Visual Basic VBX tools

The notation 'ASP' indicates the program complies with the
standards of the Association of Shareware Professionals.

VBX_WZRD.ZIP VBX Wizard 2.11 - Control Development Wizard for creation VBX's with Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++, Delphi or Borland Pascal for Windows, Allow simple definition standard and custom properties, standard and custom events and methods without coding. Suport all Visual Basic 3.0 features. VBX Wizard generates a set of help files that are used to provide context-sensitive help of your control(VBX). Also VBX Wizard support licensing for your control.

Visual Basic networking and communication VBX

CSWSK110.ZIP SocketWrench/VB 1.1 Windows Sockets Custom Control SocketWrench/VB is a custom control which allows Visual Basic developers to program against the Windows Sockets API. It supports the TCP and UDP protocols, both blocking and non-blocking modes, and the same control can be used to build both client and server applications. For those systems that may not have a Windows Sockets library, a loopback library has been included which can be used to simulate a network connection. In addition, the package also includes documentation in Word 6 format and a number of sample programs. A tutorial has also been included for those programmers not familiar with TCP/IP or sockets programming in general.
DSSK113.ZIP DsSocket v1.113 (DEMO) VBX for TCP/IP communications using Winsock. Client and/or Server connections. Online help file included.
EASYNE.ZIP EASYNET Custom Control for Visual Basic EasyNet is a "vbx" (Visual basic Custom Control) which allows to develop QUICKLY an application that needs to manage a network diagram (workflow, data base diagram, organigrams, communication networks, state transition diagrams, etc...)
EZNET.ZIP EASYNET/OCX EasyNet/OCX is a custom control which allows to develop QUICKLY an application that needs to manage a network diagram (workflow, data base diagram, organigrams, communication networks, state transition diagrams, etc...)
FSSOCK11.ZIP Windows Socket Custom Control FSSocket is a Visual Basic Custom Control that provides communications for your application by allowing the transmission and reception of data through the winsock dynamic link library.
IPP_111N.ZIP VBX for connecting to TCP/IP services on a network
PIZVBX.ZIP Pizazz 1.60 VBX New version of five star rated VBX. Picture and icon properties greatly expanded, new icon alignment, icon clicked and disabled properties, more. New install routine, easy registration activation, bonus textures and programs included, context sensitive help. Other features: background, border, and drop shadow gradients, flicker free animation, *many* button styles & 3D effects & much more. Only 31K size!
UDP_101N.ZIP UDPPort control is used for (datagram) communications (TCP/IP)
VBCOMM20.ZIP Communications Control for Visual Basic
VBSOCK11.ZIP Visual Basic Sock Custom Control. (Create applictaions such as WinSock.) (VBX)
VBWSK03A.ZIP VBWsk - Winsock Custom Control The Winsock custom control provides access to the Windows Sockets network programming API.
WSANET8A.ZIP WSANet.VBX v1.08a Windows Sockets Networking Visual Basic Control
VTSOCKET.ZIP VTSocket - Windows Socket Control for Visual Basic and Visual C++ Version 1.0i

Visual Basic time and date VBX

ALARM13.ZIP Alarm Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> This control lets you set an alarm (or multiple alarms) to go off at a particular time(s). An event is fired at the appropriate time. You can easily specify times such as: 10:45pm, every hour on the hour, every ten minutes, etc.
ASSOC.ZIP Timer Visual Basic custom control.
DATETIME.ZIP Date/Time Edit Control
HITIME11.ZIP High Resolution Timer (VBX) <ASP> This is a high resolution timer custom control for Visual Basic. It allows you to have timer events come in nearly every millisecond, as opposed to every 55 milliseconds with the normal Visual Basic Timer control.
VBCAL.ZIP Calendar.vbx: pop-up calendar
VBCALNDR.ZIP Calendar Control for VB3.0 and 4.0

Visual Basic graphics VBX

256VBCOL.ZIP 256 colors in a visual basic picture box control
CONTAINR.ZIP A vbx for storing and retrieving bitmaps in vb programs
DBHOTS.ZIP The DBHots control is used to create invisible, clickable areas typically located above certain regions of an underlying picture.
GIFBOX.ZIP GIFBOX.VBX Visual Basic Custom Control GIFBOX: .GIF .VBX to size .gif file and put on screen. w/docs.
GOLDIE2.ZIP A demo showing an example of uses for the picclip.vbx
GVVBX.ZIP Great graphics viewer VBX that handles JPEG, GIF.......
ITGRAPH.ZIP The ITGraph(tm) Custom Control allows you to easily add graph drawing capabilties to your applications.
PICBTN11.ZIP Picture Button Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> This custom control for Visual Basic is a command button that has both text and a picture on it. The picture can be scaled and placed above, below, to the right, or to the left of the text. The text may be multi-line.
TWCTLS.ZIP ThemeWare's custom controls use resources directly from DLLs. The normal Picture or Caption property is replaced by a PictureID or CaptionID. This ID specifies the file containing the resources, the resource type and the resource number or name. When you set the ID, the control retrieves the picture or caption resource from the DLL and displays it. You can set IDs at design or runtime.
WINFLIC.ZIP WinFlic V1.1, a windows FLI/FLC player for Visual Basic.

Visual Basic listboxes

BLIST.ZIP Big List Box Control - BLIST.VBX - Version 1.00.27
BMPLST.ZIP List Box with Bitmaps Control (VBX) <ASP> This control is a list box with bitmaps. The bitmaps can be placed on any side of the text (top, bottom, right, left).
GTLIST.ZIP GT Tabbed List Box Custom Control
HIERLB.ZIP Hierarchical Listbox contained in a VBX
MLIST110.ZIP Mlistbox.vbx is a custom control for microsoft visual basic Which provides support for extended- and multiple-selection Listboxes as well as the standard single-selection listboxes That are built into Visual Basic.
MLIST4.ZIP Multi-Purpose List Box Control for Visual Basic 3.0
TLSTVBX2.ZIP Gt tabbed list box custom control

Visual Basic file and disc VBX

ADVCTRL.ZIP Advanced Control Library The Advanced Control Library provides Microsoft Visual Basic Applications with the System Disk Information.
DFINFO.ZIP Disk and File Info Control (VBX) <ASP> This control gives you disk and file information that VB doesn't provide (including the drive's serial number). It also allows you to change some aspects of a file (attributes, size, date, time, etc.).
FILEWIZ.ZIP The File Wizard is a Visual Basic Custom Control that allows Drag and Drop from the File Manager to your VB Application. Visual Basic VBX files
FMDROP12.ZIP File Mgr Drag and Drop Control (VBX) <ASP> This custom control (VBX) notifies you when a file has been dragged and dropped from the Windows File Manager (FILEMAN).
INICON32.ZIP INI File Manager Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> Visual Basic custom control that makes INI file access simple. No Windows API calls required.
VBIO.ZIP A Visual Basic Custom Control for accessing And changing disk and file-data
VER10.ZIP Version Info/File Install VBX <ASP> Ver lets you use the functionality of VER.DLL through properties. It makes getting version info from a file (EXE, DLL, VBX, etc.) very easy. Ver also gives you installation functionality. Included with this control is a sample installation/setup utility.
ZIPINF12.ZIP ZIP File Info Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> This control lets you find out about the contents of a ZIP file. Access to this information is purely through properties.

Visual Basic gauges, meters and instruments VBX

3DMETR.ZIP 3DMETER.BAS is a "plug-in" code module for Visual Basic for Windows that produces a 3D meter capable of 3 separate 3D effects and various colors that eliminates the need for METER.VBX. c++, and delphi. properties are included to control. a highly customizable angular gauge OR METER VBX FOR USE IN VISUAL BASIC, VISUAL c++, and delphi. properties are included to modify the gauge's scales, tics, needles, annulars, captions, fonts, border, background, bevels, frame, and hubs. allows multip le scales and needles.
AIRVB25.ZIP Aircraft Instruments VBX V2.5 <ASP> - Aircraft Instrument Custom Control (VBX) This control displays a variety of small aircraft flight instruments for use in Visual Basic, Visual C++, or Delphi. Instruments include compass, heading indicator, altimeter, vertical speed indicator, airspeed indicator, HSI, artificial horizon, turn coordinator, RMI, ADF, and OBI. Global Majic Software, Inc. P.O. Box 322, Madison, AL USA 35758
CARGAUGE.ZIP This control creates various automobile gauges
CARVB25.ZIP Car25.vbx Automobile Instruments VBX <ASP> - The CarGauge Control (V2.5) is a suite of automobile dash instruments for use in Visual Basic, Visual C++, or Delphi. Instruments include speedometer, tachometer, water temperature, fuel gauge, oil pressure, and voltmeter. Properties are provided to modify gauge scales, tics, danger and warning areas, border and background.
LED11.ZIP LED Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> Visual Basic custom control that behaves like an LED. 3-D effects and colors are all user-definable.
LEDDSP12.ZIP LEDDISP 1.2 VBX Digital LED Display <ASP> Instantiate the Microwave Metaphor! This Visual Basic Custom Control simulates a multi-digit seven-segment LED display. Colors, number of digits and other attributes are all user definable. V1.2 includes plain & italic digits, supports Visual C++ and other class 1 environments. Integrated design-time help file included. of shapes. user-supplied bitmaps may also be led custom control interface for use with visual basic, visual c++, and delphi. t he user can configure many leds with a variety of shapes. user-supplied bitmaps may also be used to define and led's appearance. horizontal or vertical arrays of leds may be used to display meter levels or dip switch settings. the mouse can be used for input
LGAVB25.ZIP Lgauge linear gauge custom control vbx v2.5 - a versatile (generic) linear gauge custom control which may be used as a slider or meter indicator for use in visual basic, visual c++, and delphi. the pointer can be configured to display a discrete value or a range. multiple scales and pointers can be incorporated in a single instrument to indicate multiple values or max/min values. the mouse works as an optional input device.
MSSTAT.ZIP Status Bar Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> Status bar VBX for Visual Basic. This control displays a multi-element status bar on the bottom of your form. It automatically handles the NumLock, CapsLock, ScrollLock, and Insert key indicators. It also displays times/dates in International and programmer defined formats.
ODOMVB25.ZIP Odometer v2.50 <ASP> - The Odometer Custom Control VBX provides a numeric display similar to an automobile's odometer or tripometer for use with Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Delphi. The font, number of digits, colors, number of decimals and reset button are user-definable. The control includes bevels for a 3D appearance. Global Majic Software, Inc. (GMS) P.O. Box 322 Madison AL USA 35758
PERCNT26.ZIP Percentage Bar Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> Visual basic custom control that displays a percentage bar. Makes status reporting very simple. 3-D effects, fonts and colors are all user-definable.
PRCTVB25.ZIP PCTVBX25 v2.50 <ASP> - Versatile percentage bar custom control used to indicate a level or progress meter for use with Visual Basic, Visual C++, or Delphi. Properties are provided to select orientation, direction, style (linear or radial fill), shape, colors, bitmaps, fonts, and bevels. The percent level can be set directly by the percent property or indirectly by allowing the control to calculate percent for you.
SLIDVB25.ZIP Slider25 v2.50 <ASP> - The Slider Custom Control is a versatile input/output control to allow the user to create sliders, gauges, meters, etc. that incorporate a sliding mechanism (for use with Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Delphi). The control includes properties to change the On/Off characteristics of the sliding bar, the background, tic marks, the knob handle, direction and orientation.

Various Visual Basic VBX controls

3CTRLS.ZIP VideoSoft Custom Controls Library
3D.ZIP Demo of how to do 3D without a VBX
3DCTRL.ZIP 3D control
4FREEVBX.ZIP Design mode control
ABOUTMGC.ZIP About box help VBX
ATX_PA.ZIP Multiple font textbox control for Visual Basic
BARCOD15.ZIP Bar Code Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> BarCod makes bar code display really easy. Just pick the orientation, set the size, and pick the bar code style. Then, set the text to whatever you want the bars to be. Nothing else to do!
BINVBX.ZIP Binvbx by Garry J. Vass. A VBX control that implements the Binomial (Cox- Ross-Rubenstein) Method for the valuation of equit options. Requires VB3.
BLASTER.ZIP The Message Blaster Custom Control Modifications controls for Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) for Pen Computing.
CALC.ZIP CALC.VBX is a Calculator VBX for Visual Basic
CANIMATE.ZIP Animation Custom Control
CAPBAR.ZIP CAPBAR.VBX Custom Control. CAPBAR.VBX is a Visual Basic custom control that allows your VB application to place a toolbar on the caption bar of any window. This toolbar will only be displayed on the
CLAK20.ZIP Menu help custom control for Visual Basic.
CLEAN11.ZIP CLEANUP 1.0 VBX Design-Mode Tool <ASP> Just drop this custom control into your project and automatically minimize the windows of every non-VB application running (except VBAssist). This Visual Basic Custom Control appends a Cleanup! menu item to VB's main menu, A VB programmer's dream come true.
COOLTOOL.ZIP This is MIDI CoolTools, MIDI custom controls
CTDEMO.ZIP Component Toolbox 2.5 (Professional Edition) Jan. 96 Demo The Component Toolbox is a series of 31 general purpose VBX controls. The following demo should give you a good idea of what the controls are capable of.
DB2STFF.ZIP DB freeware VBXs for dbpush,dbappmon,dbttip,dbhots
DBPUSH15.ZIP Push button control. Emulates the 3D command button.
EASYNET.ZIP Custom Control that allows you to draw network diagrams
EME.ZIP Early Morning Editor Control is a text editor control
EMED16B.ZIP The Early Morning Visual Basic Editor Control Version 1.6
EXPVBX22.ZIP Numerical expression parser/evaluator
FLABEL10.ZIP Formatted Label Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> FLabel is a label control that lets you format the text within it. You can have different fonts, different colors, multiple paragraphs, paragraph formatting, etc. Using properties, you can print your text. All this and it's bound, too.
FLD2_16.ZIP FOLDERS-II v1.6 [Public Domain] Use Folders in your VisualBasic programs. No VBX!. Three tab styles!, overlapped tabs!, color tabs! and much more! By Antonio Cordero.
GLBEDIT.ZIP GLBEDIT: Raises Text Size Limit for Edit Controls
GTTBAR.ZIP GT Toolbar Kit v1.0
HUGEAR10.ZIP HugeArray VBX, Version 1.0 This is a custom control suitable for use with such programming languages as VB, VC++ and Delphi. It allows programmers to use 'huge' arrays (>64K in size) without resorting to the intricacies of the Windows API.
HYPERVB.ZIP HyperVB v1.2, developed by Data Preference, will enable you to create multi-font formatted text boxes and hypertext links within your own Visual Basic applications. HyperVB is an ideal choice for multimedia, kiosk, and database applications that require formatted text and/or hypertext. HyperVB is built from standard Visual Basic controls and code modules - no 3rd-party VBXs or DLLs are needed.
IOVBX.ZIP Iovbx is a VB custom control to read and write to I/O ports.
IPPORT09.ZIP IPPort Control
JOYSTK13.ZIP Joy Stick Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> JoyStk gives joystick information (movement, buttons) for your programs. It supports two joysticks, one 4-button joystick or one 3-D joystick.
JS3PAK20.ZIP JS3PAK - IniCon,PerCnt,DFInfo VBXs <ASP> This package contains three custom controls: IniCon, PerCnt, and DFInfo. IniCon handles INI file access. PerCnt puts a percentage bar on your form (easy status bars!). DFInfo gets and sets various pieces of information concerning disks and files. Free control (SoundX) upon registration. use in visual basic, visual c++, or delphi. highly customizable knob or dial control for use in visual basic, visual c++, or delphi. properties are provided to mo dify knob style, mark, scale, tics, annulars, captions, border and background. the mouse may optionally be used to change knob values. additionally, there are snap and multiturn functions. global majic software, inc.
MDIDMO.ZIP VB Source for MDI Background/Hidden Child Demo A demo (w/ source) of painting the background on MDIForms. Also, how to "hide" MDI children. Two methods, with and without subclassing. Subclassing control MSGBLAST.VBX included. See the comments in MDIDEMO.BAS for usage and contact information. Written by Karl Peterson.
MDIFX11.ZIP MDI Form Effect Control Version 1.1. Replaces MDIFX.ZIP This file contains the MDI Effect Control. It allows you to change the background of an MDI parent form.
MENUEV.ZIP Menu Event Notification Control (VBX) <ASP> MenuEv provides menu selection notification. In other words, it tells you when the user has selected a menu item. This is really useful for status bar-style help. MenuEv is really easy to use. All you need to do is place it on your form. Events start coming in automatically. MenuEv will even automatically update another control with the selected menu item's text.
MHCTL.ZIP Get a menu's control handle in a custom control
MHFS200.ZIP MhFormScroll allows controls to be scrolled on a VB form.
MSLOT12.ZIP W4Wg Mailslot Control (VBX) <ASP> Visual Basic custom control that makes mailslot use simple. No Windows API calls required. Requires Windows for Workgroups. One dozen of Mabry Software's most popular custom controls for Visual Basic.
MSMEGA10.ZIP Mabry Software Mega Pack (VBXes) <ASP> One dozen of Mabry Software's most popular custom controls for Visual Basic. Includes Alarm, BarCod, BmpLst, DFInfo, FMDrop, IniCon, JoyStk, MenuEv, PerCnt, RoText, SoundX, and ZipInf VBXes.
MTEXT118.ZIP MultiText 1.18 - font/style/color text VBX (Visual Basic)
NETC_13N.ZIP NetCode VBX, encode or decode files or strings. UUEncode, MIME's Base64 and Quoted-Printable formats are supported
NOBOOT10.ZIP Ctrl-Alt-Del Disabler Control (VBX) <ASP> Allows the programmer to enable or disable Ctrl-Alt-Del from VB code. Free.
OPENDL.ZIP A custom control which encapsulates the Common Dialog Open and Save As dialogs which come with Windows 3.1
OXBTN1.ZIP Enchanced Command button control. (VBX)
PARAM10.ZIP Parameter Control Version 1.1 The file contains the VisualWare Parameter Control. This control allows you to exchange data with a form and to notify a form of events. The file contains the VisualWare Parameter Control. This control allows you to exchange data with a form and to notify a form of events.
POKER113.ZIP Physical memory access VBX
PORTZ10.ZIP Computer I/O port VBX
PROBE11.ZIP Control Probe/Debug Control (VBX) <ASP> This VBX lets you examine and modify other controls' properties at run-time. After telling Probe the name of another control, Probe will give you a list of the properties in that control. Probe can also display a dialog box that will let you modify other controls' properties (at run-time).
PROMPT11.ZIP Prompt VB Control allows users command-line input
QUOTEZ11.ZIP Quotez VBX, Version 1.1 This is a custom control suitable for use with such programming languages as VB, VC++ and Delphi. It selects random witty quotations from a customisable data file (initially containing 409 such quotations), thus providing a 'cookie jar' or 'quote of the day' facility for applications.
ROTEXT20.ZIP Rotated Label Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> RoText lets you put a label on your form at any angle of rotation.
SELVB25.ZIP Select25 v2.50 <ASP> - The Selector Control is a knob style control that can be used to choose between discrete options. It is intended for use with Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Delphi. It can be used as a replacement for option buttons and provides the user with an easy-to-use and intuitive mouse input device. Global Majic Software, Inc. P.O. Box 322, Madison, AL USA 35758
SIZER.ZIP Size Master Control (Sizer) for limiting the size and shape for any of your forms.
SORTZ10.ZIP Sortz VBX, Version 1.0 This is a custom control suitable for use with such programming languages as VB, VC++ and Delphi. It provides an efficient sort engine for numeric and string data and can work with 'huge' arrays (>64K).
SOUNDX14.ZIP Soundex and Metaphone Control (VBX) <ASP> This control provides Soundex and Metaphone algorithms. Soundex and Metaphone convert words or names to codes that represent how they "sound". This can be really useful in a database application where users need to find names they may not know how to spell exactly.
TABBED21.ZIP Tabbed Dialog Box custom controls
TABDLG3.ZIP TabDlg is a custom control to implement Word 6.0 style tabs in a dialog box
TBAR15.ZIP TBAR - is a custom control for implementing industry standard toolbars in Visual Basic.You can design, define, and implement the behavior of your toolbar without writing any code.
TBMSGWIZ.ZIP TBMsgBox is a functional replacement for VB 4.0's Msgbox. Features include the ability to customize the message, changing captions, fonts and icons. Hundreds of users.
TIPS11.ZIP Tool Tips Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> Tips provides Microsoft(r) style tool tips. Small windows pop-up with bits of info when the user pauses the mouse over your controls. No code required, just set the Tag properties.
TLC20_SW.ZIP The Templar List Collection v2.0 The Templar List Collection provides the Visual Programmer with a powerful set of list and tree controls to manipulate, query, and display user data. The List Collection is currently comprised of nine controls. There are seven displayable controls (CTree, EnhList, ImageBag, StyleBag, TabRas,TSTree, and TSLabel) and two hidden controls (MTree and LParse).
TOGVB25.ZIP Toggle25 v2.50 <ASP> - The Toggle switch control is a TRUE/FALSE, YES/NO, or ON/OFF indicator for use with Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Delphi. It displays captions or pictures to represent the toggle state. It is capable of playing wave files to indicate the switch turning on or off. It includes bevels for a 3D appearance and blinking capability to draw attention to the control. It also has a built-in shut-off capability.
V8255.ZIP The PPI8255.VBX provides the Visual Basic developer with an easy-to-use Custom Control (VBX) interface to Intel's 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) integrated circuit. Using this VBX programmer's can directly manipulate up to 24 digital input/output lines on any available 8255 PPI chip.
WAVE10.ZIP WAV File Playing/Info Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> This control makes it easy for you to play and get information about WAV files. Play WAV files in the background as your program performs other tasks; add recorded speech to your applications; put beeps, whistles, and laser sounds into your games. Wave VBX makes all of this very straight-forward. Set the Filename property and tell it to go. That's it.
VB3D.ZIP 3D controls
VB4CTRLS.ZIP Design-mode custom controls
VBAWK.ZIP Vbx file that simplifies parsing of text files
VBBUDDY.ZIP VB Buddy is a toolbar that enhances the Visual Basic 3.0 for Windows design environment. Alt+Tab equivalent, Block Comment & Indent, Window Manager, etc.
VBCLOCK.ZIP VBClock v1.0 for VB 3.0/4.0
VBCTL3D.ZIP 3-D look and feel control
VBMIDI.ZIP Midi Control V1.0 The midi control gives you the power to develop MIDI software with Microsoft Visual Basic. It has the possibilities to send and receive ordinary midi messages as well as sending and receiving system exclusive data.
VBPTCC.ZIP Proffesional Toolkit Control Center for Visual Basic The Professional Toolkit Control Center was developed to provide an efficient way of adding the Microsoft Professional Toolkit Custom Controls to Microsoft Visual Basic.
VBSCHED.ZIP VB Scheduler for visual basic 3.0/4.0
VBSLIDER.ZIP VBSlider v1.0 for Visual Basic 3.0/4.0, slide-bar controls
VBTOL2.ZIP Drag and Drop Calculator
VBTOOL20.ZIP ToolButton is a custom control for Visual Basic that supports command and attribute buttons in toolbars. You can use the standard button images supplied, and/or you can "roll your own". A second custom control, ContextHelp, is bundled with ToolButton to facilitate implementation of "point and click" style context-sensitive help.
VBX2GM.ZIP Help's you to create VBX's
VBXOVR20.ZIP VBX Studio 2.0 - Complete description VBX Studio 2.0 includes 22 Visual Basic controls (VBXs) you may use with Visual Basic, Visual C++, Borland C++, Borland Delphi (they are VB 1.0 compatible)... We provide these numerous controls for 2 main reasons: First, they improve your applications interface, then, they dramatically reduce the amount of necessary code for today's programs. VBX Studio also includes classes and DDX/DDV routines for Visual C++/MFC. As a conclusion, all the controls work fine under Windows 95 and they may be useful to port your Win32 applications to Windows 3.x.
VBXPRS.ZIP Numerous VBX'es for Visual Basic. (VBX)
VBXSTD20.ZIP VBX Studio 2.0, 22 general purpose VBXs (VB 1.0 compatible) with a free VBX. Works fine under Windows 95............. See VBXOVR20.ZIP for complete overview.
VCONTROL.ZIP VControl - allows programmers to backup revisions of code automatically. Also includes other small programs to simulate version control software.
WP_DEMO.ZIP ALLTEXT - Multiple Font and Color Text Box Control Which provides support for extended- and multiple-selection Listboxes as well as the standard single-selection listboxes That are built into Visual Basic. Dynamic feedback to the VB programmer, primarily in the Context of providing a status bar for the user. Code Librarian for managing reusable code; ClipBoard File Manager saves Clipboard text for Search/retrieval; buttonbar access to exe, hlp document, Vbx and mak files; handle list displays wi ndow information; SpyMode shows window details! Elegant, efficient with *small* Footprint, smart help and total configurability. Contains common module (BAS) file for Use in your programs. module 1 (common01.bas) contains Apprunning, centerform, centermdichild, cutcopypaste, Getapppath, readini, sele
VSVBX.ZIP VSVBX Visual Basic Custom Control The VideoSoft Elastic control is a versatile smart container. It can save you hundreds of lines of VB code by allowing you to Automatically resize the Elastic. The VideoSoft IndexTab control allows you to group controls by subject, using the notebook metaphor that has become a Windows standard. The VideoSoft Awk control allows you to quickly scan and parse text files. It is the ideal tool for doing simple data manipulation changing its format, checking its va lidity, retrieving items, generating reports, and the like without having to write a lot of code to scan and parse files.
VSVIEW.ZIP Welcome to VSVIEW 1.0, a VideoSoft Custom Control Library. VSVIEW contains four custom controls designed to save you from writing tedious, repetitive, error-prone code. The controls are innovative and efficient. *vsInFormCustomize forms and controls, monitor the clipboard, drag and drop files from the File Manager. *vsPrinterPrint files, text, graphics, and tables with automatic word wrap, headers and footers, multiple columns, and previewing. *vsViewPortFit more controls on your windows with vi rtual scrollable areas. *vsDrawCreate complex images, view them on the screen, copy them to the clipboard, and print them.
XCEEDZIP.ZIP Xceed Zip Compression Library - Free Trial Version 2.1 This package contains both the Delphi VCL and the Visual Basic VBX.
XLABEL.ZIP XLabel 2.2 An extended label control for use with Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows. *rotated TrueType fonts at any angle *shadowed text for 3-D effects *both horizontal and vertical alignment *Bitmap pictures with multiple styles *Bevel properties for 3-D borders