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ASFCheck completion messages

Message Resolution
OK: filename.asf was processed with no errors The .asf file is ready to be viewed.
WARNING: filename.asf contained some minor problems. The file is playable, but some results may not be optimal. If you did not specify the /f option on ASFCheck, run the utility again with the /f repair option enabled. If /f was specified, ASFCheck has fixed all the problems it can. Test the quality of the .asf file before providing it to viewers.
ERROR: filename.asf contained some errors, but they are repairable. If you did not specify the /f option on ASFCheck, run the utility again with the /f repair option enabled.
FATAL: filename.asf is invalid or corrupted and cannot be repaired. You must recreate this .asf file.
FAILED: An error occurred processing the filename.asf. You must recreate this .asf file.

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