Shinnosuke's Grandfather

Vital Statistics

Name: ?
Age: 60-70
Eyes: Brown
Hair: White
First Appearance (Anime): An Akane to Remember
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 25 (Japanese)
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: None

Profile: Shinnosuke's grandfather is the co-caretaker of a forest called Ryugenzawa that is famous for its unusually large creatures of all species and kinds. Originally zoo-keepers passing through the region, Shinnosuke and his grandfather have taken on the task of keeping the huge animals away from civilization, while at the same time caring for them.

After Shinnosuke saved Akane way back when they were both young, Shinnosuke's grandfather found Shinnosuke greviously wounded in the forest, having collapsed after saving Akane. Shinnosuke's grandfather had no time to bring Shinnosuke to the village to be properly treated, and so Shinnosuke's grandfather used the water from the spring containing the Water of Life, the magical item which was the main reason not only for the large size of the animals, but also for eventaully saving Shinnosuke's life.

Shinnosuke's continued relapses of sickness, however, made him dependant on the Water of Life, and Shinnosuke's grandfather had to continuously draw from the spring to keep Shinnosuke alive. However, when the spring dried up, he had to enlist the help of a now-grown Akane, as well as Ranma and Ryouga to get the cure - the moss off of the eight headed Orochi, the monster who had been blocking the flow of water to the Spring containing the Water of Life.

Though Shinnosuke is now cured, Shinnosuke's Grandfather still has to keep Shinnosuke in line, mostly to remind him who he is due to Shinnosuke's extreme forgetfulness.

Personality: Shinnosuke's Grandfather is obviously very caring of his grandson, though he does get frustrated with his forgetfulness once in a while. Still, he is a very strong individual for his weak age, and is willing to do anything in order to help his grandson live (including dressing in women's clothes).

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez