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Betterman Night 2
Title:Koe (Voice)
On Air: Apr 8th, 1999

Reported on Oct 4th,1999


 The Robot Kakuseijin is in danger. However, a tall man appears between Kakuseijin and the big monster. His hair looks like Hinoki's hair. He takes a small seed from his pocket, and eat it. Then, he transforms into a giant monster. Asami call the giant monster "Betterman". Betterman and the big monster start fighting.

 In the operating truck, they cannot display the situation of Kakuseijin. Akamatsu says, "Sakura, Can you sense the situation?". Sakura replies, "I can hear voice." Akamatsu decides to go to the fighting area with the truck, and withdraw Kakuseijin. Asami objects the idea since she is anxious about the mysterious phenomenon "Aljernon". However, Akamatsu does not take the opinion of Asami.

 Keita is anxious about Hinoki, and talks to her. Keita asks to Hinoki, what is the betterman, what is the monster. However, Hinoki just replies, "I don't know. Because I am stupid." In Hinoki's flashback, she remembers her big brother Mario. Four years ago, Hinoki played with Mario. Mario was teasing Hinoki with saying, "Hinoki, how stupid you are." The man who transformed betterman looks like Mario of Hinoki's dead big brother.
 Keita talks to Hinoki, "Hinoki, do you remember in our childhood?" Keita starts talking the episode which was happened between Keita and Hinoki.
  Akamatsu and other crews come there to rescue.

 Akamatsu and other crews are working on withdrawing Kakuseijin. On the other hand, Asami is researching of the betterman. There is the cast-off skin of Betterman. Asami comes close to the cast-off skin to touch it. However, the cast-off skin break down like sands. Asami is buried with the sands.

 After the withdrawing work of Kakuseijin, Asami and Akamatsu talk about the boy Keita. Asami suggests to employ Keita as the replacement of the dead pilot "Cacutas". Akamatsu tells, "Anyway, we should bring the boy to Akamatsu Industry's factory now. " and leave from Asami.
 Asami calls with her cellar phone. "I ordered Police to take care of this as just simple trouble. Anyway, I will come to see you, professor."

 Akamatsu invites Keita to Akamatsu Industry's factory. After several chitchat talk, Keita asks about the robot Kakuseijin. Akmatsu orders a employee to explain it to Keita. She starts to explain about Kakuseijin, "This is Kakuseijin 1st, the official name is Neuronoid. Basically it was developed for researching dangerous area. The energy is so called Linker Gel. It is like blood of human. Linker gel controls the Kakuseijin by detecting of Brain impulse of the pilot. But only the type of people called Dual kind can control the Neuronoid."
 On the other hand, Akamatsu checks the data box of Kakuseijin. It records the fight of Betterman and the big monster.

 Asami is in Lab. of Mode Warp. Asami brought the sample of cast-off skin of betterman, and talks about it with a professor. The professor tells, "This is similar type of material as like Human's hobnailed liver." Asami thinks that makes sense. The cell of liver has 2 genes and 2 cores, and its reproducibility is very high.
 The professor asks to Asami to come back to the Lab. However, Asami replies, "After I have done everything I should do."

 In Akamatsu Industry's factory, Keita and Akamatsu play with Video game. Other employees are preparing for playing the data in the Data box of Kakuseijin. Asami comes there, and introduces herself to Keita, "Keita, I am Asami Miyako from observe section of Mode Warp." Keita becomes shy, and introduces himself. Asami says, "You have great talent as Dual Kind." Hinoki is surprised to hear of it. Keita doesn't know what is the Dual Kind, and Mode Warp. Asami starts explaining, "Man kind is communicating with pheromone and various kinds of signal each others. Dual Kind can produce stronger Brain Impulse together with other Dual Kind. The Brain Impulse can produce special kind of energy, and the Neuronoid amplifies the energy. In order to drive Neuronoid, we need at least two Dual Kinds as Head Diver (Pilots of Neuronoid). So, we would like you to help our work." Keita asks, "What is your work? To beat monsters?" Asami replies, "To figure out Algernon, that is our work. Algernon is mysterious phenomenon, all we know about it is that humans are dying with it. So, Algernon is the biggest crisis of man kind's existence. Mode Warp is the organization to figure out the phenomenon Algernon." Hinoki objects the offer, "No! Keita, you will die too." Hinoki gets a bit nervous.
 A employee tells, "Now, we can play the record." Akamatsu suggests to look it together. The record is played. It shows the tall young man transforms into Betterman, and Betterman destroys the big monster with special kind of Ultra Sonic. Asami supposes the Ultra Sonic is "Psycho Voice" which is told that Arlian generates with eating Souma in BC 2500.

On Air April 8th, 1999

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