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QRZ Vol 12
Nov 1998


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Directory : /files/antennas
40mbeam.zip           Size:       6,964         Date: 01-13-94

Instr. to build a beam for 40 m - K5DKZ
antdl6wu.zip          Size:      19,040         Date: 12-08-93

Yagi Design for 50 MHz and up
antenna.zip           Size:     135,028         Date: 11-23-89

UHF/SHF Antenna design
antennas.zip          Size:      86,768         Date: 06-06-94

Antenna design article collection - KB4YLY
antfo.zip             Size:      17,237         Date: 12-08-93

Yagi Design prg for 144 MHz and up - WA2TIF
ariel15.zip           Size:      32,705         Date: 11-16-92

HF wire ant & trans line design v1.5 - WB4YZA
ariel30.zip           Size:      27,938         Date: 07-18-96

HF wire antenna design program by WB4ZYA
asa11.zip             Size:     210,312         Date: 01-16-94

Antenna system Analysis v1.1 for Windows
azprj104.zip          Size:   1,102,740         Date: 01-18-97

Postscript files generate az. equidistant
bazooka.zip           Size:      11,025         Date: 05-06-97

Calc Double bazooka - Win3x/Win95 - W4BEJ
coax1.zip             Size:      21,630         Date: 07-01-95

Coax calculator for Windows
coaxtrap.zip          Size:     578,380         Date: 06-13-97

Calc coaxial traps (Win95/NT) - VE6YP
discone1.zip          Size:       5,758         Date: 12-30-93

Discone Antenna Design - K5DKZ
esprop14.zip          Size:     146,495         Date: 11-21-94

ES-PROP v1.4 Sporadic-E prop analysis prog
hamftz03.zip          Size:      48,669         Date: 02-09-95

Ionospheric prop prediction program by HB
helix_20.zip          Size:      31,495         Date: 01-26-93

Helix antenna design - OH0NC
jpole.zip             Size:      20,052         Date: 06-29-94

J-pole Design Prg V1.1 by WA2ISE
jpole1.zip            Size:      15,354         Date: 10-30-95

J-pole Design picture - BMP by KI7ZD
logyag16.zip          Size:      32,083         Date: 01-26-93

Yagi with Log-Cell feeding design - OH0NC
lpda.zip              Size:       7,488         Date: 06-18-93

Excel sheet to design Logperiodic Dipoles
mast.zip              Size:      33,514         Date: 04-30-93

Calculate mast dim. needed v1.0beta - KD4NUE
mloop.zip             Size:       8,864         Date: 11-09-92

Miniloop 1.1 - Small signle turn ant design
mloop31.zip           Size:     401,268         Date: 03-29-97

Magnetic Loop Ant Design v3.1 - DK1NB
msdsp034.zip          Size:      68,563         Date: 07-23-97

Meteor Shower Receive
mssof42b.zip          Size:     273,222         Date: 05-13-94

Meter-scatter v4.2b - predicts meteor showe
mssof42e.zip          Size:     274,499         Date: 06-25-94

Meteor-scatter v4.2e - predicts ope
mssoft43.zip          Size:     584,396         Date: 08-05-97

Meteor Shower transmit and prediction - OH5IY
necfpc.zip            Size:     248,018         Date: 10-18-94

NEC2 w/32 bit reals (for Powerstations)
rfprop.zip            Size:      65,575         Date: 10-19-96

Radio Prop calcu. v1.01 for Win3x
stress.arc            Size:      15,151         Date: 10-18-98

Mechanical design for antennas
tl.zip                Size:      31,612         Date: 06-21-94

TL Transmatch Calculations v1.7 - N6BV
trap01.zip            Size:       4,964         Date: 01-02-94

40/80m trap dipole construction - K5DKZ
voawin.zip            Size:   5,757,997         Date: 08-28-96

Estimate freq coverage hour/month (Win ver)
wndipole.zip          Size:       4,321         Date: 02-28-94

Dipole calculations for Windows - N4PVU
ya101pat.zip          Size:      84,786         Date: 07-21-94

Yagi analyzer patch for YA v1.0
yagim311.zip          Size:     693,013         Date: 05-17-92

Yagimax 3.11

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