
Vital Statistics

Name: Lukkosai
Age: ?
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black (as boy) White (as old man)
First Appearance (Anime): None as of yet in the USA
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 31 (Japanese)
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Happosai, Ranma

Profile: Lukkosai is Happosai's old training partner, and the two used to train and be friendly to each other in times past.

Originally, Lukkosai was thought to be a boy, when he was found and taken in by Happosai and Ranma, after he had been caught on a panty raid, similar to the ones Happosai usually takes. Happosai took the "boy" Lukkosai under his wing, much to Ranma's horror, especially after almost being snuggled by the mini-pervert.

Eventually it is found that the boy is not really a boy, but in reality an old man like Happosai. Having fallen in the Spring of Drowned Boy, he now assumes the form of a young (and perverted) young boy whenever splashed with cold water. It is also found out that the reason Lukkosai had been seeking out Happosai was to take back a very important item that had been stolen off of him when him and Happosai were both 18. This item was an ink tablet which made the user's ink-brush drawings come to life when used properly - an item well suited to Lukkosai, who uses an ink brush to attack. Lukkosai eventually gets back the item and him and Happosai try to work together to get at Onna-Ranma, who beats them up.

Personality: Lukkosai is just as perverted in his boy form as in his normal, old man form. He and Happosai have very similar personalities and the two seem to mesh together very well. Almost as possessive as Happosai, Lukkosai hates to have things taken from hima nd will stop at nothing to get them back. He, like Happosai, is also trying to get at Onna-Ranma to snuggle against her, and once almost got an ink copy of Onna-Ranma's chest.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez