Thresholds: 14000.00 2000.00 1500.00 1800.00 Thresholds: 14000.00 2000.00 1500.00 1800.00 Sound pause, count: 1 Sound resume, count: 0 Sound pause, count: 1 Sound resume, count: 0 Sound pause, count: 1 Sound resume, count: 0 Sound pause, count: 1 Sound resume, count: 0 Sound pause, count: 1 Sound resume, count: 0 Sound pause, count: 1 Sound resume, count: 0 Sound pause, count: 1 Sound resume, count: 0 Thresholds: 6000.00 1400.00 1000.00 700.00 Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Terrain\ Spring.JRF nSurfacecnt:2, nByteCnt:0 nSurfacecnt:2, nByteCnt:0 Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\RdHouse\ RdHouse.JRF nSurfacecnt:10, nByteCnt:0 nSurfacecnt:10, nByteCnt:0 Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\h20twr\ h20twr.JRF nSurfacecnt:13, nByteCnt:0 nSurfacecnt:20, nByteCnt:0 Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\BrickHos\ BrickHos.JRF nSurfacecnt:20, nByteCnt:0 nSurfacecnt:9, nByteCnt:0 Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\EuroChrh\ EuroChrh.JRF nSurfacecnt:9, nByteCnt:0 nSurfacecnt:1, nByteCnt:0 Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\farm\ farm.JRF nSurfacecnt:18, nByteCnt:0 nSurfacecnt:8, nByteCnt:0 Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\farm\ farm.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\BrickHos\ BrickHos.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\farm\ farm.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\BrickHos\ BrickHos.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\farm\ farm.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\farm\ farm.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\farm\ farm.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\RdHouse\ RdHouse.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\factory\ factory.JRF nSurfacecnt:10, nByteCnt:0 nSurfacecnt:10, nByteCnt:0 Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\h20twr\ h20twr.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\h20twr\ h20twr.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\RdHouse\ RdHouse.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\BrickHos\ BrickHos.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\well\ well.JRF nSurfacecnt:14, nByteCnt:0 nSurfacecnt:14, nByteCnt:0 Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\school\ school.JRF nSurfacecnt:14, nByteCnt:0 nSurfacecnt:14, nByteCnt:0 Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\telepol\ telepol.JRF nSurfacecnt:3, nByteCnt:0 Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\telepol\ telepol.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\telepol\ telepol.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\telepol\ telepol.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\telepol\ telepol.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\telepol\ telepol.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\telepol\ telepol.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\telepol\ telepol.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\telepol\ telepol.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\telepol\ telepol.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\telepol\ telepol.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\telepol\ telepol.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\BrickHos\ BrickHos.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\HouseG\ HouseG.JRF nSurfacecnt:12, nByteCnt:0 Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\school\ school.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\farm\ farm.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\RdHouse\ RdHouse.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\RdHouse\ RdHouse.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\h20twr\ h20twr.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\Gardwod\ Gardwod.JRF nSurfacecnt:9, nByteCnt:0 nSurfacecnt:9, nByteCnt:0 Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\Gardwod\ Gardwod.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\Wind\ Wind.JRF nSurfacecnt:16, nByteCnt:0 nSurfacecnt:16, nByteCnt:0 Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\Wind\ Wind.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\Wind\ Wind.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\Wind\ Wind.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\Wind\ Wind.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\Wind\ Wind.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\Wind\ Wind.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\Wind\ Wind.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\Wind\ Wind.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\Wind\ Wind.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\Wind\ Wind.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\Wind\ Wind.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\Wind\ Wind.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\Wind\ Wind.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\Wind\ Wind.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\Wind\ Wind.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Building\grdtwr\ grdtwr.JRF nSurfacecnt:24, nByteCnt:0 nSurfacecnt:24, nByteCnt:0 BridgeSt-Bridge.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:6, nByteCnt:0 BridgeSt-SideLeft.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:1, nByteCnt:0 BridgeSt-SideRight.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:1, nByteCnt:0 Bridge Y: 169.92 155.27 107.42 98.63 Bridge: (28000.00 15800.00) 27200.00 15650.00 28613.16 15950.00 169.92 Bridge handles: ( 0.00 0.00 -186.84) ( 0.00 0.00 -202.63) ( 0.00 0.00 0.00) ( 0.00 0.00 0.00) Bridge corners: 139.13 210.06 157.23 83.98 Bridge before: -540.000000 -540.000000 540.000000 540.000000 Bridge adjust: -540.000000 -540.000000 353.158203 337.369141 nSurfacecnt:11, nByteCnt:0 Bridge Y: 195.31 192.38 122.07 125.00 Bridge Intersect 1: 1 -350.00 195.31 46440.91 Bridge Intersect 2: 1 -50.00 195.31 46468.18 Bridge Intersect 3: 1 -350.00 195.31 45208.33 Bridge Intersect 4: 1 -50.00 195.31 45258.33 Bridge: (-200.00 46000.00) -350.00 45208.33 -50.00 46468.18 195.31 Bridge handles: ( 0.00 0.00 -359.09) ( 0.00 0.00 -331.82) ( 0.00 0.00 8.33) ( 0.00 0.00 58.33) Bridge corners: 195.31 192.38 121.74 125.00 Bridge before: -540.000000 -540.000000 353.158203 337.369141 Bridge adjust: -531.667969 -481.667969 -5.931641 5.552734 New way point (-7300.00,0.00) : (109,128) New way point (7300.00,-14900.00) : (146,90) New way point (7700.00,-36900.00) : (147,35) Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Models\PantherG\ Camo.JRF PantherG-Body.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:9, nByteCnt:0 PantherG-BodyLwr.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:5, nByteCnt:0 PantherG-FrntWhl.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:1, nByteCnt:0 PantherG-FrntWhl.lwo,TEXTURE PantherG-DrvWhl.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:1, nByteCnt:0 PantherG-DrvWhl.lwo,TEXTURE PantherG-RdWhlL.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:1, nByteCnt:0 PantherG-RdWhlL.lwo,TEXTURE PantherG-RdWhlL.lwo,TEXTURE PantherG-RdWhlL.lwo,TEXTURE PantherG-RdWhlL.lwo,TEXTURE PantherG-RdWhlL.lwo,TEXTURE PantherG-RdWhlL.lwo,TEXTURE PantherG-RdWhlL.lwo,TEXTURE PantherG-RdWhlR.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:1, nByteCnt:0 PantherG-RdWhlR.lwo,TEXTURE PantherG-RdWhlR.lwo,TEXTURE PantherG-RdWhlR.lwo,TEXTURE PantherG-RdWhlR.lwo,TEXTURE PantherG-RdWhlR.lwo,TEXTURE PantherG-RdWhlR.lwo,TEXTURE PantherG-RdWhlR.lwo,TEXTURE PantherG-TrdBotLF.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:9, nByteCnt:0 PantherG-TrdBotRF.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:9, nByteCnt:0 PantherG-TrdBot.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:1, nByteCnt:0 PantherG-TrdTopLF.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:9, nByteCnt:0 PantherG-TrdTopRF.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:8, nByteCnt:0 PantherG-TrdTop.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:1, nByteCnt:0 PantherG-Turret.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:6, nByteCnt:0 PantherG-Gun.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:4, nByteCnt:0 PantherG-Cupola.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:2, nByteCnt:0 PantherG-Exhaust.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:3, nByteCnt:0 PantherG-MGun.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:1, nByteCnt:0 PanSml-SB.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:10, nByteCnt:0 PanSml-ST.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:5, nByteCnt:0 PanSml-SG.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:4, nByteCnt:0 TankTiny-TB.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:2, nByteCnt:0 TankTiny-TT.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:1, nByteCnt:0 TankTiny-TG.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:2, nByteCnt:0 Spring equilibrium = 3.00 Wheel radius = 8.00 Overheat: 5069.37 6003.20 24.00 New way point (-7500.00,11140.00) : (109,155) Spring equilibrium = 3.00 Wheel radius = 6.55 Overheat: 1980.22 2345.00 24.00 Spring equilibrium = 3.00 Wheel radius = 6.55 Overheat: 1980.22 2345.00 24.00 Spring equilibrium = 3.00 Wheel radius = 6.15 Overheat: 4186.76 4958.00 24.00 Spring equilibrium = 3.00 Wheel radius = 6.15 Overheat: 4186.76 4958.00 24.00 Spring equilibrium = 3.00 Wheel radius = 6.15 Overheat: 4186.76 4958.00 24.00 Spring equilibrium = 3.00 Wheel radius = 6.35 Overheat: 4752.53 5628.00 24.00 Spring equilibrium = 3.00 Wheel radius = 6.35 Overheat: 4752.53 5628.00 24.00 Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Models\Pak40a\ Normal.JRF Pak40a-Body.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:5, nByteCnt:0 Pak40a-Gun.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:5, nByteCnt:0 Pak40Sml-SB.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:3, nByteCnt:0 Pak40Sml-SG.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:3, nByteCnt:0 XPak40a-XB.lwo,XTEXTURE nSurfacecnt:3, nByteCnt:0 XPak40a-XX.lwo,XTEXTURE nSurfacecnt:3, nByteCnt:0 Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Models\Pill\ Normal.JRF Pill-Body.lwo,TEXTURE nSurfacecnt:7, nByteCnt:0 XPill-Body.lwo,XTEXTURE nSurfacecnt:7, nByteCnt:0 Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Models\Pill\ Normal.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Models\Pill\ Normal.JRF Unable to open file: C:\Demo\Models\Pill\ Normal.JRF XThdrblt-Body.lwo,XTEXTURE nSurfacecnt:10, nByteCnt:0 DoWayPt: Go To (109,128) ... goto (109,164) ... goto (109,163) ... goto (110,162) ... goto (110,161) ... goto (110,160) ... goto (110,159) ... goto (111,158) ... goto (112,157) ... goto (112,156) ... goto (112,155) DoWayPt: Go To (109,155) ... goto (109,131) ... goto (109,132) ... goto (109,133) ... goto (109,134) ... goto (109,135) ... goto (109,136) ... goto (109,137) ... goto (109,138) ... goto (109,139) ... goto (109,140) DoWayPt: Go To (109,164) ... go! DoWayPt: Go To (109,131) ... go! DoWayPt: Go To (109,132) ... go! DoWayPt: Go To (109,133) ... go! DoWayPt: Go To (109,134) ... go! DoWayPt: Go To (109,135) ... go! DoWayPt: Go To (109,136) ... go! DoWayPt: Go To (109,137) ... go! DoWayPt: Go To (109,138) ... go! DoWayPt: Go To (109,139) ... go! DoWayPt: Go To (109,140) ... go! Vehicle waypt 109,139 from 109,138 Way Point (109,139) reached Vehicle waypt 109,140 from 109,139 Way Point (109,140) reached Vehicle waypt 109,140 from 109,139 Way Point (109,140) reached Vehicle waypt 109,141 from 109,140 Way Point (109,141) reached Vehicle waypt 109,142 from 109,140 Way Point (109,142) reached Vehicle waypt 109,141 from 109,140 Way Point (109,141) reached Vehicle waypt 109,142 from 109,141 Vehicle waypt 140,81 from 139,81 Way Point (140,81) reached Vehicle waypt 141,81 from 140,81 Way Point (141,81) reached Vehicle waypt 141,82 from 140,81 Way Point (141,82) reached Vehicle waypt 142,82 from 141,81 Way Point (142,82) reached Vehicle waypt 143,82 from 142,82 Way Point (143,82) reached Vehicle waypt 144,83 from 142,82 Way Point (144,83) reached Vehicle waypt 144,83 from 143,82 Way Point (144,83) reached Vehicle waypt 145,83 from 144,83 Way Point (145,83) reached vehicle waypt, here-to-there failure Totals: 450.56 secs 0.15 secs/frame 3083 frames Compositer: 14.53 secs 0.00 secs/frame 3.22% Clouds: 1.00 secs 0.00 secs/frame 0.22% Terrain: 96.94 secs 0.03 secs/frame 21.52% Bridges: 2.68 secs 0.00 secs/frame 0.60% Vehicles: 40.28 secs 0.01 secs/frame 8.94% Walls: 52.30 secs 0.02 secs/frame 11.61% Forests: 35.72 secs 0.01 secs/frame 7.93% Aircraft: 6.36 secs 0.00 secs/frame 1.41% Guns: 0.97 secs 0.00 secs/frame 0.22% Landscape: 8.35 secs 0.00 secs/frame 1.85% Structures: 62.70 secs 0.02 secs/frame 13.92% Pyrotechnics: 0.83 secs 0.00 secs/frame 0.18% 3D Finish: 1.53 secs 0.00 secs/frame 0.34% Physics: 102.22 secs 0.03 secs/frame 22.69% Thresholds: 6000.00 1400.00 1000.00 700.00 Sound pause, count: 1 Sound resume, count: 0 Sound pause, count: 1 Sound resume, count: 0 Sound pause, count: 1 Sound resume, count: 0 Sound pause, count: 1 Sound resume, count: 0 Sound pause, count: 1 Sound resume, count: 0 Sound pause, count: 1 Sound resume, count: 0 Sound pause, count: 1 Sound resume, count: 0