
Vital Statistics

Names: An-man, Curry-man, Pizza-man, Niku-man
Age: ?
Eyes: Brown
Hair: None
First Appearance (Anime): None as of yet in the USA
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 15 (Japanese)
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Ranma

Profile: The Niku-men are four little men, with heads all shaped like their respective names (i.e. Pizza-man's head is shaped like a pizza, etc.). What they do have in common, however, is that they are all bald. The four are a team of thieves who live off of stealing other people's valuables while looking for the cure to fix their baldness.

The Niku-men eventually find out a cure for their baldness - the Dragon's Whisker, an item which makes males' hair grow if ingested intot he human body. The Niku-men find out that the only Dragon's Whisker is currently in the possession of Ranma Saotome, who had long ago accidentally ingested a Dragon's Whisker and was now using another Dragon's Whisker to stop his hair from growing all over the place.

After the Niku-men arrive in Nerima, they begin to cut of all the males with ponytails that they could find, in a futile effort to find Ranma, who had it tied into his hair. Eventaully, they found Ranma, and began to use various little tricks in order to get the Whisker from Ranma.

The Niku-men, however, were not the only ones after Ranma's Dragon's Whisker. Upon finding out of its effects to cure baldness, Genma and Happosai were also after Ranma in order to take advantage of its effects. Int he chaos that ensued, the Niku-men managed to pick up the Whisker, but it was subsequently taken away by Akane.

Eventually, as the Whisker passes hands between the Niku-men, Genma and Happosai, its effect ran out. Ranma's hair, which had grown to incredible length due to not having the Dragon's Whisker, stopped growing. The other Dragon's Whisker, which ended up in the hands of the Niku-men, had run out of magic as well. Thus the Niku-men were not able to cure their bladness.

Personality: The Niku-men are thieves who will do anything and everything in order to find the cure for their baldness and acquire it. They used various devices on Ranma in order to try and get the Whisker, and were not afraid to fight when the Whisker was at stake.They disregard authority and law and live on their own standards.

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez