Visual Basic programming files

The notation 'ASP' indicates the program complies with the
standards of the Association of Shareware Professionals.

Visual Basic Runtime libraries

VB40032.ZIP VB40032.DLL Visual basic runtime library
VBRUN200.ZIP VBRUN200.DLL Visual basic runtime library
VBRUN300.ZIP VBRUN300.DLL Visual basic runtime library

Visual Basic help/info files

67.ZIP How to set tab stops in a visual basic list box
BV1.ZIP Basically Visual Magazine., issue #1
BV2.ZIP Basically Visual Magazine., issue #2
CLBV9501.ZIP Comp.lang.basic.visual.* digest (clbv digest)
CLBV9502.ZIP Comp.lang.basic.visual.* digest (clbv digest)
CLBV9503.ZIP Comp.lang.basic.visual.* digest (clbv digest)
CLBV9504.ZIP Comp.lang.basic.visual.* digest (clbv digest)
CLBV9505.ZIP Comp.lang.basic.visual.* digest (clbv digest)
DCAPS.ZIP How to use GetDeviceCaps within VB.
SYSMENY.ZIP How to remove items from the System menu
W31API.ZIP Windows 3.1 api declarations for visual basic
VBA_BKMA.ZIP Collection of 30+ most used API functions for VBA(Access, Visual Basic etc)
VBFAQ1.ZIP FAQ: (1/95) comp.lang.basic.visual.* General
VBFAQ2.ZIP FAQ: (6/94) comp.lang.basic.visual.* VB/DOS
VBFAQ3.ZIP FAQ: (3/95) comp.lang.basic.visual.* VB/Win
VBHELP10.ZIP Visual Basic Tips & Tricks v1.0 help file
VB-TIPS.ZIP Tips for visual basic
VBTT.ZIP Visual Basic Tips & Tricks 94/95
VBU22.ZIP Txt list of known public domain and shareware vb prods
VBXTRW95.ZIP VBxtras Catalog, Winter 1995 Edition
VBZ01.ZIP VBZ 01 - Visual Basic programming journal (WinHelp) Greetings! Here is the long awaited first issue of VBZ. Some of you didn't know you were waiting for it but it also includes updated versions of DLLs that you were waiting for. VBZ is an electronic journal in the form of a Windows HELP file. To install the file simply add the file VBZ01.HLP to a Program Manager group. I have included the VBZ.ICO file that you can associate with the file for identification. This is the icon that will be displaye d when the help system is minimized. We are happy to implement a setup program
WINAPI.ZIP Windows 3.0 api declarations for visual basic
WSBAS.ZIP This file contains definitions and declarations for the WinSock V1.1 library.

Visual Basic sourcecode

AA_ARRAY.ZIP Aa-array.dll v1.0-extended arrays for vb. manages the creation, accessing, saving to and restoring from disk of arrays with up to 4 Gigs elements and >64K of VB strings. No VB imposed limits. Fast. Arrays can be: Integer, Long, Single, Double, Currency, or String. In the registered version arrays can be of User defined types. From AA-Software International. $30.00
ADVAPP.ZIP Advanced Disk Library
ALTVB10B.ZIP Assembly Language Toolbox for VB.
BASCDE12.ZIP BasCode Version 1.2 For Windows
BC_CDK.ZIP Using borland C++ ide with the microsoft visual basic control development kit (cdk)
BIBLIO.ZIP Biblio (.MDB) Browser v1.0
BIGFOOT.ZIP Bigfoot - large file viewer
BIN2MEM.ZIP Store large chunks of binary data in memory
BMPFILL.ZIP Fill a form with a bitmap
BSTRCW12.ZIP BasStruc Version 1.2 For Windows, Sourcecode formater/printer
BTDEMO1.ZIP ButtonTool Demo
BUP.ZIP A small visual basic example program that leaves Backup messages
BUTMSTR2.ZIP Butt(n)Meister allows you to easily Create & Maintain efficient rectangular (Vertical/Horizontal) Button-Bars and Floating Tool Pallette for your VB Applications; or other Windows development Tools/Compilers. The samples projects are limited to VB because that is what I use most for my application UIs.
CALENDAR.ZIP Calendar routines
CLIPEXAM.ZIP Clipexam - show how to use api calls to clip cursor to windows/rectangles
CMDLG2.ZIP Printer routines
CODERECY.ZIP VB Code Recycler is a powerful yet easy to use code library designer
COLORS.ZIP Visual Basic Color Calculator
COMMDEMO.ZIP Programming Examples in Windows
CRDDEMO.ZIP Credit card charge ver 2.1 demo
CRYPT.ZIP App to store encrypted passwords in an INI-file
CURSOR.ZIP Cursor modifications routines
CUSTPROP.ZIP Custom Properties for VB Controls and Forms
DATAEX.ZIP How to use the database engine in Visual Basic 3
DDD95.ZIP DDD-FX95 What DDD-FX95 can do for your application: *Create faded forms in various gradient colors... *Give your application that professional 3D chiseled appearance, yet make it easy to distribute leaving behind those weighty .VBX and .OCX controls.. *Create exploding forms... *Create progress 3D meters, 3D spin buttons, 3D frames, 3D text, and much, much more with the ease of calling a subroutine!!! *Make any control 3D...indented or raised!!! *Get rid of the plain ordinary check box and optio n button and *use DDD's enhanced Check Box and Option Button! *Best of all, it's 100% pure VB source code and you can have it!
DDRVPREV.ZIP DDRV Print Preview v2.1 - shareware
DIALGJB2.ZIP DIALOGJB v. 2.0 <ASP> Simple Visual Basic for Windows code which opens a Common Dialog box like that which comes with the COMMDLG.DLL and various VBX's. Gives you freedom to place it where you want on screen; add colors, bitmaps, and other controls. Most importantly, it takes up a lot less space and adds speed because it does not need any add- on DLL, OCX, or VBX files. Free. From James Bair.
DIJKSTRA.ZIP Dijkstra-algorithm in basic
DSKINF.ZIP Discinfo source
ENCRYPT.ZIP Routines for storing encrypted passwords in INI-files
ENUMFONT.ZIP Make visual basic call win api fn enumfonts
FDLG32.ZIP 32-Bit File Dialog APIs Sample project by David Warren
FILEBOX.ZIP FILEBOX demonstrates how to fake a Windows style file-open box from within VB.
FILEXIST.ZIP Checks 'filename$' to find wether the filename given ' exists.
FINDFILE.ZIP Finds a file in the subdirs under srcPath
FORMPOS.ZIP Two routines for loading and saving form position
FRMSCRL.ZIP Helps you to make virtual forms
FXTOOL.ZIP Fxtools/vb(tm) demonstration version
GENLIB.ZIP General-purpose lib Subs and Functions
GETMONEY.ZIP GetMoney - VB3 source code demo for printing a Shareware order form, registration number dialog, nag screens & app customization with registered user's name. Shareware. $5
GV21.ZIP Graphics Viewer Version 2.1
HUGARY.ZIP Huge array support for Microsoft Visual Basic
HUGEGR.ZIP HugeGird Version 1.0, Freeware, Nelson Ford, Illustrates the coding needed to us a huge array in Visual Basic with Grid Control. (FRM, MAK, BAS)
INPOUT.ZIP A complete inp and out replacement for visual basic
INPUT3.ZIP 3D-Vb Input ver 3.0a
INTER.ZIP TCP/IP internet programming examples
KEYCHECK.ZIP Check what codes a key depression sends to VB
KPINI.ZIP Visual Basic source code for .INI file management. A nifty little wrapper module that will do any conceivable alteration of an .INI file -- well nearly. You want to delete a section -- ZAP! Want to interpret T/F entries, no problem! Get all [Section]'s or Entries? Add or remove a "device=" line? It's there. Full Visual Basic Source -- 45 routines in this third release. See the comments in INIFILE.BAS for useage and contact information. "Free is a *very* good price!"
LFNSUP.ZIP This freeware code snippet demonstrates calling API GetVolumeInformation. It was originally written to make sure that files with long names were not written to network drives not supporting long file names. It was enhanced to return all information provided by GetVolumeInformation.
MATHLIB.ZIP MathLib - A Mathematics Library for Visual Basic Gives you functions like erf(x) erfc(x), Asin(x), Acos(x), Atan(x), sinH(x), cosH(x), tanH(x), AsinH(x), AcosH(x), AtanH(x)... in visual Basic
MANYTH31.ZIP Screensaver in VB
MMPPROJ.ZIP Multimedia Example of using the MCI commands under the MME API.
MSGBOX20.ZIP MessGbox Release 2.0 AUTHOR: Louis Collado NEEDS: VBRUN300.DLL, & Windows 3.1 MessGbox is a tiny utility I prepared to help me when creating visual basic applications. The MsgBox command in Visual basic is great for messages and stuff but trying to remember it's properties it's a chore at least. With this utility just browse through all the boxes available with the msgbox command and I can quickly view the default button, return values, get a visual of what the box will look like and auto pa ste the code right onto my project form.
MSMASK.ZIP MsMask Custom Input Control
MULPIK.ZIP Multiple selection listbox for vb
NAMING.ZIP Visual Basic Naming Conventions Cheat Sheet
NOVACOM.ZIP MicroHelp Communications Library Demonstration Program MicroHelp's Communications Library provides the programmer with an easy-to-use interface to the Windows communications services. In addition, the product includes ready-to-run forms used for selecting communications parameters, dialing the phone and selecting files for transfers. Requires VBRUN100.DLL
PCLVBW10.ZIP Personal communications library for VISUAL BASIC / WINDOWS. (PCLVBW10.ZIP) February 1996, Version 1.0, <ASP>. Async comm library supporting COM1-COM20 to 115,200 baud, 4+ ports concurrently, many dumb multiport boards, 16550 UART, interrupt driven, RTS/CTS flow control, any UART address using IRQ2 thru IRQ15. Requires Microsoft Visual BASIC / Win. By MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. $75.
PERMETER.ZIP This is a sample on how to make a percent bar in your VB apps without using third party add ons. This is a basic sample that is designed to get you going.
PRNTLRGE.ZIP Subroutine for printing large text-strings
REFRESH.ZIP Refresh Time(with Source Code).
RW2VB10.ZIP Translates resource workshop rc dialog scripts to visual basic forms
SCROLL.ZIP Scrolling sample
SEARCH.ZIP Find and replace routines in VB
SIMCOMM.ZIP Simple communication example in VB
SIMON.ZIP Game of sound and color memorization (Visual Basic) printing Visual Basic code in a more usable, professional looking format. Prints VB code with headers, footers, margins, and page numbers. Prints procedure headings in bold, comments in italics. Line continuation for long lines. Prints user-selected procedures from each file. Prints index. Shareware.
SPSOUN.ZIP Low Level I/O port Based sound routines
SRCPRI11.ZIP SourcePrinter version 1.10 is a utility for printing Visual Basic code in a more usable, professional looking format. Prints VB code with headers, footers, margins, and page numbers. Prints procedure headings in bold, comments in italics. Line continuation for long lines. Prints user-selected procedures from each file. Prints index. Shareware.
T4DIBLIB.ZIP This is a demo of the "T4 DIB Library", a new method for loading images into any control that supports either the VB "LoadPicture" function, or can accept an "hDib" as image input.
TASKBR.ZIP This sample application demonstrates general procedures for installing and maintaining an icon in the Win95 toolbar tray from a VB3 program using CALL32.DLL to thunk the necessary 32-bit calls. Requires that CALL32.DLL be present in order to work properly.
TBOX100.ZIP Visual Basic Toolbox demo with mini title bar
TOPSOURC.ZIP Spinning Top Screen Saver
TTSETUP.ZIP Install TT-fonts in Windows
VALDAT.ZIP Validating dates in Visual Basic
VB1.ZIP How to kill a DOS box in VB
VB2SQL.ZIP Visual Basic to DB-Library Interface API
VB3D.ZIP A PD 3D wireframe program made in Visual Basic 3.0. Source code
VBABOUT.ZIP An generic Aboutbox source
VBBAS10.ZIP Visual Basic Module Files v1.0 - Contains common module (BAS) file for use in your programs. Module 1 (Common01.BAS) Contains AppRunning, CenterForm, CenterMDIChild, CutCopyPaste, GetAppPath, ReadINI, SelectText, WriteINI. FREEWARE! Released by DPM Computer Solutions on 3/30/94.
VBBOOK13.ZIP VB Book v1.3, print booklets to LJ, src & exe
VBCOMDEM.ZIP Communications demo
VBDEMO4.ZIP This is a DEMO routine with source code that will calculate the default printer's lines larger project where I have pages of information to Please use it and have fun. Microsoft should use a routine like this to print the SOURCE code.
VBDEMO7.ZIP Multiple instance Prevention Routines
VBEYES10.ZIP VBEyes is a very simple example on how to create an animated icon that follows the cursor position within windows. VBEyes was written in Visual Basic 3.0.
VBFINDID.ZIP Get/set control id's in visual basic forms
VBHWND.ZIP Support function for getting the hWnd of any control.
VBISAM.ZIP The fastest, smallest, and easiest data manager you can get
VBIT11.ZIP Idbtools 1.1 for visual basic. Powerful routines for string handling formatting, editing, Data management. extremely flexible tables for handling huge Amounts of data in RAM - unique sorting algorithm, fast Searching and a lot more - for VB programmers.
VBIT130.ZIP VBIT 1.30 Visual Basic Invisible Tools: Memory tables, smart / fast sorting Interface to Formula One SS / GRID.VBX Date arithmetic - interest rate bases Copy protection toolkit String and INI-file handling SysInfo / API simplifications File handling routines
VBKNOWLG.ZIP Visual Basic Online Knowledge Base
VBLSTING.ZIP Collection of VB sources
VBMDIXPL.ZIP Generic visual basis mdi-application
VBPRINT.ZIP Vbprint: demonstrates printing in visual basic 2.0
VBPTU10.ZIP VisBasic program testing Unit. Logs test info
VBRC10.ZIP Creates rc dialog scripts from visbasic forms
VBRE150S.ZIP VBRreader
VBSCFIL2.ZIP Fileviewer
VBTBOX.ZIP Demo of a floating toolbox in VB
VBTERM.ZIP VT100-like terminal emulator
VBTOOLS.ZIP MicroHelp VBTools Demonstration Program
WIN95TAB.ZIP Windows 95 Style Tab Controls
WINI2C.ZIP WinIcee v1.0 This Visual Basic I2C driver handles all low level operations of controlling devices attached to an I2C communications bus.
WININI.ZIP Functions for dealing with INI files

Visual Basic for DOS

PCL4VB43.ZIP Personal communications library for visual BASIC (PCL4VB43.ZIP), May 95, Ver 4.3 <ASP>. Async comm library supporting COM1-COM20 to 115,200 baud, 4+ ports concurrently, many dumb multiport boards, 16550 UART, interrupt driven, RTS/CTS flow control, any UART address using IRQ2 thru IRQ15. Supports DOS Visual Basic only. By
PPL4VB20.ZIP PERSONAL PROTOCOL LIBRARY FOR VISUAL BASIC (PPL4VB20.ZIP), October 95, Ver 2.0, <ASP>. PPL4VB is a protocol library supporting XMODEM, XMODEM-CRC, XMODEM-1K, YMODEM, YMODEM-G, and ZMODEM protocols. Requires the Personal Communications Library for Visual BASIC (PCL4VB). By MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. $40.