Index of files/p_misc

7p203upp.exe7856406-25-96Update to 7Plus 2.00 (Only changed files)
7pl215ei.zip3203103-08-947Plus v2.15 for PC (binary only)
7plus200.zip16371206-16-927Plus v2.00 (w src) for binary transfers
7plus210.zip6386804-27-937Plus v2.10 update
96man.txt3011406-25-96Hints for using 9600 bps modems in packet
aprs60.zip141783209-30-94Automatic Packet Reporting System v6.0
arpd.zip4211712-07-94Amateur Radio Packet Door V1.10 for RA/MFJ
ax25.doc6626406-25-96AX.25 protocol specification in ASCII format
bpq408a.zip24983202-04-95G8BPQ Packet Switch with OS/2 beta included
bspi108g.zip4322501-27-94Serial port interface for G8BPQ, by AA1FS
btb.zip4394007-19-92Binary-to-Basic file encoder for packet
estimate.zip1892403-23-91Radio channel thruput estimation
fixaprs.zip178711-23-94Fix APRS v6.0 with proper directory struct
frenchgp.zip26779209-23-94Grapic Packet Documents in French
gp2_101.zip14874108-13-94Grapic Packet for OS/2 - German DOCS
hamcomx.zip9946707-22-94Term Program for PK232 -- speech interface
hispeed.txt2081306-25-96Equip Options - Medium to High-Speed Packet
kmtrm130.zip19249411-06-94KamTerm v1.30 w/g-tor, by N5IAL
liu95bt2.zip82491601-28-95Packet for Windows, beta release 2, by G7LIU
mb1801.zip61710511-05-94W0RLI Packet BBS V18.11
monax25.zip12353810-30-87AX.25 stats collection prog - WB6YMH & NK6K
netconf.arc22715706-25-96ARRL Networking Conference Papers (1988)
network.zip9752007-02-92Packet radio network design hints, rules
npf220a.zip32977906-08-94G8NPF message system v2.20a, reqs BPQ405
npf221e.zip36893207-17-94G8NPF message system v2.21e, reqs BPQ405
npf231b.doc295106-25-96Multi User PMS v2.31b, short description
npf231b.exe36629106-25-96Multi User PMS v2.31b - G8NPF
nts12.arc13320106-25-96Datagram Editor for NTS
nts2qx.zip1956410-26-94AA2QX NTS v1.0 formatter for bpq switch
pakchess.zip3685010-28-92Play Chess over Packet Radio
phack7.zip1113612-25-93Packet radio channel trafic analyzer v7
pk232cmd.lst10049206-25-96PK-232 comman list
pkinit.exe3556806-25-96Send initialization file to TNC
pktmon12.lzh2177706-25-96Receive packets with a simple HAMCOM
serv515c.zip220501-30-95Patch serv.exe - fbb ver. 5.15c, I5SGG
stats.arc10333306-25-96Collect and analyze packet radio trafic
tf23.lzh2087406-25-96The Firmware version 2.3 with DAMA
tf23src.zip12868009-14-93The Firmware 2.3 sources
tf24a.zip3099809-14-93The Firmware v2.4 (10 channels for users)
tf24c27.zip3095609-14-93The Firmware v2.4 (27 channels for BBS's)
tf26_10.lzh1625606-25-96The Firmware v2.6 (10 channels for users)
tfhpn101.zip5208803-05-94The Firmware for HAPN board and PC - HA5DI
tfpcr330.zip6337005-21-93The Firmware PC Resident for KISS TNCs
tnc_pk80.arc1999106-25-96New firmware for PK-80
tsth139.zip17032510-28-94Tsthost v1.39 by IK1GKJ
tsth_137.zip15665409-03-94TstHost v1.37 TNC2 prog w/Host mode
upak20.zip47161802-05-95Packet Term Program V2.0
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