Index of files/arrl

222xvtr.zip44832506-15-93QEX Jul 93 - No Tune 222MHz xvtr by KH6CP
610p1.gif10882106-25-96GIF image -FCC Form 610 P.1
610p2.gif11401006-25-96GIF image -FCC Form 610 P.2
610p3.gif9541606-25-96GIF image -FCC Form 610 P.3
610p4.gif11155806-25-96GIF image -FCC Form 610 P.4
biennew.src1213206-25-96Knwd TS-140 remote dig. display src code
bunn4lta.zip302509-02-94QST Oct 94 - A CW Stamp IDer by N4LTA
cwspeed.zip12854203-27-94QST Jun 94 - CW practice by AE8G (Strays)
digivfo.zip31355704-16-95QST May 95 - Weekend DigiVFO by WB0VNE
dspqst.zip3223009-08-92QST Sep 92 - Low Cost DSP, Hershberger, W9GR
dtmfconv.zip29965102-28-95QST Jun 95 - DTMF to RS-232 Conv by KG7SG
hamcal95.zip46543905-06-95Trap Dipole design prog
hp48pack.pgm363906-25-96Program to use HP 48 calc for packet
kh6cp10g.zip25170301-27-94QST May 93 - 10 GHZ transverter by KH6CP
nshadow.zip2292806-23-94QST Jul 94 - North Shadow Basic program
qexfq194.zip1116109-21-93QEX Jan 94 - Frequency Counter program
qsocord.zip1495610-17-93QST Feb 94 - The QSOcorder by WA9VNJ
rcimages.zip119001509-21-95R/C Airplane ATV Aerial Pics
regisfrm.ps3043906-25-96VE's Exam Session Registration Form
staton.zip19655604-22-94QST Jul 94 - Talking Morse Computer
txt2eprm.zip4249606-10-93QST ??? 93 - Text to CW to EPROM by VE2HOT
veman94.zip10510910-06-94ARRL Volunteer Examiner Manual - 1994
vester_f.zip66153709-26-94QST Jan 94 - Inexp SSTV System by K3BC
vewd.zip78180607-14-95VE's s/w - Volunteer Exams Well Done
voicetrk.zip1762308-19-93QST Jun 95 - A Talking rptr ctlr by LW2EET
xtalf.zip515402-25-94QST Nov 93 - xtal filter desn by KB1RT
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