The three leave China, and in the meanwhile, in Japan, Ranma, Ryoga, 
Shampoo, Mousse and Shiyoru are gathered at the Cat Cafe, contemplating 
their Invitations. 

Mousse : I got mine after while searching for my spectacles.
Ryoga : I got this while I was bathing...
Shampoo : Shampoo get this when she serving customers. It fly into soup.
Shiyoru and Ranma : We got these during dinner.

Then they look at each other. Shiyoru shrugs.

Shiyoru : By the way, what do all of your cards say?
Ryoga : Mine says my curse'll be lifted, and Akane will be mine to love...

Ranma looks very, very jealous, and Shiyoru catches this look.

Shampoo : Mine say I no more curse, have Ranma!

Ranma looks shocked beyond words, Cologne snickers, and Shiyoru nudges Ranma 
with an elbow.

Shiyoru : Well, well, well, Ranma. Two wives! Lucky you!
Ranma : NO WAY!

Just then, Mousse interjects.

Mousse : Mine says I'll be cured of my curse, my vision back to normal, and
         Shampoo will be mine!
Shampoo : Shampoo no WANT Mousse, only Ranma!

Shampoo sticks her tongue out and pouts. Mousse looks confused. Just then, 
Ranma starts thinking. He snaps his fingers and looks at the rest.

Ranma : I've been thinking. How is it that this Regal guy knows who we are, 
        What we are, Where we live, and What we want!?
Cologne : Hold on to-be-son-in-law, did you say, "Regal"?
Ranma : Yes. And don't call me that.

Cologne ponders this, eyes heavenward. She appears in deep thought.

Cologne : Regal.... Regal.... where have I heard that name!???

Just then, a loud flapping of wings and a gigantic crash is heard outside 
the Cat Cafe. Then Pantyhose Taro, in his human form, walks into the cafe.

Everone looks at the newcomer.

Taro : I knew you people would be here.
Shiyoru : Another friend?
Ranma : Shiyoru, meet Pantyhose Taro.
Ranma : Pantyhose, meet Shiyoru.

Shiyoru snickers, but stops it before he is discovered. Taro comes over to the table and sits down beside Cologne. Cologne looks irritated at the interruption, but continues thinking.

Shiyoru : Pleased to meet you, Taro. What brings you here anyway?
Taro : I came because of this.

He flashes a card, the same Invitation everyone has recieved. They all look at theirs, and Taro looks relieved.

Ranma : Hey, Pantyhose, what does your card say?
Taro : Stop that before I beat you to a pulp. Anyway, my card says something 
       about a change of my name to whatever I want it to be, and the chance 
       to deal with Happosai anyway I want, if I win this tournament.

Taro shows an evil gleam in his eyes. Everyone looks worried. Then suddenly, 
another sound is heard outside. It sounds like a riot of angry girls, 
shouting and screaming something about "Give us our underwear back, you 
dirty old pervert!" and the sounds of an old man sniggering and laughing. 
Happosai then bursts through the door of the Cat Cafe, while the crowd of 
girls rush by.

Happosai : Hello, hello, hello! Those were some great pickings!

Happosai then sees the whole group staring at him. He spots Shiyoru in the 
crowd. Hopping over to him, Happosai gives him an angry glare. Shiyoru 
returns it tenfold.

Happosai : So, the juvenile delinquent's here.
Shiyoru : And the senile delinquent has dropped in, with another stash of
          his dirty laundry?

The two start staring at each other for a while, the others looking on with 
interest at this event. Then slowly, eventually, Happosai breaks down. He 
dashes off to grab a bucket of water. He sloshes it on Ranma, then starts to 
hug her chest.

Happosai : Boohoohoo! I'm so sad! Defeated by a delinquent at so young an 
           age! At least let me cry in the comfort of my disciple's chest!
Ranma (C) : GET OFF!!!

Ranma starts to flail about, knocking over a glass of water onto Shiyoru's lap. Shiyoru looks shocked.

Shiyoru (C) : Hey!

Happosai turns around at the new voice. He spots the female Shiyoru.

Happosai : Hey? A girl? Wait, aren't you that delinquent? You've changed 
           into a beautiful, busty girl too, like Ranma! Haa haa, way hay!
           Let me hug you!

Happosai leaps over to grab Shiyoru's chest. Shiyoru puts a palm in his way.
Happosai goes *Squish* as his face smacks against it.

Shiyoru (C) : First off, you old prune, is that I DO have a name. And it's 
              Shiyoru. Next off, I just became a girl recently, and I'm not 
              having some dirty old man laying hands on my chest. So buzz 

Happosai slides from Shiyoru's palm. He stands up on the table and looks at 
the two girls. He grins maliciously.

Happosai : Well, I've got two disciples now! Haahaa! Shiyoru, you're my
           disciple now...

Shiyoru looks surprised.

Happosai : And you'd better list....

But before Happosai finishes his sentence, he is seen flying out the roof of 
the Cat Cafe, burning even more fiercely than before.
Back in the cafe, Shiyoru looks utterly disgusted at Happosai, and is 
literally panting from weakness after blasting Happosai with a fireball more 
powerful than she's ever fired before. Just then, Cologne snaps her fingers 
as she remembers the name "Regal".

Cologne : I got it! I remember who Regal is! I haven't heard that name in 
          such a long time I nearly forgot! Come here, all of you! Regal... 
          that name... belonged to a powerful Dragon Prince... he was...
Herb : He was and still is my brother.

Everyone turns in shock and surprise to see Herb, Lime and Mint standing at 
the entrance of the Cat Cafe. Shiyoru especially, feels her mouth go slack. 
This is the first time she's seen the male Herb.

Shiyoru (C) : M...Master Herb? Is that you?
Herb : And who are you?
Shiyoru (C) : I'm Shiyoru, the person you were saved by years ago? 
Herb : Shiyoru? I expected you to be a boy...?
Shiyoru : Oh, silly me!

Shiyoru slaps her head, forgetting her curse.

Shiyoru (C) : I just got cursed to become a girl, you see, by Jusenkyo... 
              and since when did Master Herb turn into... a male?
Herb : Hmph! I always have been male! And that curse, you got that? Hm. This 
       gets interesting. Looks like we all got cursed... and the same cards.
Herb gestures to the cards they are all holding. They begin to wonder how he 
knows about their cards. Then he flashes his own.

Ranma : Hm? You got one too? This is VERY interesting. Oh, by the way, you 
        said something about Regal being your..... brother?!?
Herb : That I did say.
Cologne : Then come and sit down, by all means, and tell us this tale.

Herb goes over to sit down at the table and starts telling them the story of 
Regal and his relationship.

Herb : My brother and I were on a trip to find this Yin and Yang Talisman of 
       Eternal Life, in the Crystal Caves in China. I was only fifty at 
       that time.
Ranma : Only fifty!?
Herb : Don't interrupt me. As I was saying, we found the cave, but some 
       magical defenses caused the cave to collapse when we got halfway. I 
       ran out, but my brother kept on going, insisting on something about 
       "It's VERY close! Just a few more steps!". Then as I got out, I heard 
       his voice screaming out in fear, then silence as the cave came down 
       completely, sealing the entrance. I thought he perished in the cave-
       in. I didn't think he survived. But... he did. 

After he is done, all of them put on a thoughtful face. Ranma is the first to speak.

Ranma : Wait a minute, Herb. You said your brother was caught in a cave-in. 
        I thought he would be dead.
Herb : That's what I said!
Ranma : But then, how could he have survived like this!?
Herb : I know no..... wait a minute.

Herb goes back to the time he heard his brother's voice crying out for help.

Herb : I believe I know what it is. I remember my brother in some kind of 
       trance... he regained his senses before the cave-in. I suspect he got 
       his hands on the talisman, which brought him back to reality.
Ranma : Talisman...?
Herb : Didn't I mention that? It grants its owner eternal life, and 
       something else, but only if he can unlock its secrets.
Ranma : Then... the talisman allowed him to live?
Herb : I fear the fact may be true. If so, he must be looking for something 
       you all have, or he wouldn't hold this tournament.

Just then, Ryoga snaps his fingers at a remembered thought.

Ryoga : Hey, speaking of which, I don't remember reading anything about a 
        date or location on this card!
Ranma : He's right.
Herb : Oh, that. If I know my brother, you all keep looking at the cards, 
       and focus on the question you want... it's his old trick. Just try 

Everyone does. They stare at the cards, concentrating on the questions in their heads. Slowly, one by one, each of them sees their card change in response, but then, they look surprised.

Ranma : Hey! My card says : "Answer not available."!
Everyone else : Mine too!

Herb looks disbelieving.

Herb : Just what were you all thinking about?
Ranma : Whether I will win the tournament.
Shampoo : When Ranma marry Shampoo.
Mousse : When Shampoo will marry me.
Shiyoru : When I'll get to see my family.
Taro : When I'm going to get a new name.
Herb : ....*aack!*...

Herb drops and hits the ground like he was flattened by the gravity of Jupiter's core. He gets up and dusts himself, then looks at the group like they were idiots. (Which in a sense, they were, actually.)


This time, they look at the cards and think about the date and address. The 
cards slowly change again, this time showing all what they asked mentally.

"Jusenkyo springs, China. On the twenty-third day of the ninth month. Wait a 
few weeks, transport will be made known. Be there or lose your chance."

Shiyoru looks thoughtful.

Shiyoru (C) : Say, isn't it the seventh of the eight month today? we've got 
              a month and a little more to get ready for this tournament!

Everyone agrees. But Herb warns them.

Herb : Beware, I sense a treachery at work here. My brother was never one 
       for subtlety. He may wish to utilise you, though for what purposes, I 
       know not. He never does anything without benefitting himself.
Shampoo : Is Herb going Jusenkyo Competition?
Herb : (Smiling evilly.) Of course. I've not seen my brother in a long time.         
       it's time we caught up on missed times.

After a while longer of discussing the issue, they all decide to leave.
Everyone disperses, thinking about Herb's brother, and the coming 
competition. When Ranma and Shiyoru return, they see Akane at the door.

Akane : Hello you two... where did you two go? And, Shiyoru, I want to talk 
        to you later, in private.
Shiyoru (C) : erm...
Ranma (C) : Don't worry, whatever this uncute girl wants, it's with good 
            intent! Come on, let's get cleaned up. (He dodges yet another 
            blow from Akane.)

They get cleaned up. Then Shiyoru goes to Akane's room for that talk she wanted.

Shiyoru : Yes, Akane?
Akane : That day you fought with Kuno. I know something about acupressure,
        that pressing certain points will cause a variety of effects, but...
        where did you learn all THAT from!?
Shiyoru : Oh, erm, that.... I learned acupressure combat from my first 
          master, and found some medical scrolls relating to them, thanks to
          some travelling doctor at that time... I believe he was called 
          "Touya" or something... (Touya here means Bean Sprouts. In 
          Hanyupinyin, it's spelled Dou Ya. Tofu is Bean Curd, Dou Fu.)         
Akane : Touya? Sounds like Tofu's father or something...
Shiyoru : Oh, Tofu! I met him before... I got into a scrap. Got a knife cut, 
          but was ok. He's really good.
Akane : How'd you find the scrolls?
Shiyoru : I... bought them.
Akane : At such a young age, you could understand them?
Shiyoru : No... I understood them later, under my most recent Master's 
          tutelage. I was trying out my skill. I find it useful for on the
          job first aid too, though. But it's too troublesome, having to get
          your opponent the way you want him, so I can strike.

Akane ponders this. She looks at Shiyoru, considers his fights with Ranma. 
She thinks about their skills, and Shiyoru's build.

Akane : Shiyoru, about you and Ranma. From what I see, you're as good as he
        is. Why come still?
Shiyoru : Promise not to tell anyone, I'll tell you. Ok?
Akane : ERm..... ok.
Shiyoru : I'll believe you. Here goes... my attacks mostly rely on Chi to 
	    give me the advantage. Chi is the lifeforce of anyone, and 
	    constant use weakens me. I have enough creativity to fight and 
	    win, but my body isn't the type to win the Olympics without proper 
	    training. I came here to try to train the more conventional method 
	    of fighting. Herb forgot human and dragon chi are in drastically
	    differing amounts...

Suddenly, Akane remembers the fireball Shiyoru used, the one that defeated Ranma.

Akane : Hey, Shiyoru. That fireball you use, it drains chi too right?
Shiyoru : My KajiShoten Dan? Yeah, it's my most draining attack.
Akane : Your skill seems to be kind of strange? It absorbed Ranma's Moko
Shiyoru : That's a method I taught myself, to offset the effects of my 
	    draining chi attacks. It arguments itself with the chi of others, 
Akane : A leech.
Shiyoru : Exactly. I practiced this leech skill from an old scroll I picked
	    up somewhere. I have to use it, or else all my skills would end up
	    draining me of valuable chi.
Akane : So... if you use too much chi on all your moves without the leech...
Shiyoru : I could be out for days... or die.
Akane : I see....

Shiyoru looks uncomfortable that he's just revealed his secrets to Akane.

Shiyoru : Erm... enough of this please? It's like you're spying for Ranma.
Akane : Erm.. ok... sure. Is there anything else you'd like to talk about?

Shiyoru contemplates this.

Shiyoru : Cute girls?
Akane : .....

Akane remembers his loneliness. She thinks about a possible list of friends he could be with.

Akane : Oh! Maybe... I can help...
Shiyoru : (Smiling happily.) I'd be glad for the help.

Just then, Kasumi calls out.

Kasumi : Dinner's ready! Come eat!         
Akane : Oh, it's dinner time! Come on, let's go!

The two walk out, Akane and Shiyoru deep in their own thoughts.
They reach the dinner table, Ranma looking at the two jealously, and they 
start eating. Halfway through, Genma remembers some mental note. He changes 
back into a human, and bears a huge bruise on his chin, which Shiyoru notes 
with interest as he swallows some vegetables. 

Genma : Hey, son, what did your card say? I wanted to see where you two went
        to, but lost sight....
Ranma : Father, stop following people around. It's rude.

A "bolt" goes through Shiyoru's head, as he remembers something too.

Shiyoru : Oh, sorry! Were you that panda I punched into next week? I forgot, 
	    Ranma told me you turn into a panda with cold water. Until I 
	    thought about how strange a panda following us would've been, I 
	    just remembered about you. Sorry, you looked so suspicious, I just 
	    had to hit you.
Genma : ......

Ranma turns to Shiyoru, a memory remembered.

Ranma : So that's why you blurred out then. You sped off to hit my father 
        into the air and came back!
Shiyoru : Exactly!

The two look at each other and grin. Akane looks at the two incredulously.

Akane : Anyway, I want to know too, what did your cards say, and where did         
        you two go?

And then Shiyoru and Ranma launch into the story of how their cards told them about the competition, about Regal's mysterious relationship to Herb, to the prizes, and location, but leave out the warning. Everyone looks surprised at the mention of Regal being Herb's brother.

Genma : Wait a minute. You two got invitations, then what about me? I'm 
        cursed too.
Ranma : Yeah, pops. With a big belly and bigger mouth!
Genma : Son, you'd better watch your mouth.
Shiyoru : Come on you two. I guess only youngsters can go to this 
Ranma : Or maybe only people with brains bigger than a pea are invited.
Soun : Well then, wish you two the best of luck. By the way, I'm surprised 
       Master Happosai hasn't exacted revenge...

Genma and Soun look VERY scared and worried.

Genma : Soun!
Soun : Genma! (The two hug each other, crying.)
Akane & Ranma : DAD!

But just two days after their discussion, Happosai takes matters into his 
own hands, to exact revenge.

{Happosai's revenge, Shiyoru's Leech.}

Just two days after that discussion, Shiyoru and Happosai fall into a very 
nasty relationship, and the two fight more than Happosai does with Ranma 
ever since Shiyoru humiliated Happosai in front of the entire Tendou 
household by reversing his move, blasting him out of the ceiling, and 
actually causing him to faint after returning. 
One day, Happosai decides on his course of revenge. He meets Shiyoru on 
campus after school.
Ranma is off somewhere, Akane talking with friends, and only Shiyoru is 
walking out of school when Happosai intercepts him.

Happosai : Hey, you little runt! 

Everyone turns to look at Happosai, pointing at Shiyoru. He turns around and 
sees the finger pointing at him. Shiyoru looks bored.

Shiyoru : If you mean me, prune, then be quick about it.
Happosai : Yeah! I want to challenge you!
Shiyoru : You? Challenge me?

Shiyoru looks mildly surprised at the prospect.

Happosai : YES! And if you lose, I want you to wear.... THESE!

Like a previous Ranma episode, Happosai pulls a bra out of his pocket. But this time, he also pulls out some panties. Shiyoru reels back in disgust.

Shiyoru : ......
Happosai : Hah hah hah! At a loss for words!? Well, how about it? If you 
           don't agree, I'm going to make you wear them, by hook or by
           crook! Otherwise, agree! If you win, you don't wear them!

Just then, Ranma runs along, having heard the news VERY quickly, as has everyone else.

Ranma : (Thinking to himself.) Happosai, here? Challenging Shiyoru? This 
        world is going nuts! I didn't think Happosai was afraid of him! All 
        he did was burn him! I expected that petty revenge he exacted to me!

He thinks back to that time when Happosai exacted his "revenge" on him, as 
he reaches the combat site. At the scene of the challenge, Shiyoru looks at 
Happosai with incredible disgust at the prospect of wearing the underwear
he's held out. But then he grins confidently.

Shiyoru : Sure, old man. I'd be glad to fight you. You weren't so great the 
          day I blew out clear out of the Tendou's house.  Let's go to the 
          "ring" instead of here. More space. Then I'll give you a taste
          of my real power.

Happosai goes red at that remark, as he remembers the fact that no-one's 
ever beaten him in a real one on one so far.


Turning to the people assembled,


Meanwhile, Ranma is at the edge of the crowd.

Ranma : Like old times hm..? Wonder what's going to happen here? Another 
        distraction to lure his attention away from the fight? Or is...
        Happosai going to win!? Shiyoru'd be humiliated!

Back at the center of attraction, Happosai looks VERY, VERY pissed off at 
Shiyoru. Must've been because he's not been beaten so badly in a long time.
They move to the field, where EVERYONE's gathered, Happosai and Shiyoru 
eyeing each other venomously.
There, Shiyoru and Happosai face off. Meanwhile, students are gossiping.

Student #1 : Hey, look! There's Ranma's friend, with that old man 
             challenging him!
Student #5 : Yes! And I heard that if Shiyoru loses, he's... going to wear
             girl's underwear!?
Student #6 : Didn't you hear? Shiyoru's like Ranma! He can change into a 
Student #2 : Oh! No wonder I saw Shiyoru running off when it rained during 
             that jog! She ran off, and came back after training.
Student #4 : I saw him change too! The tap splashed in his face once, when              
             it broke. Damn, she's pretty! 
Student #1 : Hey, guys! The fight's starting!

In the ring, Happosai is fuming, giving off his anger like radiation.

Happosai : Well then, youngster, LET'S FIGHT!
Shiyoru : You first.

But unlike the battle against Ranma, Happosai immediately uses his Chi 
energy. Everyone around him retreats. Ranma, Akane and Ukyo come to watch 
the fight. Ranma gasps. Akane comes running. Ukyo follows.

Student #2 : Look! That old man's cutting straight to the end! He's pissed
             off all right!
Ranma : He's serious! He's REALLY pissed off!
Akane : What's going on, Ranma?
Ranma : That old pervert just challenged Shiyoru to a fight.
Ukyo : A fight!? Won't Shiyoru.... wait a minute, who's Shiyoru?

The two looks at her like as if she was crazy, then remember that Ukyo's not 
been introduced to Shiyoru before. Ranma and Akane explain VERY hastily to 
her. Then looking at the two combatants, Ukyo nods.

Ukyo : I think Shiyoru's going to win.
Ranma : Maybe.

At the combat scene, Shiyoru looks at Happosai's Chi mirror image, a giant 
version of Happosai, who is laughing evilly in anticipation of an easy win. 
Shrugging and laughing maniacally, he summons his own fiery Chi aura. He 
draws the "oohs" and "aahs" of the crowd. Happosai doesn't look fazed.

Ranma : Looks like I'm going to see his skill in action now.
Akane : That skill? (Pointing to the aura.) Scary...

The two combatants look at each other. Happosai strikes first.

Happosai : Eat this! HAAAAA!!!

Sending his most powerful chi projectile at him, Shiyoru looks unconcerned.

Shiyoru : (Yawning.) Come on....

It strikes Shiyoru, and a bright flash follows. Everyone covers their eyes 
at the flash, and Ranma looks shocked.

Ranma : He... he... just let himself be hit!? 

The dust clears, with Happosai looking very pleased with himself. But then 
he suddenly gasps, eyes bulging out. Shiyoru is standing before him, 
unharmed, and in fact, his Chi aura is even more powerful than it was 
before, an angry red fire that is nearly twice as tall as before, and 
burning twice as bright and powerful.

Shiyoru : Lesson no. 1, old man. Never take my skills for granted.

Akane gasps, then remembers something. 

Akane : The "leech".....
Ranma : Leech?
Akane : I'll explain later!

Meanwhile, back at the fight, Shiyoru and Happosai are battling it out.
However, in his enhanced state, with Happosai's Chi added to his own, 
Shiyoru knows every trick in Happosai's book and looks for an opening. It 
shows itself, and Shiyoru takes advantage of it.
Shiyoru leaps over to Happosai faster than light can catch him. Shadow 
images follow his trail. Happosai tries to dodge, but is caught in a cross 
slash blow to the body, which chops up his Gi. Happosai looks shocked, as 
does the rest of the audience.

Happosai : Well, well, well! You're powerful, aren't you!? Well, eat my 
           most convincing form of martial art! "Happokokorokowasu"!
           (Heart Destroyer!)

Happosai uses his chi aura to summon a dust cloud and launches it at Shiyoru. Shiyoru is busy preventing grit from entering his eyes when Happosai strikes. He comes in with a single finger pointed at Shiyoru's heart. Striking it, Shiyoru stumbles back, clutching his chest. Happosai starts laughing. He pulls out the the articles of undergarment.

Happosai : Now, little disciple, if you don't wear these, your heart will 
           explode in two hours, and I won't help cure it!

Shiyoru looks at his body. He believes Happosai's work, his medical training enabling him to feel the attack's effects. People around the combat field are gasping at this evil act.

Akane : Uncle's going to KILL Shiyoru!?
Ranma : NO! That old man, he's gone too far!
Ukyo : He's really.... despicable!

And everyone else starts to mumur their agreements. Ranma and Akane shout out to Shiyoru in concern.

Ranma & Akane : Shiyoru! Please, if you don't do what he says, you'll die!

But grinning, in a simple medical lesson he learned in his early days, Shiyoru simply presses three points around his heart, and feels the effects of the Heart Destroyer skill ending. Happosai looks at Shiyoru and realizes his skill has been neutralized.

Shiyoru : Ha. Happosai, you old coot! If you think such a simple skill is
          going to defeat me, you're wrong.

Just then, it rains.

Shiyoru (C) & Ranma (C) : Oh, COME ON!
Happosai : Hee hee hee! Now, I can make you wear them like it or not!

Shiyoru screams her next few words in absolute disgust.

Shiyoru (C) : NO WAY, you JERK!

Shiyoru, still bathed in her Chi aura, quickly dashes towards a cackling
Happosai. Uppercutting him into the air, Shiyoru sends a full-powered Chi 
Fireball his way. But before Happosai comes flying down, Shiyoru shows one
move that Ranma's not seen yet, that strongly resembled Herb's own moves.

Shiyoru (C) : "TAKASHOTEN KEN"!

Shiyoru FLIES into the sky with one hand opened like her KajiShoten Dan, but
this time, her chi aura has manifested itself at that point, appearing as a
flying flame-borne dragon, and strikes Happosai full force. Shiyoru lands on 
the floor, looking none the worse for the wear. Then Happosai comes down, 
black and unconscious. 
Shiyoru looks at him, then turns around to face Ranma and gang, showing a 
tired but satisfied face. She extinguishes her aura, and walks over to the 
three friends. Then faints.

Ranma (C), Akane, Ukyo : Shiyoru!

They rush over to her, and pick her up. Scene changes to Dr. Tofu's place where the three have carried her to, with Shiyoru lying on a bed. Weak, but 
alive and conscious.

Akane : Well, doctor? How is she?

Tofu looks up from a pulse reading.

Tofu : From her pulse readings, she's VERY weak, like as if she spent too 
       much energy on something. And I mean LIFE energy.
Ranma (C) : She did....
Tofu : Oh? And what was that...?
Ranma (C) : A fight with Happosai.

Tofu looks thoughtful at this sentence.

Tofu : Well, from what I've diagnosed, she must've used a LOT of chi...
Ranma (C) : She must've, I've not seen power on such a scale since Herb.
Tofu : Well then. She'll recover soon enough, but he needs rest, and plenty 
       of it. I also noticed her life force is very chaotic at the moment, 
	 like as if it was purging some sort of foreign prescence, as well.
Ranma (C) & Akane : Happosai's!
Tofu : Anyway, I also noticed mild damage to her heart. But fortunately, it 
       seems to be no more than that. But the effort it took her body to 
       restrict damage to his heart from the attack he took.... it really 
       drained her too.
Ranma (C) : Will she be ok, doctor?
Tofu : Oh yes, but it'll take a while. Here, I have something to speed her 
       recovery. He'll have to take it only once. 

Tofu hands over a package of herbs to Ranma to hold.

Ranma (C) : What's this?
Tofu : Oh, some chi revitalizing herbs. They're rare, but for you all, 
	 they're free.
Shiyoru (C) : Thank you, doctor! Doomo Arigato Gozai-Masu!

Just then, Tofu scrutinizes Shiyoru's face, thinking.

Tofu : You know, this girl reminds me of someone I treated for cuts once....
Ranma (C) : That's because Shiyoru's been cursed... like me.

Tofu looks surprised.

Tofu : Oh! I see. So this girl's Shiyoru? The one I treated for cuts?
Shiyoru (C) : Yes.

Just then, Shiyoru sits up, in shock.

Shiyoru (C) : What about the tournament?
Tofu : I guess you'll be able to make it. Just don't exert yourself too much 
       for the next three days. And rest a lot!
Shiyoru (C) : Ok, Doctor.

Ukyo decides to speak up then.

Ukyo : I suggest you two come over to my place, I'm still unclear on this 
       Shiyoru guy.
Akane : Fine. Let's go.

Ranma helps Shiyoru up, and they walk out, Tofu following to the entrance.

Tofu : (Calling after them.) Be careful! Remember, lots of rest!
The four go to Ukyo's place, with Shiyoru supported by Ranma. Ranma is talking to Shiyoru as they walk.

Ranma (C) : You never told me about this skill's ability to absorb other 
            chi, and its life draining effects! And what about your Taka-
	      Shoten Ken? You never told me!
Shiyoru (C) : I can't tell you everything about myself! And anyway, you were
	        so confident when I taught you the Shotenno gawa Chikara Aura 
              you told me that "The advantages surely outweigh the 

Ranma goes red faced at that sentence, remembering how she told Shiyoru she 
could manage. Looking back at Shiyoru.

To Yin and Yang, part 5
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