Nausicaa.Net The Hayao Miyazaki

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About the Hayao MIYAZAKI Web

Please note: this is a fan website,
not the official Studio Ghibli website.

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This blurb about may appear in Animerica magazine.
See Animerica magazine's website.
See's website.

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What is it?

It is a not-for-profit, fan-owned and operated web site, FTP site, news server, and mailing-list server where you can find factual and up-to-date information about Hayao Miyazaki, Isao Takahata, Studio Ghibli, and their works.

What can I learn there?

  • Did you know that Kiki's Delivery Service is due to be released in the USA by Buena Vista Home Entertainment this September? You can find out more about what Disney plans to do with Studio Ghibli's films in the United States and around the world at the Disney-Tokuma Deal FAQ. [footnote 1]
  • Did you know that Miyazaki keeps a replica of a Triceratops skull on the roof of Studio Ghibli? You can take a virtual tour of Studio Ghibli to find out more. [footnote 2]
  • Did you ever wonder why the Nausicaa manga (published in English by Viz Comics) ended the way it did? You can talk about that and much more if you join the Miyazaki Mailing List, a fan-owned and operated discussion group with about 350 subscribers from 31 countries on 5 continents who talk about Hayao Miyazaki, Isao Takahata, Studio Ghibli, and their works. [footnote 3]
  • Did you know that we occasionally receive word from within Disney about their progress with Studio Ghibli's films? You can read each piece of news (official and unofficial) as soon as we hear about it, on our news server. [footnote 4]
  4. nntp://

What else can I find there? stores about 250 megabytes of information in over 18,000 files: FAQs (answers to Frequently Asked Questions), synopses, scripts, transcripts of interviews and news articles, mailing list archives, pictures and other media. If you have any questions about Miyazaki, his colleagues, and their works, then you are very likely to find the answer on If you can't, then you're welcome to help us out by contributing it yourself!

On behalf of Team Ghiblink, the maintainers of Irasshaimase! (Welcome!)

Michael S. Johnson owner

Featured here...

At this site is a wealth of information about Hayao MIYAZAKI: his films, his manga, his studio, his interviews, and other collections of facts and opinions about - and related to - his work can be found among these pages.

Read the FAQ!

These FAQs contain answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Miyazaki, his longtime friend Isao TAKAHATA, their colleagues, studio, and works. If these don't answer your questions, browse or search these pages or try the mailing list archive.

Team Ghiblink

Team Ghiblink looks forward to providing you with ever more information about this very respected manga artist, director, and master storyteller. We hope to make your visit here more pleasant, and welcome your feedback and patience.

Note that we are NOT Studio Ghibli.

YOU can help make these pages even better! Check the volunteering page.

Useful tools

You may find  Microsoft Internet Explorer or  Netscape Navigator or  Shodouka Launchpad useful for browsing Japanese webpages.

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