* DARK OMEN (TM) ** Coverdisk Demo * Minimum Specification * ------------------------- P120 or better. Windows(R) 95. 16 Mb Ram. 40 Mb Free Hard disk space. DirectX(TM) 5 Installed. DirectX(TM) 5 supported 16-bit sound card & video cards. 100% Compatible Microsoft(R) mouse & Driver. Note: The final release of this product will support all major 3d accelerated video cards. This demo has been created during the development period and hence may not support some 3d accelerated video cards at this time. * INSTALL * ----------- To install the Dark Omen demo, double click on the 'Setup' icon and follow the instructions given. Dark Omen needs DirectX 5 to run, if you do not already have it on your machine, select 'Yes' when asked whether you want to install DirectX 5 Re-installing DirectX 5may update your drivers and fix any conflicting problems. * LOADING THE GAME * -------------------- To run the game go to the Desktop Start Menu Select Programs \ Dark Omen Demo\ Dark Omen Demo * PLAYING THE GAME * -------------------- You are commander Bernhardt, leader of the infamous Grudgebringer mercenary army, you must protect the town of Bogenhafen from attack by the forces of the Undead. * BATTLE CONTROL METHOD * ------------------------- *To move around the battlefield, press and hold the right mouse button and move the mouse. *The left and right cursor keys rotate the view, while the up and down zoom in and out. *Del, End and PageDown zoom the camera to the mouse position at different heights. *To quit the demo press F1 and select 'Abort Campaign' * SETTING UP THE BATTLE * ------------------------- During the deployment phase of the battle, you may place your troops anywhere within the area marked by white flags (the deployment zone). Left Click on a unit's banner in the deployment panel and drag them into the deployment zone. Remember that once deployment is over, artillery (i.e. the cannon) cannot be moved, so think carefully about where to put them. To change the direction in which they are facing, place the cursor near to a deployed regiment until the cursor changes to 2 rotating arrows, press and hold the left mouse button and move the cursor to change direction. You may choose to auto-deploy your troops, in which case, click the bottom left button (with the shields) on the deployment panel. To commence battle either press RETURN or click on the red arrow at the top of the screen. * DURING BATTLE * ----------------- *Moving a unit Left click on a unit of troops to select them, then left click on the destination point. *Attacking an enemy unit Left click on a unit of troops to select them, then left click on the enemy unit (the cursor will change to a sword). * THE CONTROL HUB * ------------------- On the bottom right of the screen is the control hub, this is where additional commands are given. There are six icons within this hub, they are: * Charge (the bugle) - Click on this to send the selected unit charging forward. * Fire Weapon (the arrow) - If a unit has projectile weapons click on this and the cursor changes to an arrow, click the arrow on the enemy unit or location you wish to fire at. * Rout (the broken sword) - If you are losing in close combat, click on this to have the unit run away. * Hero (the flexing arm) - Repeatedly click this icon to pump up the Hero bar (see below). * Magic (the sun) - Click this icon to bring up the magic panel, this contains all the spells / magic items that the unit currently carries. Click on the spell/item you wish to use and the click the cursor (which is now a wand) over the unit you wish to cast the spell on. * Halt (the upraised hand) - To stop a selected unit in their tracks, or to stop them from firing, click on this icon. Also displayed on the hub is the following information: * Hero Bar - This is a green bar which will rise as the hero button is repeatedly clicked, if the bar reaches the red zone at the top, the unit will fight with extra vigour in close combat. * Unit Banner - The banner of the unit currently selected. * Amount in Unit - The amount of men in the currently selected unit (N.B. this will decrease as they die) * Reload Timer - This is a circle divided into segments, the circle is complete when all of the segments are yellow, only when the entire circle is yellow can the cannon fire. If all of the segments are not filled then the cannon is still reloading. * Winds of Magic - The magic phase is shown via the blue crescent next to the reload timer, once the dark blue is entirely replaced by a lighter colour a new magic phase begins. This is important for two reasons, firstly as the magic of the Grudgebringer sword can only be cast once per magic phase, and secondly because each new magic phase brings with it a random amount of magic points with which your wizard can cast his spells. The amount of magic points available are shown by lighting up the dark blue circles positioned around the magic phase crescent. The more magic points available the more spells your wizard can cast, the amount of magic points each spell uses is shown on the magic panel. * Unit banners - Unit banners display two very important pieces of information, firstly if they are highlighted then that unit is presently selected, and secondly they also contain an arrow showing the current status of the unit. The four colours (and the status' the represent) are as follows: White Default Green In cover Red In combat Yellow Routing * HINTS AND TIPS * ------------------ * Use ranged weapons (artillery, arrows, magic etc.) to weaken the enemy before you go into hand to hand combat. * Avoid getting Archers, Wizards or Artillery units into hand to hand combat, they are much more effective being used at a distance. * Cavalry units are much faster and tougher than infantry units. * Charging an enemy unit from the side or behind is very effective. * Take care not to hit your own units with ranged weapons while they are engaged in hand to hand combat. * If none of your units can see an enemy unit, the enemy units banner will not be shown. * Some types of weapon require direct line of sight to the target (e.g. crossbows). * Enemy magic users can be very dangerous, use projectile weapons (not magic) to remove them from the battle. * TROUBLE SHOOTING * -------------------- Dark Omen is still in development; we are doing our utmost to support all well known video cards but users may still experience problems. If unsure of graphic card chip type please contact your graphic card manufacturer. * KNOWN PROBLEMS AND FIXES * * ATI Rage I based cards: Dark Omen will not report this accelerator on the options screen and the game will default to software rendering. * ATI Rage II based cards: Right click on the start menu and select 'properties' from the pop-up menu. Click the 'Start Menu Programs' tab at the top of the 'Taskbar Properties' Dialog which should have appeared. Press the 'Advanced' button. Open 'Programs' by clicking on the cross to the left of it. Click on 'Dark Omen Demo'. Right click on the 'Dark Omen' icon and select properties from the pop-up menu. Click on the 'Shortcut' tab of the new 'Dark Omen Properties' Dialog. Click inside the 'Target' text box, press 'end' on the keyboard, then space, then type 'patchrage2' * 3DLabs Permedia(TM) I based cards: Follow the above instructions for ATI Rage II based cards, but use the text 'patchpermedia1' instead of 'patchrage2' * S3 Virge(R) based cards: Dark Omen will not report this accelerator on the options screen and the game will default to software rendering. 3Dfx Voodoo based cards: If the game does not run with a 3Dfx Voodoo based accelerator it is likely to be one of two problems: (1) If you install DirectX5 and a message box pops up saying that setup does not recognise the drivers for your voodoo card, then you may have older drivers installed on your machine, clicking 'yes' to replace them should allow the game to run. (2) if your 3D hardware contains S3 868 and S3 968 chips and the game hangs then please see your 3D hardware manufacturer's website for a patch, or contact their technical support. Matrox Mystique(TM) based cards: If you install DirectX5 and a message box pops up saying that setup does not recognise the drivers for your mystique card, then you may have older drivers installed on your machine, clicking 'yes' to replace them should allow the game to run. PowerVR(TM) based cards, game crashes: See (2) above. PowerVR PCX1 based cards, black borders: These will be fixed by release. Other problems: If any other problems occur with 3D hardware rendering, please run the game with the CPU rendering method selected in the options screen. * CUSTOMER SERVICE * -------------------- Electronic Arts Customer Service in the UK are available Monday to Thursday from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. and 9.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. on Friday on (01753) 546465, or we can be contacted via E-MAIL on; uk-support@ea.com, or see our web site at http://www.ea.com. -------------------- THIS DEMONSTRATION IS INTENDED FOR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND MAY NOT BE SOLD OR RENTED BY ANY PARTY. ANY UNAUTHORISED USE OF THIS DEMONSTRATION IS PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WHICH ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT WILL ELECTRONIC ARTS (TM) BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM POSSESSION, USE, OR MALFUNCTION OF THIS ELECTRONIC ARTS SOFTWARE PRODUCT. ELECTRONIC ARTS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS IN THIS FILE AND TO THE SOFTWARE AT ANY TIME AND WITHOUT NOTICE. THIS FILE AND THE SOFTWARE HEREWITH IS COPYRIGHTED. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS FILE OR THE SOFTWARE MAY BE COPIED, REPRODUCED, TRANSLATED, OR REDUCED TO ANY ELECTRONIC MEDIUM OR MACHINE-READABLE FORM WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF ELECTRONIC ARTS, 90 HERON DRIVE, LANGLEY, BERKS. SL3 8XP. Electronic Arts and the Electronic Arts logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts in the United States and/or other countries. Dark Omen is a trademark of Mindscape. Windows, Microsoft and DirectX are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Matrox Mystique is a trademark of Matrox Electronic Systems, Ltd. Permedia is a trademark of 3D Labs, Inc. Ltd. Virge is a trademark of S3 Corporation. "PowerVR(TM)" are trademarks or registered trademarks of VideoLogic Ltd. (UK). All rights reserved. Used with permission and under license by NEC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.