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Ueno Channel!

ueno shrines 

Ai no Tenshi

Totally Gray

Ustukushii ne?


Subaru's Homepage

Seishirou no Miko's Tokyo Babylon Shrine

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Proud to announce Ueno Park version 4.00 Please set your screen at 800x600

Last updated: July 8th 1999.

General Newz
Hi there! ^_^ Wai, I can't really believe I got this month's updates up here on time! Fine, plenty of new stuff around us, just a look at this page tells you so. Maybe I wasn't able to put up all the things I wanted but hey! next month's still to come! ^_^ Just one more thing: I want to dedicate these updates to both Fabrice and Kristi, two good friends of mine I won't be able to talk to in some time. For you guys, all the best of luck in this everchanging life!

Introducing Totally Gray, Ueno Park's Seishirou Shrine
Did it for Subaru, then I just had to do it with Sei-chan! Totally Gray is a dark shrine to worship our beloved Sakurazukamori with all the oppositing emotions he awakes. The second of our growing collection of character sites.

Tune up to the brand new Ueno Channel!
Just as promised, I'm proud of anounncing the first Tokyo Babylon Active channel to you: a place to navigate through the whole TB online world with just one click. Just go for it!

Ueno Channel Active Desktop Components
Add Ueno Channel's Tokyo Babylon platform to your desktop and receive updates, news and cool stuff without even getting online! Experience the ultimate source of Tokyo Babylon fandom.

TB Tid-Bits
The gals did it again. You know you're having too much TB when...

Awards Awarded
A cute new piece has been just added to the collection! While Ai no Tenshi was declared site of the week at the Anime Web Turnpike's weekly picks. Yay!

Ueno Park's TB Image Gallery
Eight new pics have been added, thanx to Setsuna.

TB Links!
Three new sites are out there waiting for you, including the much expected Tokyo Babylon Links Guide, brought to you by Amie, the CLG Webmistress.

C'mon, Get Real...
So Subaru's a dream, Seishirou a (very desirable! ^^;) nightmare and Hokuto a maniac. But which of them could more likely be called closer to reality than the others? You are the one to tell so!

Ueno Park's Archive
Too many steps before Totally Gray... so how would it look like haven't Val-chan's mind changed again?

The Soon to come Hokuto Madness
Get ready people, coz August the 8th is the day you lose your sanity! ^_^ Hokuto's bubbly shrine is coming up to blow your lives out of the ordinary, more spicy and freshy than any other UP site! Till then, you can take a look at the extremely girlish Under Construction pagie.

Calling all Fan Artists out there!
I've had the project of adding a fanart section to UP after quiet a while, and now I really want to carry it out! So if you draw, and want to see your TB fanart featured here, please submit it to me! Only Tokyo Babylon-related works, onegaishimasu.

The Anime Ring

archive :: channel :: subaru :: seishirou :: hokuto :: clamp :: yaoi
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Ueno Park, Sakurazuka Val 1999.
Tokyo Babylon is � Copyright CLAMP.