Yin and Yang have never been so troublesome!
(Under the category : Ranma and .....)
A Ranma Fanfiction Story, Written by : S.Y., the RanmaFan.
The Plot....information and such.
This story focuses on two new characters, and how they play an important
role in Ranma's life in this story. Shiyoru Wong, an accomplished martial 
artist who comes to Japan in hopes of meeting the legendary Ranma and 
learning from him. The next is Regal, a mysterious and powerful character
bent on finding the mythical artifact, the Ying & Yang talisman of Eternal
Life! Read on and find out how these two affect Ranma's life!
Legend : (C) beside a name means (Cursed Form). {xxx} ,means new chapter.
         (XXXX) During speech indicates a minor action of some sort.
         "xxx" sometimes appears, as a thought form. 
         *xxx* Are for certain sound effects.
         Italics are for past events that are shown "on screen", and for                             
         emphasis on certain words.
Note : Since I live in Singapore and names of certain moves are hard to
       come by, please forgive any mis-used names.
{The beginning. A stranger arrives at the Tendous'. The Water.}

A scene unfolds out in a small, wooden shack near Jusenyko, where a Youth
and his teacher are preparing for a final test of a youth's worth.

Youth : Master, I am ready for the final test, let's go!
Master : Today shall be the day where we decide how your life is led. Be          
         prepared to face the consequences of failure!
Youth : Then let's see how it ends!

They leave the shack. The Jusenkyo guide comes out to meet them.

Guide : Greetings, honored guests! Shall I bring you to the springs now?
Master : Go ahead, honored one.

Leading the two people, the Guide thinks to himself.

Guide (Thinking) : What spring is the honored Master going to throw THIS                                                                                 
                   disciple into?

They reach the Jusenkyo Springs..

Guide : Here we are, honored guests.
Youth : This is Jusenkyo eh? Looks quaint.
Guide : Well, honored guest, I take it you've not heard of the tales?
Youth : Actually, I have. In each spring, something or another drowned a         
        coupla thousand years ago blah blah blah, and whoever falls into one         
        of those springs turns into whatever drowned there. Heard it all.
Master : You heard right. Now, we shall begin the test. Go!

Both leap up onto the bamboo poles. The Guide looks on, wondering which
spring this youth is going to get thrown into. However, this youth is more 
powerful than his appearance lets up on. The Jusenkyo Guide leaves for a 
while, then returns with his log book and a pen, wondering which spring the
youth was going to end up in.
However, THIS youth wasn't going to just "roll over and die", or in this
case, get hit into a spring. He is surprisingly agile, and fast, and his
master cannot get an upper hand on him. The two trade flying kicks, a few
punches, but the youth, being more unorthodox, uses the poles to his 
advantage. He avoids one of his Master's kicks by sliding off the top of
a pole and hanging on to the side, and then taking his master's feet out
from under him.
Losing his balance, the youth's master falls towards a spring, but the youth 
catches him in time, springing off a bamboo pole. The two land on solid 
ground, sweating. The Guide is looking at the spring the Master nearly fell

Guide (Thinking to himself) : Lucky honorable master! He nearly fell into                               	 				Gounichuan! (Gou here is Dog in Mandarin.)
Master : *gasp*.... you beat me! You have passed the test, young one! You          
         are now ready to continue your training elsewhere.

The youth however, looks bored at this praise.

Youth : Pleasure's all mine. Well, if you don't mind, I'll go get my stuff                 
        from the shack and be off! (Turns around to leave.)
Master : Wait, my student! Before you leave, I would advice you to take a                            
         flask of Niannichuan and Nannichuan water... I foresaw your need          
         for these waters in the future!

The youth looks a little shaken.

Youth : Oh...alright, master. (Then thinking) I'm glad I'm leaving him! His 
        "visions" are scaring me!

The youth is seen walking off into a sunset with his pack and two flasks
of water.

{Shiyoru arrives. A test of skill. The interest in the water.}

In Nerima, Japan, inside the Tendou's house, Soun is reading a letter from a would be student during lunch, stating he would be coming soon. 
Soun is sweating, as he reads the letter, dated three months early. He turns
towards Akane, who is sipping her tea at the moment.

Soun : Akane, What's the date today?
Akane : Um, I think it's the 6th of the eighth today.
Soun  : (Sweating) Uh, I forgot to tell you, we have a new student coming in
                   today. He's called Shiyoru, and he's quite well versed in 
                   martial arts!

Akane makes a face at the statement.

Akane : He? Oh yucks. Not another "Ranma"!
Nabiki : At least he doesn't change sexes.

Akane looks bewildered at this sentence. Ranma just gives Nabiki a poisonous
glance, not stopping his breakfast routine.

Kasumi : (Just becoming aware of the events going on.) Dad? We have a 	            
         visitor today?
Soun : Yes, Kasumi. We'll have to give him a warm welcome, ok, Ranma?
Ranma : (Looking up from his rice bowl) Umph, okaysh Shounsh! (Goes back to
        eating his rice.)

Then Soun looks at Genma (Panda) with a glare. He is sweating waterfalls of
sweat. Soun gives Genma a look that could've killed if Genma weren't so

Soun : Genma! Why didn't you bring in this mail earlier!?
Genma (C) : I forgot about the mail. I left it under the table.
Soun : For three months!? Some excuse!

Meanwhile, elsewhere, we see a pair of feet wearing sneakers walking along a 
concrete path. Pan up to show a youth wearing a backpack with two flasks of 
water strapped to its side, labelled "Nannichuan" and "Niangnichuan". A 
sleeping bag is strapped to the top. The bag is green, and a little like 
The youth is wearing loose jeans, a sleeveless Gi, and a low-cut-sleeve
turtleneck sweater under it, with a cloth belt wound many times around his 
waist, the ends flapping around behind him. His hair is black, short, with
slightly long sideburns. It looks a little like Ranma's, but neatly combed. 
It is slightly long, and curls up a little at the back. 
Whistling, he looks at his map.

Youth : Hm... the map says the Tendou Dojo's nearby. But am I hungry! (Spies
        the Cat Cafe).
Youth : Hey, a restaurant! I'll grab a bite first. (Goes in)

Screen changes to inside the Cat Cafe, where the youth is seen entering,
finding himself a small two-seater table in a crowded Cat Cafe. Shampoo
is currently free, and goes over to the newly occupied table. She hands the
youth a menu, which he pays no attention to.

Shampoo : Welcome to Cat Cafe!

The youth looks up at the pretty, purple haired amazon with hair ornaments
jingling as she moves.

Youth : (Sitting down) Erm... I'll have your Beef Noodles please?
Shampoo : Come up!

As Shampoo turns, the youth looks on at Shampoo's back, and long hair. He

Youth : (Thinks to himself) What a pretty girl. *Sigh*, I'll have to look 
        for her later, I gotta get to that Dojo after lunch, I'm just 
        itching to meet Ranma!

Shampoo arrives with his order. Spies the backpack's flasks and their labels
as she bends over to put it down. She is intruiged by the names written on

Shampoo : (Thinking to herself) Huh, why this person bring Niannichuan and 
          Nannichuan water? Better ask man! 

However, in her curiosity and desperation to find a cure, Shampoo asks the

Shampoo : Excuse me, but why honored customer bring Jusenkyo cursed spring                     

Surprised at so sudden a question, the youth almost chokes on his first 
mouthful of noodles. He wipes his mouth, and looks up at Shampoo. He looks
at a loss to explain.

Youth : Erm, well... I'm not sure. My ex-master told me to bring 'em, so I 
	  did. Any reason why you're so interested? 

He doesn't suspect a thing, but is simply curious to know.

Shampoo : Er, sorry, no. (Turns around to leave.)
Shampoo : (Thinking to herself) Must find way to get Niangnichuan water! 
	    Then can be normal girl again and date Ranma!
Youth : (Thinking as he eats his noodles.) Strange gal.

Screen changes to outside Cat Cafe, Youth leaving. Shampoo follows him, 
after telling Cologne she has urgent business. Shows Youth stopping in front
of a Dojo, reading the signboard.

Youth : Ten-dou Do-jo...... here we are! (Starts knocking on door.)

Shampoo looks around the corner.

Shampoo : Tendou Dojo? What strange person want there?

Inside the household, Soun hears knocking.

Soun : Hey, that's got to be Shiyoru! Why don't you (Pointing to Akane) and 
       Ranma go see whether it's really him!

Akane makes another face at Soun's request.

Akane : What? Me go with that clutz!? No way!

Shrugging, Ranma puts on an arrogant face.

Ranma : Suits me, uncute tomboy. I'll go anyway!
Akane : (Chasing Ranma out to the door) WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!? 
Ranma : (Dodging and leaping her attacks) Come on Akane, we've got a guest 
        at the door. If nothing else, at least hold off your uncuteness till                 
        later! (Pulls a funny face at Akane's attempt to kick his head.)
Ranma opens the door, and comes face to face with the youth, who we now know is Shiyoru.

Shiyoru : Hello, is this the Tendou Household?
Ranma : Yeah, you're Shiyoru, aren't you?

Shiyoru observes Ranma with interest, his dressing, hair, face. 

Shiyoru : Yeah. Say, I don't suppose... you're Ranma?

Ranma looks surprised at this statement.

Ranma : Uh huh. You heard of me?

Shiyoru grins at this question.

Shiyoru : Heard of you? Yeah, I heard you're the best here. Thought I'd see 
          what you've got. I hope I'm not disappointed.

Ranma looks pleased.

Ranma : Really? Whoa! (As Akane pushes him aside, rather rudely.)

Akane looks at Shiyoru, assessing him, as Ranma gets up from the floor, and
looks at Akane, annoyed. Akane smiles a little. Shiyoru wonders at her

Akane : You're Shiyoru?
Shiyoru : (Thinking to himself) Say, she's cute. What's this place full of? 
          Cute girls and Martial Artists?
Shiyoru : Yeah, I am. And you are...?
Akane : Akane Tendou.
Shiyoru : Ah, pleased to meet you then.

The two shake hands. Ranma looks on jealously, in that secret love the two
share. Finally, he decides to end the conversation.

Ranma : Ok, ok, come on. Let's go in. The others are expecting you!

Screen shows Ranma leading Shiyoru in. Shampoo comes out of her hiding place
, just around the Dojo's corner. She heard everything.

Shampoo : So he new student? I go ask great-grandmother for help. She know 
          what to do.

Shampoo runs off towards the Cat Cafe at full speed.
Inside the Tendou household, at the doorway, the rest of the family are 
assembled there.

Soun : So you're Shiyoru? Pleased to meet you!
Genma : (Now in human form.) A new student is always welcome. So, who do you
        want to marry here?

Recieves a bonk on the head from Ranma, Akane, Soun and Shiyoru himself.
Nabiki and Kasumi look at him darkly.

Ranma & Akane : Come on! He's just arrived, we know nothing about him, and 
                you're already talking like this!? Get a life!

Soun looks nervously at the three. He turns to his daughters, then back to 
Shiyoru. He looks venemously at Genma.

Soun : Genma, when did I give YOU permission to marry off MY daughters!?
	 I don't even have the consent of my daughters!

He continues to glare darkly at Genma, with a few prominent bruises. Nabiki 
and Kasumi appear to consider this.

Nabiki : Well, If he's gonna marry me, he'd better be rich. I hate poor          
Kasumi : Erm...father, what age is he?

Shiyoru looks a little thrown off by these comments.

Shiyoru : *Ahem*... I came here to study martial arts, not get married! But 
          anyway, I'm only 15...
ALL : 15!!?!?? 

With bulging eyes, all of them look at Shiyoru disbelievingly. He's taller 
than all of them, and certainly looks older. Shiyoru looks at their shocked
responses as if expecting them. He shrugs off the exclaimation, even as they
look at each other as if seeking confirmation.

Shiyoru : Surprised? Don't be. People think I'm at least 17 or 18. You're 
          not the first to be surprised. I know, I know, I'm big and tall. 
          Anyway, I just arrived anyway, so why not get accquainted first? 
          I hate talking to people I just met and know nothing about. My 
          life story can come later.

Everyone regains their normal composure.

Ranma : Oh well, why not? It beats standing around here!

All move into the house, screen changes to the Cat Cafe's cashier's counter,
where Shampoo is talking to Cologne, when business is at a little slow.

Shampoo : Great-Grandmother, Shampoo see strange man just now carry           
          Niangnichuan and Nannichuan water! Shampoo need help!
Colonge : Indeed? Well, if you got that water, you could change back to a 
          normal girl and Ranma would be yours hmm..?

Looking happy at this prospect, Shampoo smiles and giggles.

Shampoo : Yes! And Ranma can be normal man so can date Shampoo!

Mousse is serving food when he overhears the conversation.

Mousse : (Thinking to himself.) Nannichuan? If I got that... I could become
         normal and Shampoo will be mine! I MUST get that water!

Back in the living room of the Tendous, Shiyoru is seen placing his backpack down onto the floor beside him at the table. Everyone sits down, while
Kasumi brings out some "Yamucha" (Dianxin in Chinese), and everyone snacks 
on them. While eating, Soun decides to introduce everyone. He gets the
attention of everyone, and speaks to Shiyoru.

Soun : Well, I'll do the introductions, since I am the master of this house.
       (Pointing to Nabiki..)
Soun : This is Nabiki, she's 17, and a grade 2 student at Furinkan High.
Nabiki : Hello.
Soun : (Points to Kasumi..)
Soun : This is Kasumi, she's 19 and she takes care of the household, after 
       my wife passed away. (Tears start welling up in his eyes as he thinks
       of this.)   

Akane looks very annoyed at his father's weak behaviour.

Akane : Dad! This is no time to cry! We've got a guest!
Soun : (Wipes away his tears.) Oh yeah, sorry. Anyway, (Points to Akane) 
Shiyoru : (Interjecting) I know, she's Akane. We met just now at the door. 
          She's nice... 

Then he remembers Akane pushing Ranma out of the way at the door.

Shiyoru : I just think her attitude could do with some improvement though... 
	    pushing someone out of the way is quite rude...

A cup comes flying over to Shiyoru, Akane forgetting herself. But as it 
reaches Shiyoru, he jerks a little, and the cup disappears, and reappears on
the table beside him. Everyone looks disbelievingly at this feat, but resume
their normal postures after a while.

Soun : Erm... ok, I guess you know Ranma too then... anyway, this is Genma
       Saotome, Ranma's father, and good friend of mine.
Genma : Hello.
Soun : And of course, I am Soun Tendou, father of these three fine girls. 	 (Smiles widely.)
Shiyoru : Please to meet you all. And I'll introduce myself. I'm Shiyoru                     
          Wong, as you know.

Kasumi looks at Shiyoru as he mentions his name.

Kasumi : Shiyoru? What an unusual name.
Shiyoru : I know. I've got this strange name, and I'm from Singapore.
          I find it most unusual. Must be because my dad was from Japan...
Nabiki : Are you rich?

Everyone looks at Nabiki as she asks this abruptly. Shiyoru looks surprised,
and appears to calculate this question.

Shiyoru : Hm... how do I say this? I'm not rich, but my family promised to 
          foot all my expenses with this... (holding out a card) credit 
Nabiki : Can I look at it?
Shiyoru : No. (Stuffs it back into his wallet.)

Just then, Soun decides to end the conversation before anything bad can

Soun : Ok you all! Shiyoru, I'll show you a tour of my house, then I'll show
       you your room and then you do as you please. Ok? We can talk later        
       about your life.
Shiyoru : Sure.

At this moment, Akane notices the flasks on Shiyoru's backpack as he picks
it up and slings it onto his back. She stops her brief gasp before anyone 

Akane : (Thinking to herself) Hmm... "Niangnichuan" and... "Nannichuan"!? 
        What is going on!? Why's he carrying these two flasks of water?
Soun : Akane, Ranma? Won't you two follow us?
Akane : Yes, father.

Soun, Ranma, Akane and Shiyoru stand up and follow Soun around, meanwhile,
Ranma is thinking...

Ranma : "Hmm... Shiyoru... just what are your abilities anyway? I've never 
         seen anyone move that fast before. What are your secrets?"

Then Akane remembers the flasks. She bends over to Ranma.

Akane : (To Ranma) Psst! Ranma! 
Ranma : Hm..?
Akane : Did you notice? Shiyoru has two flasks of water!
Ranma : So? Or is even normal water special to you!?
Akane : Shut up and listen! These are no ordinary flasks of water! They're 
        labelled "Nannichuan" and "Niangnichuan"!

A "lightning bolt" goes through Ranma's head....

Ranma : (To Akane) N...Na..Nannichuan!?
Akane : Uh huh.

Ranma appears to contemplate this.

Ranma : .... I MUST get that water from him!
Akane : Why don't you ask? And how do you know they're real?
Ranma : Erm....how do YOU know they're real? But anyway, I'll ask him later,
Akane : Ok. Let's follow quietly for now.

They follow Soun and Shiyoru around the house as he shows Shiyoru his 
house's locales.
Meanwhile, somewhere else in the streets of Nerima, a lost and ragged Ryoga 
is wandering around, thinking things through...

Ryoga : Argh... here I am again in Akane's hometown, and here I am again 
        unable to summon the courage to express my true feelings to Akane! I
        am SO useless!

Ryoga walks up to a wall and starts poking holes in it, spelling Akane's
name over and over again. Then in frustration, he punches the wall down.
Shampoo walks by at the moment, pondering how to get the spring water 
Shiyoru is carrying. Hearing the wall breaking, she runs around a corner and
spots Ryoga, and remembers his curse....

Shampoo : Ryoga!
Ryoga : (Turns around) Huh? Shampoo?
Shampoo : Nihao Ryoga! How Ryoga like to be normal man again, no be P-Chan  
          anymore? Shampoo help!

Ryoga looks very hopeful.

Ryoga : Really..? How?

Shampoo gives a sly look, and then whispers into Ryoga's ear. Ryoga gives a
very evil smile, showing his prominent canines...

Ryoga : I like that idea! Let's go! (Runs off in the wrong direction.)
Shampoo : Stupid Ryoga! No so fast! Follow me first! (Grabs Ryoga and drags
          him off towards the Cat Cafe.)

Mousse is off to one side, watching the entire event from behind a corner,
having followed Shampoo since she left the Cafe.

Mousse : Hm... If I want the water, why not follow them? (Moves to follow.)

Back in the Tendou household, Soun has just finished his tour. Now in a 
spare room, Shiyoru is settling in. Ranma and Akane are standing outside the

Soun : Remember, if you need anything, ask me, Ranma, Akane, or Kasumi!
Shiyoru : Sure! (Sets down the backpack. Soun walks out the door.)

Akane and Ranma look at each other while Shiyoru is unpacking. Akane nudges 
Ranma. Ranma looks uncomfortable. Soun walks out between them, looks at them
, then moves off.

Akane : Ranma! Didn't you want to ask him for the water!?
Ranma : I do! But just wait! I can't just ask him for the water like that!                 
        What'd he think!?

Akane looks annoyed at Ranma's reluctance to ask Shiyoru outright.

Akane : *Sigh* Then what DO you intend to do!? Steal it!?

Ranma looks absolutely aghast and shocked by this proposal.

Ranma : OF COURSE NOT! But just wait and see...

Ranma flashes a grin at Akane. He then walks in while Shiyoru is still 
unpacking. Ranma waits until Shiyoru has done unpacking before getting 
Shiyoru's attention.

Ranma : *Ahem*... Shiyoru?
Shiyoru : (Turns around and stands up.) Yes?
Ranma : Since you're new here... I was hoping.... you could go a round with 
        me. You did say you wanted to see how good I was.
Shiyoru : (Smiles lopsidedly.) I'd be glad to.
Ranma : Why not outside the Dojo? The dojo itself's still undergoing repair,
	  as you saw.
Shiyoru : Hold on a moment....

Shiyoru turns to keep the flasks of water. Ranma observes with interest 
where he puts them. Then both he and Ranma walk out the door, past a waiting
Akane. Ranma gives Akane a wink, then leads Shiyoru to the Dojo.

Akane : I wonder what he's up to this time...

Just then....

Soun : Akane! Your friends are here to see you! They said you were going
       shopping with them?
Akane : Oh, right! Tell them I'm coming! (Thinking) Oh nuts! I hope Ranma 
        knows what he's doing! That silly guy can be so stupid sometimes!

Akane runs off to meet her friends. We now see a patch of empty space just 
outside the Dojo, where Ranma and Shiyoru are standing in front of a straw 

Ranma : Just before we start, why not show me your skills?
Shiyoru : (Cracking his knuckles.) Oh, why not? (Smiles confidently.)

He looks very, very confident.

Shiyoru : Watch this.

Shiyoru goes to his combat ready stance, which actually looks like a 
vertical Cat Fist position. Ranma notes this with interest.
He leaps towards the straw dummy, the screen blacks out and two vertical 
slashes are seen. Then two horizontal slashes follow, and finally, a final 
"X" shaped slash across where the body should be. The screen comes back in,
and as Shiyoru lands, the dummy's arms drop off, followed by the head, then
the torso and the dummy hits the ground, what's left of it splitting into 
four neatly cut and equal parts. Shiyoru dusts his hands off.

Shiyoru : There. How's that?

At a loss for words, Ranma only stammers.

Ranma : Er... ah... erm..... *cough*.

But at the same time, his mind is hard at work.

Ranma : (Thinking to himself.) Impressive, he's mastered some sort of 
        standing Cat Fist! I'd better see what else he can do.
Ranma : (Putting on an arrogant facade.) Not bad. You could do better 
Shiyoru : Well then, care to go that round you asked for?

Hoping to assess Shiyoru's strengths and weaknesses, Ranma decides.

Ranma : You're on! (He cracks his knuckles.)
Shiyoru : Get ready. 
Ranma : Hiyaa!!
Shiyoru : Huuuaaa!

Both combatants launch themselves towards each other. They punch and kick,
claw and parry, with equal results. The screen rises to show the sun and the
rest of Tokyo while they go on fighting. Sounds of combat can be heard in 
the background, and the day slowly changes into sunset. Finally, it goes 
back to the two combatants, now bruised, cut and ragged. They seem at a 
standstill. Ranma shows a few slashes, Shiyoru many bruises.

Ranma : (Thinking to himself.) He's good, but I know he's holding back
Shiyoru : (Thinking to himself.) Looks like Ranma is really as good as the 
          stories make him out to be! I am impressed. Let's end this!

Both combatants stand up at the same time. An aura of fiery "chi" surround 
them both. Meanwhile, everyone in the household have gathered and are off to 
one side watching this event. But Kasumi is preparing dinner and therefore
isn't present. Soun and Genma, especially, are looking with interest at this

Soun : My money's on Ranma. He IS going to inherit the Dojo anyway!
Genma : Much as I hate to say it, I think the newcomer's going to win.
Soun : Wanna bet!?
Genma : You're on!

Nabiki comes up to the two, hands opened.

Nabiki : Place your bets here. I get 30% interest.

Soun and Genma put some money into Nabiki's hands, then they face each other 
with fists curled and foreheads touching each other, growling. Just then, 
Akane (who had returned with her friends  sometime while the two were still 
fighting) grabs her father's shirt and pulls him to face the two, pointing.

Akane : Look! They're going to finish it!

Indeed so, both Ranma and Shiyoru are gesturing in a manner suggestive of 
finishing it with a final "chi" attack. Ranma fires his first.

Ranma : "Moko Takabisha!" (That fireball Ranma used against Ryoga.)

Firing off his giant fireball, Ranma watches as Shiyoru fires his.

Shiyoru : "KajiShoten Dan!" (It is a reddish yellow giant literal 
          "fireball". It means "Dragon Conflagaration Shot". I hope.)

Shiyoru fires off a reddish yellow "chi" fireball,using a hand position 
suggestive of a "Hadoken". But in such a way it resembles the mouth of a 
great creature opening. The fireball, which totally engulfs and absorbs 
Ranma's fireball and grows bigger, nearly incinerates Ranma as he is hit 
full force by it. He hits the ground blackened and singed. 
But Shiyoru is also far from being in top shape. He kneels down as he
feels the drain his fireball exacted on this life force. He is breathing 
heavily, and raggedly, from this intense exertion.
Akane looks concerned at Ranma.

Akane : Ranma!

She runs over to Ranma and cradles his head. Ranma is groaning in pain and 
confusion. But immediately regaining consciousness, Ranma stands up, much to 
everyone's surprise, and looks at Shiyoru, who is currently looking up at 
Ranma, and is still kneeling down. The two look at each other. Both share 
a strange smile. Ranma walks over to Shiyoru and pats him on his shoulder. 

Ranma : Hey, you ok?

The family looks on wonderingly at this strange friendliness.

Shiyoru : Sure, just drained. You weren't half bad!
Ranma : You too. A draw?
Shiyoru : A... draw.

They both share a laugh, immediately knowing they are going to be strange
friends and stranger enemies. Everyone present looks amazed.
Kasumi walks out from the living room, and shouts.

Kasumi : Excuse me? Dinner's ready!
Soun : Come on, let's leave these two alone and have dinner. I'm starved!
Genma : Fine by me, let's go. Nabiki? Where's my money?
Nabiki : Here, 30% interest to me.....

She hands a smiling Genma a wad of cash, and Soun looks on, furious. Then
everyone but Ranma and Shiyoru leaves for dinner. Ranma helps Shiyoru up.

Ranma : Hey, you said you came here to learn from us, but I could say the
        same thing to you. 
	 (Thinking) "He is good! But I know his weaknesses!"
Shiyoru : (Smiling) Let's talk about that later. Go clean up, I'm famished!

The two leave the scene, but a shadow appears over the wall, in Shampoo's 
shape, followed by Ryoga. Both look around before speaking to each other.

Shampoo : Remember, wait until they occupied, then go get water!
Ryoga : Got it! Oh er.... by the way. Which room IS the water located in?

Shampoo immediately slaps her head, forgetting that fact.

To Yin and Yang, part 2
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