"PIMoSD-ism Laura Petitions for Membership in the EOE (Equal Opportunity Ecchi) Group"

DISCLAIMER: This is more SPAM.  Skip it if you don't want to read it. =

*The back of the Figure is seen as she drops her cloak only to reveal a
black bunny suit with spikes sticking out of you-know where, a spiked
collar, thigh-length boots and really cool arm-length black gloves (all in
leather! yow!) (ever seen Miyuki-chan in Wonderland? Y'know the queen? Kinda
like that...) she puts on her black bunny ears and steps to the newly
blown-apart window*
 (if you don't know who it is now, go dry up in a corner somewhere..^_~)

PIMoSDL: Ahh, I see that the EoE has finally gathered now...
Walski: Shall I hand you the bullhorn now, My Mistress?
PIMoSDL: ahh, thanks! How is Bradster doing?
Walski: FIne, fine; he's eating out of a tube..
PIMoSDL: WHAT?!?! I said to guard him, what happened?
Walski: Well... he got a little fiesty..
PIMoSDL: *cracks whip* I'm gonna get fiesty in a minute if I find out that
he's injured again!
Walski: (walking away) Yeah, whatever, My Mistress...=20
PIMoSDL: *sigh* Take my first-aid box and give him a band-aid, okay?

*PIMoSDL looks down at EoE who is standing outside of the building.  All
look bored as they wait for something to happen*

PIMoSDL: *yelling out of the bullhorn* Okay, now there's a reason that
you're all gathered here...
Collective EoE: ...
PIMoSDL: *sigh again*  Well, anyway, I'll be blunt.  Walski-san, can you get
your men to bring Bradster over here?
Walski: Yes, My Mistress!
PIMoSDL: Now.. *pulls out the entire supply of weapons that she has bought
and points her missle launcher to Bradster's head*  It's simple. I wanna
join EoE. NOw, I'm going to be reeeeal nice about it, and ask for
membership... of course, however, if nobody complies, Brad-baby here gets a
spanking from Mr. Whip and then I send a missile through his head....
what'll it be?

        Okay, I've made my point. ^_^

Message-ID: <334B7B79.35D5@erols.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 07:20:25 -0400
From: Andrew McCann 
To: ranma@usagi.jrd.dec.com
Subject: Re: Pimpin' Ecchiness.
Reply-To: ranma

> *The back of the Figure is seen as she drops her cloak only to reveal a
> black bunny suit with spikes sticking out of you-know where, a spiked
> collar, thigh-length boots and really cool arm-length black gloves (all in
> leather! yow!) (ever seen Miyuki-chan in Wonderland? Y'know the queen? Kinda
> like that...) she puts on her black bunny ears and steps to the newly
> blown-apart window*
>  (if you don't know who it is now, go dry up in a corner somewhere..^_~)

I wonder about you sometimes......^_-

I was expecting this sometime. Not exactly in the fashion that you've
done so, but still....
My answer? "Okay. Glad to have you on board!!" If any of the others give
you flak, tell them _I_ said you're worthy. I *know*. ^_-

Walski goes on to shout at his subordinates:
> "Secondly, we have a new mission. It is apparent, some people from EoE
> are giving our friend, and my Mistress PIMoSLD a hard time about
> membership. We don't like that. Our job is to make sure that her
> membership is set in stone. I don't care how you do it, just make sure
> she gets in."

NO No No No No No No no. I fully support her. And as someone described
it, Bradster is the Emperor, and I'm his Darth Vader. (The positioning
of lesser ecchis can be fought out amongst themselves.) So whatever your
subordinates do, leave me out of it. Besides, I'm a bigger Hentai than
the lot of 'em put together, and I'll eat them for breakfast.
(Doubt me? Then perhaps you can explain why your military won't accept
anyone with an alternative lyfestyle?.......simply put: "You Don't Know
The Power Of The Dark Side"....)

And a suggestion: you might want to wait to see if any of the others are
even going to bother resisting her before you put your subordinates into

UGMA Gate# 69

From: Bradsempai@aol.com
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 18:58:56 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <970409185733_706500612@emout04.mail.aol.com>
To: ranma@usagi.jrd.dec.com
Subject: Bradster Escapes!
Reply-To: ranma

from the battle-armor bunny-suited Laura:

( I think this is a plot you and the other Laura cooked up for a little gang
action, but I'll play along   )

<< PIMoSDL: Now.. *pulls out the entire supply of weapons that she has bought
 and points her missle launcher to Bradster's head*  It's simple. I wanna
 join EoE. NOw, I'm going to be reeeal nice about it, and ask for
 membership... of course, however, if nobody complies, Brad-baby here gets a
 spanking from Mr. Whip and then I send a missile through his head....
 what'll it be? >>

Bradster: Hmmm.  While I normally have no objections to females joining the
EOE as members (not as party favors), I object most strongly to these
coercion tactics of yours, especially since you haven't been rejected before
to get this angry at me.

PIMoSDL:  Well, that's the breaks, Bradster.  You can say 'yes', and your
so-called life can go on as normal, or you can say 'no' , get a lashing from
Mr. Whip, and then get a free ride on something a little more lethal than
Jaymz's boomstick.  What'll it be?

Bradster:  Well, obviously you leave me no choice but to....well, good
evening Mr President!

There's a snapping of cloth and clicking of boots as MasterGuns and his
platoon all snap to attention at the arrival of the CiC.  Dubious, but not
wanting to miss a chance, Pimpin' Laura takes her attention off of Bradster
for the crucial second that he'd been counting on, and he scuttles away.

PIMoSDL (turning back around): Hey, I don't see the Pres... Bradster!  Get
your lying hide back here!

    She raises her missle launcher back to her shoulder, but no longer has a
clear shot, since Bradster has put Walski's platoon between them.

PIMoSDL:  Walski!  That mangy cur was blowing smoke up your rear!  Get your
guys and bring him back to me!

Walski:  Yes, Mistress Laura!  Platoon Sergeant Wilkes!  Get 20 of your best
men and follow me!

    Master Guns and his men dash off to follow the Bradster, while Pimpin'
Laura taps her foot impatiently.

Walski:  Bradster, get back here!  Not only have you lied to the Corps, but
you lied to the MISTRESS!  This will not go unpunished, no matter what the
Mistress wants!

Bradster:  Not today, MasterGuns- no one's going to coerce ME into doing
something without good reason!  You're just going to have to CATCH me first!

Walski:  Not a problem, you can't actually believe that you can outrun a
group of 20 trained soldiers, can you?!

Bradster:  I won't have to outrun you- I've got something else up my sleeve.

   Bradster puts his fingers to his lips and emits a loud whistle, and a
figure steps out from behind some bushes.  Walski glances over to the figure
to assess the threat potential, and stops cold when he realizes that it's
Ukyou Kounji, clad in a nightie that's barely large enough to blow his nose

Ukyou (waving and bouncing up and down in a most provacative fashion):
 Yoo-hoo, Walski-honey, over here!

   Speed records are broken as MasterGuns races over and kneels down in front
of his OTHER mistress, and his troops follow, for completely understandable

Walski:  My goddess Ukyou, what may your humble servant Master Gunnery
Sergeant Paul Walski do to make you happy?  (He takes a quick glance upwards,
and a thin trail of blood begins to trickle from his nose as he takes in the
supple curves of his Goddess's form, as they press gently against the thin
fabric of her (virtually nonexistent) clothing).

Ukyou (smiling coyly):  Gunnery Sergeant?  What a coincidence!  I was hoping
that you would be able to tell me the difference between your rifle and your
gun, and now it looks like you'll be more than able to oblige!

Walski:  The difference......between my rifle.........and
my.........my.......oh my.  

  The trickle of blood becomes a steady stream, and if any of his troops had
thermograph equipment they would notice that his body temperature had
increased by several degrees.  However, his agitated state is obvious to
everyone there, and his troops begin to snicker at him, as well as mentally
envying him his good fortune.  Their noises momentarily snap him out of his
stupor, and he looks back at them with a possessive gleam in his eyes.
 Moments later, the entire complement is unconscious, and MasterGuns is
running off with a laughing Ukyou in his arms, playfully slapping at him.

Walski:  She's mine!  Mine, I tell you!  Mine!  I share with nobody!

   Bradster steps out from where he'd been hiding, and begins sauntering away
from the scene.

Bradster:  I knew that sleeping with that girl from the Biotechnology
Division would eventually come in handy!  Not only can I clone myself, but I
can genetically engineer any physique that I want.  This is gonna be fun!

-fin  (whew!)
(In real time, this scene would take perhaps 2 minutes, in order to
facilitate someone else continuing the episode, hint hint)
Message-Id: <199704100308.UAA16638@oracle.damerica.net>
From: "Pimpin' Imperial Majestrix of SD-ism Laura" 
Subject: If THAT'S how you wanna play it... >:)
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 19:48:55 -0700
Reply-To: ranma

> Bradster: Hmmm.  While I normally have no objections to females joining=
> EOE as members (not as party favors), I object most strongly to these
> coercion tactics of yours, especially since you haven't been rejected b=
> to get this angry at me.

*raises hand* I never said that I was angry looking at this however... (^=


> Bradster:  I knew that sleeping with that girl from the Biotechnology
> Division would eventually come in handy!  Not only can I clone myself, 
but I
> can genetically engineer any physique that I want.  This is gonna be fun!

*PIMoSDL sighs and hops out of the window.  She spots a man running in the shadows
and pots the tube that Bradster had been fed with.*

PIMoSDL: *busts out the whip and chases the man* I don't care if that IS 
a clone!  Bradster!
*cracks whip* I'm gonna have to punish you for taking down Walski-San! 

*PIMoSDL chases Bradster (or Brad-clone, whatever) into the horizon crack
ing her whip

PIMoSDL: *catching up to the guy* ARGH! Now it's time to be punished!  *s
hoots down a stop
sign and uses it to hold Brad/clone down* VAH HAH HAH HAH HAH *superultra
(repeat 200x)

Fine then, I shall rely on other tactics...  I shall be the hunter of the
 one true Bradster
until I am officialy decalred as part of EoE.. *PIMoSDL begins to transfo
rm...*  now I must

*PIMoSDL appears in a red bunny suit with a yin-yang sign on the front.*
PIMoSDL: The one and only, Bradster Hunter Laura=AE !!  Missle launcher o=
f my soul, appear!
*does a nifty pose as a glowing pink light appears between her hands, tha=
t slowly forms into
a missle launcher*  Ahhh.. now I must be off. =20

*PIMoSDL flashes a smile (hey, JUSTICAR, if I pay royalties on your *tink=
*=AE thing, can I use
one here?) and leaps off into the darkness*

Pimpin' Laura:
>Fine then, I shall rely on other tactics...  I shall be the hunter of the=
 >one true Bradster
>until I am officialy decalred as part of EoE.. *PIMoSDL begins to transfo=
>rm...*  now I must become..=20

*sigh*  No need.  To appease those who are complaining about spam in general
(hypocritical or not), and RPG spam in particular, I declare my participation
in this thread at an end.  I don't think there's been any RPG stuff here for
the last three months, but that doesn't matter, I guess.

I've also talked to someone offline who has given you good references, so I
also bestow upon you full EOE membership (meaningless as it is).

I refuse to apologize to those who didn't like this appearing here on the ML.
 Laura 'petitioned' creatively, and I responded 'creatively'.  I thank her
for doing so, because I haven't felt that creative urge in months.  That
entire post was thought up at work in about 3 minutes (even though it took
much longer to write, of course).


Message-ID: <334C37F7.2471@geocities.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 17:45:20 -0700
From: Saotome Laura 
Reply-To: saotomelaura@geocites.com
To: Ranma ML 
Subject: Ooh, Bradster's in trouble...

Upperclassman Bradster wrote:

> ( I think this is a plot you and the other Laura cooked up for a little gang
> action, but I'll play along   )
>    Bradster steps out from where he'd been hiding, and begins sauntering away
> from the scene.
> Bradster:  I knew that sleeping with that girl from the Biotechnology
> Division would eventually come in handy!  Not only can I clone myself, but I
> can genetically engineer any physique that I want.  This is gonna be fun!


Saotome Laura: I've been hearing some bad things about you, Bradster.
First, you accused me of setting up PIMoSDL's request of membership in
order to stir up some gang warfare.  Then you deny my co-Laura's request
of membership.  _Then_, as if that weren't enough, you lied to the
Pimpin' One _and_ Master Gunnery Sargeant Walski, both of whom are under
the protection of the Knighthood.  You are not on my good list right
now, Bradster. 

Bradster: Oh yeah?  Well, aren't I scared.

Saotome Laura:  You will be, Bradster.  You will be.

Message-ID: <334C4BAF.71E5@PioneerPlanet.infi.net>
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 21:08:47 -0500
From: "MGySgt Paul W. Walski" 
Reply-To: walski@PioneerPlanet.infi.net
To: ranma@usagi.jrd.dec.com
Subject: I must have them both!!!!!

Bradster did pen:

Ending with:
Bradster steps out from where he'd been hiding, and begins sauntering
away from the scene.

*Back at the 8th Gate* 
PIMoSDL: "Walski! How could you even think about sleeping with Ukyo when
I gave you a direct order to get Bradster?"

Walski: "My mistress, I have no excuse for my disobiedient, but rather
provacative and highly entertaining, behavior, I do promise you that the
situation is well in hand."

PIMoSDL, now furious and up in Walski's face screaming: "Well in hand?!
WELL IN HAND?! I don't see Bradster in front of me kneeling and begging
for mercy do I?"

Walski, who wipes the spittle off his face: "My Mistress, I assure you
me and my Marines are taking care of the situation. Look here."
*Walski leads PIMoSDL out of the office and onto the warehouse floor.* 
"I didn't want to do this unless it was an emergency, but I was forced
to bring one of my secret weapons online."
Walski leads her over to 10 men who are standing loosly in a formation
holding M40A1 sniper rifles. 

PIMoSDL: Well, what the hell are these guys? Look like your everyday
Marine you've got around here. 

Walski: Not quite, My Mistress, these are Force Recon Snipers, all are
veterans of highly classified missions throughout the world. They are
trained in psycological warfare and are trained to resist even the
slightest amount of discomfort. They can lay in wait for weeks before
their target is in the area, without moving or talking. 
Each are equipped with Thermooptic camophlage, and the highest powered
sniper rifle they can handle, without jeoprodizing their mission. 

PIMoSDL looks over the 10 men who stare out into nothingness, their eyes
glazed over, but still filled with determination. One casually glances
at her then returns to his meditation. 

Walski: Whoa, My Mistress, one looked at you, I think he likes you.

PIMoSDL: I want him alive, Walski...

Walski: I know, My MIstress, their orders are to locate and track
Bradster, they'll signal us, through cybernetic implants where he is,
and when we should assemble a team to get him. We'll have the highest
capable men on the extraction mission. They won't succum to Bradster's
tricks again. 

PIMoSDL: See that it doesn't, Walski. * she takes out a whip and cracks
it across the floor* Or by God Mr. Whip will get a piece of your hide.

"Yo-hoo, Walski-honey." A voice calls from up in the office. Heads turn
as Ukyou pokes her head out of the door. "I'm ready when you are..." she
calls out playfully.

"Uhhhhh..." Walski moans Homer-style and a pool of drool forms at his
feet. Suddenly he realizes that his Marines are watching, "AS YOU
WERE!"  Heads turn back to what they were doing.

"Marines, get out there and do you thing." Walski says to the Snipers,
who disappear without a word. "Excuse my, My Mistress...I uhh...Have a
few things to do..." Walski disappears in a blazing trail up to his

Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 18:56:32 -0500
From: Francis Sanchez 
To: ranma@usagi.jrd.dec.com
Subject: Funny-looking post, and Brad/PIMoSDL conflict
Reply-To: ranma

Well, this is a first. I said:

There. I=27ve said my piece about the Church of Miyu, at least for =

Hmm..how did my whole post come out weird like that? Oh well. Just
thought I'd bug everyone with a meaningless post. Gomen nasai!

Ok fine, one thing...about this whole thing w/ PIMoSDL and
Bradster...maybe we could compile and make it into some wild
fanfic.....what would we call it? ^_^


(NOTE: No, we aren't crazy and/or weird...just willing to have a li'l fun..^_^)

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