Mod for PRO 2042 (Trunking). The mod described here is intended for educational use. It was done on a PRO 2042 with an Optoelectronics OS 535 board (export) fitted, but may well work on the PRO 2035 although I have not tried it. First of all this method requires two scanners and a computer in order to trunk track. You will also need a program called Trunker.exe. Trunker.exe is a dos program and can be obtained from the internet. The second scanner must be capable of tuning into and receiving the trunking data signal. It will also need its discriminator to be tapped and terminated with a mono jack plug. Basically all you need do is fit a mono earphone socket in line with the orange wire which is solderd to TP2 on the main circuit board of the PRO2042 and which then goes to the OS 535 board. All you then need do is inject the discriminator output from your second scanner into the OS 535 by using the mono earphone socket that you fitted. The mono socket is best fitted to the metal chassis at the rear of the radio so that it is grounded or it may not work. TP2 provides a test point for the Pro 2042 discriminator audio. You could simply cut the orange wire at a suitable point, but I found that there wasnt enough of the orange wire to reach from TP2 to the new mono socket and then back to the OS 535. The best way I found was to strip out the OS 535 board and unsolder the orange wire from TP2. I Then used a new piece of wire to connect from TP2 to the mono socket. This also made it much easier in locating a suitable position to mount the mono socket and in drilling the hole. You must take into account when you are choosing a suitable position for the mono socket that the rear of the mono socket does not obstruct the refitting of the OS 535 board as the board comes right up to the rear chassis. You may also find that the new wire coming from TP2 to the mono socket may pick up some unwanted interferance from the scanners circuit board or its transformer, you will have to try to route the wire so that this does not happen. The mono socket acts as a switch, when there is no jack pluged into the mono socket the 0S 535 board should receive its discriminator signal from TP2 and when the jack is inserted into the socket the OS 535 board should receive the discriminator signal from your second scanner. When the OS 535 board is receiving its discriminator signal from TP2 you will be able to decode DTMF tones under software control as befor, ie with Scanstar or Scancat, you will not be able to do this when you have the second scanner is pluged into the PRO2042. It is important to remember this. So you will have to make sure that you have unpluged it if you want to scan for or decode these tones. What follows is a discription from memory of how I did this mod. No doubt other people will see other ways of doing it that could prove easier and be just as successful. The aim of the following is to share information. You should also be aware that if your scanner(s) and 0S 535 are damaged when doing this mod your warranty with the manufacturers/suppliers will be void. I take no responsibillity for any damage caused or any incorrect information. Make sure you disconect the scanner from the mains before you start to take it apart. This may sound like a naff suggestion, but shit happens and there aint no point in killing yourself. You will need to remove the covers by unscrewing the four screws at the back end of the radio. Seperating the covers from the radio can prove to be difficult because they are a tight fit, but basically they sould slide back and seperate. The top cover contains the speaker which can be unpluged from the radios main circuit board after you have removed the OS 535 board from the scanner. Removing the OS535 board is quite simple. If you do not have the fitting instructions then its a good idea to make a note of where the verious plugs plug into. All of the sockets are labelled. Remove the OS535 board by unscrewing the six or so screws holding it in place, also the two small screws with the two nut's and two washer's which hold the labelled plate in place at the rear of the scanner. The orange wire that comes from the 0S 535 and goes to TP2 needs to be unsolderd at TP2 on the scanners main circuit board. You might get away without having to unsolder the thin blue wire if you can move the board out of the way far enough so that it does not interfere with what you are doing. If you do decide to leave it in place then make a note of where it attatches to on both the OS 535 board and the radios main board as it may become dettatched later by accident. You now need to fit a mono earphone socket to the rear of the scanner. With the scanner the right way up and looking at the back I fitted mine about 1 inch above and slightly to the right of the arials BNC connector. You have to be careful here, if you look on the inside of the scanner two pieces of the chassis join together and overlap about here. You will need to drill a hole in the metal chassis, avoiding the over lap. This is because if you hit the overlap then the socket that you are fitting may not sit straight. Choose a place so that when you fit the socket the OS 535 board will not be obstructed by the socket as the back edge of the board sits very close to the chassis. When you drill the hole do not let any of the metal fall into the scanner as this could cause the scanner to short out. It's best to do the drilling with the scanner turned upside down so that the metal will fall out of the scanner and away from the circuit board. After you have drilled the hole you will need to file away the burrs made by the drilling on the inside and the outside of the chassis again being careful not to let any metal filings fall into the scanner. After you have done this it is a good idea to check thoroughly for any metal filings that did make it to the scanners circuit board and to remove them. Fit the socket in the hole and secure it temporarily. Check that the socket does not obstruct the OS 535 board by placing the OS 535 board back into the scanner making sure that you can secure it back into position. When you are satisfied that this can be done remove the OS 535 board. The mono socket should have three solder tags. You will have to identify which solder tags the wires in the next part are to be attatched to. You now need to solder a new wire to TP2 and to the solder tag of the mono socket that will disconnect the OS 535 when the mono jack is pluged in. Remember that you may have to adjust the route of this wire as it may pick up interferance from the scanners circuit board, it is best to make this wire as short as possible as this may help to reduce any interferance. Avoid routing the wire anywhere near to the mains transformer inside the scanner. The orange wire that you unsolderd from TP2 is now solderd to the solder tag that will connect to the tip of the jack plug when it is pluged into the mono socket. You should end up with a switching action when you plug a mono jack into the socket. With the mono jack removed, you should have a connection from TP2 along the new wire you installed through the mono socket, along the orange wire and into the OS 535 board. Its path should be free from interferance and uninterupted. When you plug the the jack into the mono socket, the connection from TP2 to the solder tag that the orange wire is soldered to should cease. The discriminator signal from the first scanner should appear at the tip pin of the mono jack which will connect to the tag that the orange wire is soldered to. Make sure that the mono socket is grounded to the scanners chassis. When you are satisfied that the wiring is correct reconnect the speaker then refit the OS 535 and reassemble the scanner. You should have a copy of trunker.exe on your computer. To set the program up you will need to edit the Trkenv.txt file to the following. TRACKSLICERPIN = DSR TRACKSLICERPORT = COM2 TRACKSLICERMODE = NORMAL TRACKSCAN = OPTO TRACKSCAN = 9600 TRACKSCANPORT = COM2 TRACKSCANPARK = 450.0000 (You may need to use a different frequency if this one is in use where you are located. See the Trunker documentation for an explanation of this setting). NONEMERGENCY = OFF If you use this configuration you will need to connect your PRO 2042 to comport 2. No other comport connections will be necassary. All the best, Midnight.