Imouto he (To my Sister)
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Imouto he (To my Sister)

Manga by Hayao Miyazaki

Imouto he (To my Sister) is a six page graphic poem.


Written from a boy's point of view, this manga is in the form of a poem. It tells a story about a dream the boy has in which he and his sick twin sister fly and travel around the world, and he can bring happiness to his sister.

Published in:
"Miyazaki Hayao, Otsuka Yasuo no Sekai"
(The World of Miyazaki Hayao and Otsuka Yasuo)
1982, Office Action, 4500yen

A book about early works of Miyazaki and his colleague, Yasuo Otsuka. It is hard to find this book today.

English Translation:
None commercially available.

Fan translation

Related Media:

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The manga shown here are Copyrighted by Nibariki/Tokuma Shoten/Viz Communications/and other respective right holders.
The artwork and translations of published material are reproduced here only for the purpose of encouraging interest in, and discussion about, the works of Miyazaki.

All text in Manga by Hayao Miyazaki pages by Ryoko Toyama.
Graphics-retouching, web layout and webmaster task by Jorge Hernández Valiñani.

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