
Vital Statistics

Name:Shirokuro (Checkers in English version)
Age: ?
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black and White
First Appearance (Anime): None as of yet in the USA
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 8
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: None

Profile: Shirokuro (or Checkers as she is called in the English version of the Ranma manga) is the pet dog of Ryouga Hibiki. She lives in the Hibiki household and is always there to greet Ryouga when he happens to wander home.

Once during one of Ryouga's longer absences, Shirokuro had puppies (also black and white furred, like she was). Wanting to have her master know about the event, she was smart enough to get on a missing persons talk show and get the attention of the lost boy, who hurried home. Ryouga also saw this home trip as a way to get closer to Akane Tendo, who he was in love with. Ryouga had planned to have Akane see Shirokuro's puppies and use that as an opportunity to confess his feelings for her. However, his attempts were foiled by a disguised Onna-Ranma.

Shirokuro's puppies seem to have the same bad sense of direction that Ryouga does, but Shirokuro has managed to keep them close to her. With the rest of the family gone and/or lost from the house, Shirokuro has the house all to herself - at least until Ryouga or another of the Hibikis shows up. Personality: Shirokuro is very faithful and caring of her master, Ryouga Hibiki, as well as the rest of the Hibiki household. She seems kind to strangers (as we see in her interaction with Akane) as long as Ryouga approves of them.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez