
Vital Statistics

Name: Shinnosuke
Age: 16
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
First Appearance (Anime): An Akane to Remember
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 25 (Japanese)
Love Interest: Akane
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: None

Profile: Shinnosuke is the co-caretaker of a forest called Ryugenzawa that is famous for its unusually large creatures of all species and kinds. Originally zoo-keepers passing through the region, Shinnosuke and his grandfather have taken on the task of keeping the huge animals away from civilization, while at the same time caring for them.

As a little boy, Shinnosuke had saved a young Akane from one of the giant monsters in the forest, during a time when the Tendos vacationed there. Although he was greviously wounded in the attempt (his back was scarred by the scratch of the large monster), he had given young Akane a whistle, which, when blown, would keep the monsters away from her. Akane was able to escape, and using the whistle, is able to get backt o her family, whom she had lost track of during the episode.

Years later, in the present, Akane once again hears about the forest of Ryugenzawa on TV (the ad is asking for help in combattig the increasing amount of monsters), and remembers Shinnosuke saving her. In an atempt to help out and possibly pay back Shinnosuke, Akane travels to Ryugenzawa to find him. In the process, Akane is attacked by a giant creature, and is saved, just like when she was young, by Shinnosuke, who still bears the marks on his back. Although he is now _very_ forgetful, Shinnosuke invites Akane to stay with him and his grandfather.

Later on, it is found that the spring containing the Water of Life in the forest has been drying up. This spring has been what was ultimately responsible not only for the large animals in the forest, but also for saving and maintaining Shinnosuke's life after he was badly wounded saving Akane. Now in the present, Shinnosuke's life is in danger because the Water of Life is gone, and Akane resolves to stay and help Shinnosuke, despite Ranma's protests (he had come after her in seach of her). Unable to tell Ranma of Shinnosuke's situation because she is fearful that Shinnosuke might overhear, she can only stay silent as Rnama demands to know why she seems so close to Shinnosuke (it is clear at this point that Shinnosuke has fallen for Akane, and has even told her as such).

A short duel ensues between Ranma and Shinnosuke, but Shinnosuke, in his weakened, dying state, collapses, causing a hurt Akane to angrily berate Ranma, who feels very depressed because he thinks Akane broke up with him. It is at this point that Shinnosuke's grandfather tells Akane of the only hope for a cure for Shinnosuke, and also the only way to restore the Water of Life to the Sprin. This cure involves not only defeating a monster called the Orochi, which is blocking up the spring's water, but also of getting the moss that grows on it, which can cure Shinnosuke permanently.

Akane sets out to recover the moss, assisted by the weakened Shinnosuke and shadowed by not only Ranma, but also Ryouga who had happened by and who was also devastated over the apparent turn of Akane. A long fight ensues between the eight-headed Orochi monster and Akane and company, but in the end, Akane manages to pick off the moss and apply it to Shinnosuke just as he has another almost fatal relapse of his condition. Shinnosuke is cured, the Orochi is defeated, and though Shinnosuke knows Akane truly loves Ranma, he wishes he had told her how he felt about her - which he had forgotten that he did already.

Personality: Shinnosuke is a kind-hearted and somewhat chivalrous young man - however, he does have a blunt streak to him which can make him come off as cold and unfeeling sometimes. Still, he is capable of kindness and generosity, as in with his behvaior around Akane, and has a desire to protect those weaker than he is. Unaware of his situation with his wounds, he is very forgetful and is unable to remember even the simplest of things at times.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez