of Using Dialog Boxes with ObjWinLib
PCHART.ZIP TPW Charting Program PChart is a Windows program written in Turbo Pascal for Windows that illustrates the use of the ObjectWindows application framework.
PCL4W12.ZIP PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS LIBRARY FOR WINDOWS (PCL4W12.ZIP), August 95, Ver 1.2, <ASP>. Async comm library supporting COM1-COM20 to 115,200 baud, 4+ ports concurrently, many dumb multiport boards, 16550 UART, interrupt driven, RTS/CTS flow control, any UART address using IRQ2 thru IRQ15. Requires Microsoft or Borland C Windows SDK. By MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. $65.
PDSCNTL.ZIP PDSCNTL - Dialog Editor / Custom Control - Programming Example.
PLIFE.ZIP TPW Implementation of the Game of Life PLife is a Windows program written in Turbo Pascal for Windows that illustrates the use of the ObjectWindows application framework.
PRINTERH.ZIP Printer.h: defs of the funcs in _sort, _brute, _spool
PRINTW.ZIP Example program demonstrates printing from Windows
PROGWIN.ZIP Many Examples of Windows Programming Source Code
QEXIT.ZIP Source To Windows 3.0 Quick Exit Utility
RETURN.ZIP Modal Dialog Demo
RTFPRSR.ZIP RTF parser module for applications
S13596.ZIP Debug Systems - Windows Debugger with src
SANITY.ZIP Schedule Rest Stops While Programming
SBDEMO.ZIP ShowBasic 1.0 - tutorial/demo/training/presentation dev.kit
SDKHLP03.ZIP Provide quicker access to the sdkwin.hlp help file
SEGHEAP.ZIP Implements a segmented heap in global memory (c)
SMPI.ZIP Win32 SCSI miniport ioctl program sample, smpi.c
SNDCAPS.ZIP TPW Program To show Win Sound Capability
SOURCE2.ZIP Sourcerer Demo - is a Visual C++ developer's tool that instantly pops up a window with a list of all functions contained in your source code.
SPOTS.ZIP SPOTS - Demoprogramm for MS Windows 3.0 SPOTS Draws Random Elipses in its Window.
STSBAR.ZIP Status bar example
SWTOOLS.ZIP 9 functions to give your programs an expiration date
TASKLIST.ZIP Windows Uses Toolhelp to list tasks
TASKVIEW.ZIP Shows the tasks which are currently running with source
TDWIN.ZIP To use TDW 3.0 with Windows 3.1
TEMPLATE.ZIP Windows Application Template (c)
TIKDLP.ZIP TWAIN Integration Kit Demo
TLINKAPP.ZIP What is the proper command line for linking a Windows AP?
TNOCX11A.ZIP The TrayNotification OLE Control(OCX) is a 32 Bit OLE Control for adding icons to the Windows 95 TaskBar. Some examples would be the modem lights icon and the ATI video driver icon.
TOOLBAR.ZIP Library to Implement Tool Bars (C source)
TOOLOW.ZIP Demo Source For PowerCode Win App Generator
TRAN02.ZIP Return the ASCII values of each character in a string
UPC12BS1.ZIP UUPC/extended 1.12b Windows 3.x source (1 of 2)
UPC12BS2.ZIP UUPC/extended 1.12b Windows 3.x source (2 of 2)
V11N10.ZIP Windows C Programming Source Code Examples
VALIDE.ZIP Class To Accept Only Valid Window Keystrokes
WCDBRK2.ZIP C++ Windows Code Breaker Game Source Code
WDINFOC.ZIP Windows Directory Information Source Code
VDS.ZIP Virtual DMA Services (VDS) specification 1.00 (MicroSoft)
WEDL.ZIP WEDL Windows Enhanced Dialog Library A collection of C functions for Microsoft Windows
WEDL203.ZIP Windows Programmers Enhanced Dialog Library
VFYGRB.ZIP Displays version numbers of display/grabber/vdd
WHLBX3.ZIP WHListbx Control - More functions in Windows .HLP Files.
VI101.ZIP Source To Windows 3.0 Icon Viewer
WINCLASS.ZIP A Couple Of Classes For Windows Development
WINCOM.ZIP Sample Windows Communications Program with XModem, C source
WINDATE.ZIP C Date Routines For Windows Programmers
WINDXY.ZIP Windows Source To Read Autocad Drawings
WINEXIT.ZIP Quickly exit Windows (.EXE with source)
WINPROGS.ZIP Collection Of Ms-windows Source Code
WMSERIAL.ZIP Message based windows serial communication example
WNDLIB10.ZIP >> WNDLIB v1.0 - Windows Class Library << WNDLIB is a set of Microsoft Windows C++ class libraries to aid Windows programming. Documentation: README.TXT.
WSERIAL.ZIP Windows: Serial communications in Windows
WTHRDS.ZIP EDI Threads for Windows v1.0
WUNZ20SR.ZIP This archive contains the source files which you can use to re-create WizUnZip 2.0. WizUnZip is a non-profit Windows unzipper product, based on the Info-ZIP group's product, unzip. Johnny Lee and I, who wrote the Windows interface code, have chosen to place our code in the public domain for you to use freely.
VWFD.ZIP Determine whether app is full-screen or windowed
VWPD.ZIP Virtual 386 Write Protect Device System
YGREP402.ZIP YGrep Search Engine v4.02 This is a powerful library able to search text using regular expressions as well as approximative descriptions of the pattern. Allows search (grep), replace (substitute). Registered users get both DOS and Windows versions. For Borland, Visual and others.

Windows graphics programming

256CAPP.ZIP OWL 256 color Bitmap example
BURST.ZIP Multi-color "Bursts" Mop Up Screen-vga Req.
CLGRAPH1.ZIP C++ Graphics Class Library for MS Windows
CLRBUT.ZIP Colorize Your Buttons!
CLRCTR10.ZIP Windows Color Selection Control Kit Source
CTLDLT.ZIP Dialog box with colored rectangle cc and digital display cc
CTLPCT.ZIP Custom control to display 256 color bitmaps
GV.ZIP Graphics View, view & Print graphic files in Windows with C source
IM30LIB.ZIP ImageLib 3.0 The Imglib30 is an inexpensive way to add JPEG, GIF, BMP, PCX and PNG graphic formats to your VB, Delphi, VC++ applications.
KIVIAT.ZIP Source To Windows System Parameter Graph
LLEVD1.ZIP Light Lib Images is a complete document and image management library for adding imaging support to your applications. (Demo 1/5)
LLEVD2.ZIP Light Lib Images (2/5)
LLEVD3.ZIP Light Lib Images (3/5)
LLEVD4.ZIP Light Lib Images (4/5)
LLEVD5.ZIP Light Lib Images (5/5)
LOADBMP.ZIP Windows Function to paint a BMP in window
LOGO.ZIP Displays a logo bitmap splashscreen at start of application
LOGO2.ZIP Bitmap splashscreen is displayed while main window is hidden
MAKECUR.ZIP Windows How to load a BMP as a cursor
MULTI_UI.ZIP MULTI_UI.ZIP Demo of MultiApp V1.2 A platform independent set of objects(C++) that allows intuitive GUI applications to be written over our application framework. These applications can then be ported between Macintosh and Windows easily. Includes windows 3.x demo program. From MicroGenesis Software
SOURCE.ZIP System Graph - Borland C++. Programming Example
STATIC.ZIP a "minimum" WinG sample application (C) by R.Hess
VDT.ZIP Screen expander, hiercl group mgr., graphic disk manager
WIDGETS.ZIP Source Shows How To Animate Bmp's For Window
WINCAP.ZIP Code from MS on working with bitmaps (capture to file)
WINFIRE.ZIP Fire routine for Windows by Jare of Iguana - WinG (C)
WINGEE.ZIP fast WinG blitting - see, MSVC 1.5 (C++)
WINPOOL.ZIP Source To Windows 3.0 Pool Graphic Demo
WINSCRP.ZIP WindowScraper This program is an OLE 2 Automation enabled terminal emulator. WindowScraper enables a developer to quickly and easily develop Microsoft Windows graphical interfaces to character based applications which are running on a remote host. Regardless of what host your character applications runs on,
VLIBBC.ZIP Windows graphics library (for SDK or BCC)
WXWIN140.ZIP wxWindows v1.40; Free C++ GUI toolkit for Motif, Open Look and Windows 3.1! wxWindows is a toolkit for developing Windows 3 and applications from the same body of C++ code. Use PKUNZIP -d option (stored directories)
WXWINDEM.ZIP Portable GUI toolkit for x and windows

Microsoft Foundation classes files

CSTR22.ZIP String Studio 2.02 is a MFC 2.5 CString extension with over 110 new routines to dramatically reduce the development times.
CSTR30.ZIP String Studio 3.0 is a MFC >=2.x CString extension with about 150 routines to dramatically reduce the development times. For Win16 and Win32.
MFC-BC.ZIP How to compile the microsoft foundation classes with bc 3.1
MFCVBX.ZIP This sample demonstrates how to write a VBX control using MFC 2.0. This sample uses _USRDLL. This enables this sample to be used used by MFC and VB applications. Using _AFXDLL will restrict this sample to be used only by MFC applications.

Windows MDI programming files

BLANDMDI.ZIP Examples (in C) of a Mimimal MDI Application
CHILDCTL.ZIP MDI Example: Placing controls on multiple child windows.
CHNGICON.ZIP Changing the title of an icon in an MDI app (setwindowtext)
MAKEMDI2.ZIP MDI adaptation of the makeapp application template
MDI.ZIP TPW: tabbing between controls in MDI child window
MDI_KB.ZIP Handle virtual keys in an MDI app, tabs, f1 etc...
MDIACTIV.ZIP Find the active window in an MDI app, iterate child windows
MDISPLSH.ZIP Background bitmap for MDI client area
MDITBAR.ZIP Example of a toolbar in a windows 3.1 mdi app.
MULTIPAD.ZIP Demonstrates an MDI application with edit control

Windows tutorials, documents and specifications

COMMDLL.ZIP MS specifications for WINDOWS 3.1 common dialogue with C\C++ 7.0 source.
DRDOBBS.ZIP Info on the internal structure of window .HLP files
EXCEPT.ZIP Windows NT - exception handling example
GAMESUM.ZIP MS Win Game SDK preliminary docs & backgrounder (RTF & Word)
GHTOS395.ZIP A Glossary How To Source 3/95 - source files These are the source files for A Glossary How To, a tutorial for people doing help files and electronic documents for WinHelp (the Windows Help engine). This will only be of use if you already have the real thing (archived under, hopefully with keywords very similar to the ones of this one).
GPFAULT.ZIP Discussion of General Protection Faults
HELPINFO.ZIP Creating Windows Help Files by T.Kahn The Microsoft Windows Help Complier can be a difficult program to understand at least I know I found it so. That's why I created HELPINFO.ZIP. The information presented here encompasses much of what I've learned over the last six months while writing the Help file for our Visual Basic program. While some of the information is specific to VB the vast majority is applicable to all Help file developers.
HWA11.ZIP HWA (Help Writer's Assistant), a visual help authoring package
META2.ZIP A Discussion of Metafiles
ODBC.ZIP ODBC interface documentation
SD94ANIM.ZIP MS Tech Note On Windows Animation techniques (lots src)
SRCHLP.ZIP Help Files & Examples on how to make Good Windows .HLP Files.
T-BCINFO.ZIP Misc Tips/Tricks for TurboC
TCPNEWS5.ZIP TCP/IP Newsletter #5 For C/C++, Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, Delphi Developers
UNDOCFCT.ZIP Undocumented Windows/3 calls
UNDOCWIN.ZIP Undocumented Windows information sheet
W21CODE.ZIP Teach yourself windows programming in 21 days, source code
WFWHLP.ZIP Info on Constructing Windows Help Files
WILREF11.ZIP WIL Technical Reference - 1.1 Documentation files for the WIL Windows Interface Language as used in File Commander, Command Post, WinBatch and WinEdit.
WIN2VGA.ZIP From Windows to VGA mode 13h and back - summary
WINAPI3.ZIP WINAPI3.HLP -- is the followup file to WINAPI2.HLP, which is included as baggage in WINAPI3.HLP. Details on how to use Windows API function calls as custom WinHelp macros. Disable/remove the standard WinHelp menu items, play AVI video files, display 256 color bitmaps WITHOUT a DLL, play WAV files, play MIDI files, even play CD audio disks...all from Windows Help with these custom macros using DLLs every user has, plus much more. Written by Paul Arnote, author of MiniHelp Plus v3.21. Freely distr ibute.
WINPROG.ZIP Join a Windows Programming Discussion Magazine
WPJ-MAG.ZIP Calls for Submissions: Win Prog Journal
WPJV1N2.ZIP Issue #2 of the Windows Programmer's Journal
WPJV1N3.ZIP Issue #3 of the Windows Programmer's Journal
WPJV1N7.ZIP Issue #7 of the Windows Programmer's Journal
WSHLP.ZIP Windows Sockets helpfile An Open Interface for Network Programming under Microsoft Windows
WSOCDC.ZIP Windows Sockets API Specs - WinWord 2.0
WSOCHP.ZIP Windows Sockets API Specs - WinHelp 3.1
WSOCKH.ZIP Winsock help (HLP) module
WSOCPS.ZIP Windows Sockets API Specs - Postscript Format
WSOCRT.ZIP Windows Sockets API Specs - RTF Format