>Ranma: Oh Nabiki, please, no! (With an cartoonishly audible pop, Nabiki releases him from her lips and looks up questioningly.)

{SD-Frank}: *pop as he pulls the lollipop out of his mouth* "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, Justy..?
[SD-Justy] : "If were talking about Little Ranma the world will never know!"

> I mean, please don't blackmail Shampoo. (He gently guides her head back onto his penis, and strokes her hair as Nabiki resumes her attentions.) My life is complicated enough without giving Shampoo a reason to want YOU out of the picture.

>Nabiki (trying to talk with her mouth full):

{SD-Frank}: "Nabiki's not observing table manners..."

> Well ... OK. (She stops fellating him again)

{SD-Frank}: "Wow, he used a sexually scientific term..this lemon has it all, don't it..?
[SD-Justy] : "Nah, he's just getting into the more bizarre terms in the Thesaurus."

> I'm certain I can find a more willing participant. But you owe me a tossed salad, Ranma-kun.

[SD-Justy] : "Tossed Salad?"
{SD-Frank}: "Pearl Necklace?"

>Ranma (wrinkling his nose in distaste): Now?

>Nabiki (grinning and sitting up): No, I'll keep this one in the bank for the next time you get too uppity. For now let's stick to the basics. (She pushes him down onto the bed and straddles his face, taking a last look at the TV.) Purple was never my color, anyway.

{SD-Frank}: *Hicks mode* "Blue! BLUE!"

>[She bends down to swallow him once again, Ranma already having begun his ministrations. The camera moves up and away from the couple to focus on the TV. Before the scene fades, we see that Ranma and Shampoo have also moved into the "69" position.]

{SD-Frank}: *Bill and Ted mode* "Sixty-nine, duuuude!"

>So the next time Nabiki called me to meet her at a downtown hotel, she told me playfully to "get ready to meet an old friend." Knowing that the promised two-on-one would likely be more than I could stand for very long, I jerked off before leaving the house to try to prevent a quick finish when the action started.

{SD-Frank}: "Gee, Ranma's becoming economical...so maybe he does have a brain? ^_^"
[SD-Justy] : "Methinks Little Ranma is beginning to wear out."

>The mystery guest turned out to be one of my erstwhile iinazuke, Daikoku Kaori, with whom I'd shared a quickie in the back seat of her father's car.

{SD-Frank}: *purist mode* "Hey, you can't use her, she's anime-only!"

>I had been a little apprehensive that Nabiki would bring in one of her friends for Furinkan, so I was really glad to see Kaori. I was especially pleased to see her naked and three-fingering Nabiki, the scene that greeted me when I walked into the hotel room.

{SD-Frank}: "It's the three-fingered discount...much more economical than the five-fingered discount.."

>Anyway, my first menage-a-trois was a roaring success and my >re-game warm-up turned out to be a wise tactic, as I barely kept my control early in the session when - for the first time - I felt two pairs of lips simultaneously working the Hooded Avenger.

[SD-Justy] : "Hey since when did Batman get into the action."
{SD-Frank}: "Personally I think this metaphor stuff ran old after he referred to it as "Little Ranma"..."

>Nabiki and Kaori took to each other like they had been lovers for years, and before the evening was over, the three of us (four, counting my girl form) had brought each other to orgasm many times.

>Naturally, both Nabiki and I developed a taste for the threesome, and she's had Kaori flown in a couple of times.

{SD-Frank}: "She flew in, and boy were her arms tired...BWAHAHA!" ^_^

[SD-Justy] : "Boy its a good thing I just refilled my Coke. *dumps white powder all over SD Frank.*

> On occasion, I've invited a couple of my college girlfriends for menage sessions, and Nabiki's friend Minami was also willing. Kurumi turned us down, though Natsume was game.

{SD-Frank}: "Hey, more anime-onlys..."
[SD-Justy] : "I guess that's the main source material."

>Pink and Link rebuffed my advances, probably because the swelling hadn't gone down yet. Nabiki coldly vetoed my suggestion that we let Kasumi play, I guess even she has some taboos. Speaking of taboo, I'm glad that Nabiki hasn't gotten it into her head that she'd like another guy to join us. I couldn't do that.

{SD-Frank}: *sipping Coke* "Good..."

>I think.

{SD-Frank}: *splurting Coke out all over* "That's a window for the CoRR if I ever saw one.." <---Still not a CoRR member
[SD-Justy] : "Only if Ranma is in female form. Any male Ranma and it is no longer sanctioned by the CoRR.

>When Nabiki suggested bringing Ukyou into our private game, I thought it was a good idea. More than any of my "regulars," Ukyou enjoys my girl body and I'd assumed that she had strong lesbian tendencies or - like Kaori and Natsume - was an avowed bisexual. But Ucchan was visibly repulsed when - one night in her bed - I asked if I could call Nabiki to come and join us.

[SD-Justy] : "For all of Ranma's supposed hatred of Nabiki, he sure is with Nabs most of the fic."
{SD-Frank}: "Gee, about time Ranma got rejected for _something_ in this story..."

>She explained that the thought of doing it with a woman, or even in front of another woman (Nabiki loves to watch) made her nauseous. It still doesn't make sense to me, but Ucchan insisted that even when she makes love to my girl body, she thinks of me as a man.

{SD-Frank}: *singing* "I'm a hetero...sexual....I'm a hetero-sexual mannnnn.."
[SD-Justy] : *singing* "He's a lumberjack and he don't care..."

>But that's Ucchan, a study in contrasts. Though Ukyou almost always responds to my overtures lovingly, she almost never initiates sex. A guy likes to be seduced once in a while, you know? And although she's a creative chef and a resourceful martial artist, Ukyou displays zero imagination in bed.

[SD-Justy] : "So much for the Spatula Slut."
{SD-Frank}: "Ukyou's a lousy lay...oh well...^_^"

> It'slike pulling teeth, getting Ucchan to try anything new. I'd like to loosen her up chemically, but she steadfastly refuses to use any drugs, not even grass, which is stupid since she drinks like a fish. And she's a sloppy and depressing drunk, so liquor doesn't help matters at all.

{SD-Frank}: "I think they need the UltraVibe Pleasure 2000..what do you think..?"
[SD-Justy] : "Nah. I would go with the WhoreBuster Deluxe 3500, Ukyo seems a bit on the frigid side.

>And she's a little too quiet for my taste, which is pretty inconsistent with her extroverted and vociferous personality. Maybe I've been spoiled: with screamers like Shampoo and Hinako- sensei, and dirty-talkers like Shiratori Azusa, I've enjoyed having my own personal oendan cheering section.

[SD-Justy] : "I wonder what is her name for Little Ranma?"
{SD-Frank}: "So _that's_ why Azusa seems so brain dead..I guess if you got porked by as horny a guy as Ranma, as often, anyone would be traumatized...."

>Quiet though it is, Ukyou's orgasm is truly a thing of beauty and a primary reason I keep returning to Ucchan's, despite the limited "menu." It's one of the great pleasures of my life, making Ucchan come, watching her face, feeling her body react as it happens ...

{SD-Frank}: "Uh-oh...I feel a poetic interlude coming on..."

> . . . . . .

>She writhes beneath me.
>silent sobs wracking her frame.
>Awed, I urge her on.
>Her eyes shut tightly,
>her face a lovely grimace.
>Then she climbs the peak.
>The tremors begin,
>radiate from our nexus,
>ripple across her.
>When the shudders crest,
>she freezes as if startled,
>then descends, panting.
>In repose, she does shine.
>This moment is everything.
>I hold her, my prize.
> . . . . . .

[SD-Justy] : "I hear this is how Robert Frost got his start."
{SD-Frank}: "There's your poetry for the lemon. Nicely put in, although I'll bet you Ranma seduced some girl to write it for him, the stupid jock..^_^"

>One time I had Nabiki give Ukyou a talk about lingerie and seduction and all that stuff. She also advised Ukyou to lay off the sake. For a couple of weeks, the sex with Ukyou perked up a little. We even sneaked off to a hot spring together; it was probably the most satisfying weekend I've had since returning to Japan. By Saturday afternoon, I had threatened all the men and she had intimidated all the women, and we had the onsen all to ourselves that night.

{SD-Frank}: "A crossdressing woman would intimidate anyone..^_^"

>Though nothing Ukyou did was particularly inventive, I don't think there aren't many turn-ons more intense than the prospect of fucking on a steaming rock.

[SD-Justy] : "Talk about getting a piece of the Rock."

>Soon after that blissful mini-vacation, however, Ukyou fell off the wagon and swerved back into her boring groove. We pretty much stick to the two basic positions (she thinks doggy style is degrading or something).

{SD-Frank}: "Ukyou's such a prude in this story, huh?"

>Sometimes it seems like giving a blow job is a major chore for her. She likes getting head, but is a little grossed out when I try to kiss her on the lips after bringing her off with my mouth, apparently disgusted by her own goddamn juices.

[SD-Justy] : "Personally I think Ukyo is well within her rights on that one."

>Did you know it took me almost six months after we met to coax Ukyou into giving it up for me? And she has her own place, for crying out loud.

{SD-Frank}: *sarcasm* "Awww...poor Ranma's not getting off enough..how sad..."

> If she were still living with her folks, I might have never gotten in her pants. Whenever we'd get close, she'd insist that we should wait till we're married. As if! In the end, I had to let her know that I was doing it with Shampoo. That did the trick; she hates Shampoo more than Akane does and will not be outdone in their insane competition. Ukyou didn't seem all that surprised when I told her about my lifestyle, though. It's as if she thinks it's my right, as a virile young stud, to get around a little before I settle down. I couldn't agree more.

[SD-Justy] : "I'm so embarrassed."
{SD-Frank}: "He's your "typical" male, all right..."

>I really don't mind that Ukyou's not a great lover. I like just being with her, lying there, talking about all the things I can't talk to anyone else about. Though I wish she was more into sex, I treasure my time alone with her. I ... I love Ucchan. A lot.

{SD-Frank}: "Noooooo!"

>But I won't marry her. There's someone else, you know ...

{SD-Frank}: "^_^ Yessssss!" <---Big time KTF member
[SD-Justy] : -_- <--- Not really caring either way. Nobody deserves to live with this scumbag."
{SD-Frank}: "Well, if it's the Ranma in _this_ fic, I'd have to agree, but hey...^_-"


>"What's so funny?" Akane asked, still smiling but confused and disappointed that I had apparently ruined the mood.

{SD-Frank}: "Hey, I had forgotten all about where this started...amazing how about 13 pages of thought passes by in, like, 5 seconds..."
[SD-Justy] : "Thats the fun part about dream sequences. The time anomalies."

>"Anoo ..." I stalled, trying to formulate a believable lie.

[SD-Justy] : "Geez. He's turned into Tenchi all of a sudden."

"It's just funny that we spend all our time arguing and fighting, and yet here we are getting ready to ... well, you know."

"Then you WILL ... ?" She looked up at me hopefully. Suddenly, I felt we had reached an epiphany, the moment I had been waiting for since I first came to Nerima so long ago.

{SD-Frank}: *singing* "Hall-le-ju-ahhh.."
[SD-Justy] : "All that practicing, drug abuse, sexual exploits just so he can pass along an STD to his beloved. How nice."

>This was the situation I had thought about all those times I watched Akane secretly, the fulfillment of fantasies I wove even while making love to other girls. I could have her, my true love, finding what I had sought in all those others. At last!

>But ...

>"No," I replied gently.

{SD-Frank}: "Arrrrgh! After having all those girls, you won't do it with AKANE?! You...you bastard! Hold me back, Justy, hold me back..!"
[SD-Justy] : *Gives SD-Frank an AK47 and a determined shove."
{SD-Frank}: *charges, points the rifle at Ranma's swelled head*

>But Akane is different ...

>"We have to wait. I never get a chance to tell you ... or I'm just too stupid to show it, but ..."

>The others mean nothing ...

{SD-Frank} *aiming rifle at Ranma, preparing to pull the trigger*

>"... I love you, Akane."

{SD-Frank}: *calming down* "Ok. As long as you have that..." *puts away rifle*

>But she is my everything ...

>My confession shocked Akane into sobriety. Tears welled up in her eyes. "Ra ... Ranma," she choked. "Do you really?"

>Her virtue matters, her purity is not yet mine to take ...

[SD-Justy] : *Tarkin mode* "Touching, to the last..."

>"Yes, really," I said with conviction, putting my hands on her shoulders. "I love you. I would fight the whole world for you. You make my heart soar when you smile, and when you cry, well, there's nothing worse. I live for the day when it's just you and me, in OUR dojo ..."

{SD-Frank}: *cocking head to side* "Awwwwww...."
[SD-Justy] : *vomits into popcorn bucket*

>Like Oyaji always told me, there are two kinds of girls: the ones you have fun with, and the one girl you ...

>"... and I want to marry you."

>"Oh Ranma!" Akane crumbled, sobbing into my chest. "Me too! .. I love you too."

{SD-Frank}: "Well, at least this thing is ending the way it's supposed to...IMO, of course..^_-"
[SD-Justy] : "And, I'm sure Ranma's going to be completly faithful. What if Akane's a lousy lay?"
{SD-Frank}: "Ha! If Kun-chan has any say in how it turns out, Akane's gonna be a great lay..^_-"

>I held her for a long time as she cried and hugged me tightly. As her sobs subsided, she sniffed and looked up at me again. After a moment, I lowered my lips to hers. The kiss was feathery soft, yet bracing and intense. It was a revelation. We both knew at that moment we were made to be together, that we were husband and wife before we were even born.

{SD-Frank}: "Geez, Ranma's waxing poetic again.."
[SD-Justy] : *grabs SD-Franks popcorn bucket* "I'm gonna need this!"
{SD-Frank}: "Cripes, I haven't even finished the popcorn yet.."

>Eventually, I broke the kiss and stepped away. Suddenly aware of her near-nudity, Akane blushed and put on her robe hurriedly. Never breaking eye contact, I headed for the door and gave my iinazuke a little grin. She returned a smile so beautiful and loving that I almost ran back to kiss her again. "Arigato, Ranma," she whispered. "You're right. We should wait until we're married."

>Well, I never said THAT. Anyway, I winked at her, opened the door, stepped out, then closed it behind me.

>And let out a long and heavy breath. I still couldn't believe what I had done: the right thing.

[SD-Justy] : "Truth hurts buddy."
{SD-Frank}: "He's only realizing this now..? O_o"

> I was filled with pride and the sense that I had realized it was time to stop messing around, time to grow up. Lost in my self-congratulatory reverie, I wandered down the hall. Before I realized what I was doing, I was at Kasumi's door.

[SD-Justy] : "Gonna get some Prozac-girl."

>I was still hard from Akane's come-ons and had come to oneechan's room out of habit, seeking instant, sweet relief.

{SD-Frank}: "Yo yo, donchu make me come up dere, boy..."

>Just as I was about to turn the doorknob, I stopped.

>No more.

{SD-Frank}: "Aw, hell yeahh..."

>I'm a real man now.


{SD-Frank}: *sarcasm* "Gee..I dunno..do you think sleeping with more girls'll prove it..?"


>Author's self-indulgence:

>I hope you liked the script-style scene; that's how I/'m writing the seqel, "The Perils of Akane: A Ranma 1/2 Adult Movie." Hopefully it will have a much more memorable plot and characters than the average porno.

[SD-Justy] : "Bad jazz included?"
{SD-Frank}: "Yeah, this is gonna be an over-the-average porno..whatever that means.."

> Look for deeper development of some of the ideas I just hint at here, along with appearances of lots more Ranma 1/2 characters. I've already outlined most of it, and have written scenes featuring Happosai,

[SD-Justy] : "I want some Cologne action in the next one!"
{SD-Frank}: *grabbing the popcorn bucket back from SD-Justy* "Excuse me. I'm gonna go throw up now.."

>Kodachi, and Azusa, as well as a Nodoka scene that I may be too chicken to use. I think you'll find the Akane scenes very interesting; I'm certain they're not what you expect.

{SD-Frank}: "Hey, as long as it's Ranma and Akane, it's ok, to me..."

*screen fades to black*

{SD-Frank}: "Ah yes, review time...what, you think we were _serious_ back there? Please. ^_^ Anyway, the obvious strength in this is the humor. All those metaphors about Ranma's "warrior of love" just made me chuckle. Plausibility to the overall manga storyline is weak, but after all, this is lemon, so some OOC is allowed. It's good that Ranma happens to deal with most of the Ranma 1/2 females, treating them equally, for the most part. This fic really made me laugh a lot. At the same time, though, the pomposity got pretty old after a while. If Ranma had any weakness in this story I didn't see it, and it would have made the story more entertaining if Ranma got into a predicament more dangerous than him and Shampoo doing it over Akane's room. Overall though, if this was meant to be not serious, and not some big fuck-fest, it succeeded. Well, maybe the second part didn't quite work, but anyway...Justy?

[SD-Justy] : "Well let's see here. My first criteria use of Nabiki. Considering that this was a lemon, I would have to say I approved of her usage. She was pretty much in character and well described. Her good usage is a hefty bonus. OK, overall strong points. The interesting language was funny and I found the descriptions quite humerous. Keeping Ranma's point of view consistant while developing his sexual prowess was laudible. It was also pretty well written. Now for the weak points. Ranma's ego was blown way out of proportion. I know that it is supposed to be that way for the fic, but it doesn't allay the fact that I wanted to throttle him half-way through the story. If that was the author's overall goal then he well succeeded. Also, considering that this is mainly flashback the plot is non-existant. I hope that there is at least a 'porno plot' for the next installment. I would give it a C- but the exceptional usage of Nabiki gives the fic a C+.

{SD-Frank}: "That's all for now...and remember...1 out of every 10 people knows at least 5 ways to describe a man's dink...O_o"

[SD-Justy] : "That is a scary commentary on society at large."

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