Akane: We're not getting married, you know. Ranma: You're telling me. Akane: So don't hang around me in school. Ranma: Don't worry. I can't stand macho chicks like you!!! *********************************

*Love gets in the way - Part two*

The next morning dawned bright and early. So did some visitors. Tatewaki and Kodachi Kuno came to "offer their sympathies". Kuno carried three bouquets of vibrant red roses. "I, Tatewaki Kuno, am here to aid my beloved Akane, pig-tailed girl, and last but not least - charming and witty Nabiki Tendo - in their moment of distress." He thrust one of the bouquets into the crook of Akane's arm. "But where hither my other loves?" Ranma appeared. "Hiya, sweetheart," he drawled, grabbing one of the other two. Kuno glared at him. "Despicable wretch!" He was flattened as his sister ran over him to fling her arms around Ranma. That was pretty hard to do since she was wearing a straitjacket. "Ranma darling! How I have missed you!" She pressed her body against him. "More than I missed you!" he cried, fighting her off. "Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital? That straitjacket is more than a fashion statement, you know." Kodachi laughed her super annoying cackle. "You're such a kidder!" Akane tried to return the bunch of flowers of flowers to Kuno. She opened her mouth to speak. Kuno waved her off. "Please try to restrain your affection for me, Akane. I know how difficult it must be for you." It took an hour and 10,000 yen paid in cash to Nabiki to get rid of the two. Ranma leaned on the door, exhausted. Just then, he was thrown back as someone shattered the door. It was Ukyo, her okonomiyaki outfit in tatters, her hair in disarray. "Ranma," she panted. "I would have gotten here sooner if someone by the name of Shampoo hadn't stopped me." She saw the tired look on his face. "Oh you poor thing! It must have been hard for you to hold up without me." She hugged him tightly. Before he knew it, an elbow was shoved into his face. He realized that it was Akane's. All right! he thought. We're finally getting somewhere. But when his eyesight cleared, she was just staring at him impassively. "Sorry." Her tone was clipped. "Old habits die hard." Ukyo frowned. Ranma was taking Akane too seriously. She yanked him towards her. "Ranchan, to make up for it, I made you a special okonomiyaki." She whipped out a box. Ranma blinked in surprise. The okonomiyaki inside the box she held was easily half his size. "I-I just ate breakfast." Ukyo's eyes flared. "But I made it just for you." She shoved it to him. He gulped at her frightening appearance. "Of course, of course! I was just joking!" Afterwards, he felt sick. So when Mrs. Nodoka Saotome arrived some time later, it was amid sighs of relief from the whole Tendo household. They crowded around her eagerly. "Hello, how are-" She stopped as the atmosphere of depression settled on her. She dropped her bags in surprise. "Honey," Genma said, leading her to a chair, "I think you better sit down." It took her several minutes to comprehend what they were saying. "Hold on. You mean to say that the dojo burned down, Ranma and Akane's engagement is off and Akane's moving to Aomori tomorrow? All this happened during the five days I was gone? Five days?" Everyone nodded except for Ranma and Akane. Both had kept silent. Nodoka's eyes fluttered. She turned to Akane in disbelief. "Is this your decision to leave us, Akane?" She looked down, suddenly ashamed. It was hard for her to meet the older woman's gaze. "Yes, Auntie." "But why?" Nodoka cried. "I always thought that you and my son-" Akane blushed, deliberately not commenting on the last part. "The Drama Institute of Aomori is one of the best in the country." She sounded tired, as if she had repeated the same speech many times before. "It would be foolish of me to pass it up." Nodoka was shocked, her usually calm face distorted with emotion. "But Akane, don't you see?! This is a huge mistake! I beg you to reconsider - Oh!" She was stopped from saying further as Genma dragged her to a corner of the room. He began to whisper furiously into her ear. Ranma and Akane both flushed with embarrassment. The topic of their conversation was obvious. Some of Nodoka's incredulous words reached them. "Are you sure that's going to work?" Her husband mumbled something reassuring. They rejoined the rest of the group. Nodoka was pale yet composed. "Very well. It is your decision to make." "Auntie," Akane began. Tears stung her eyes. She knew how much she had hurt her surrogate mother. She bowed her head. "I'm sorry, she whispered. Nodoka bent down to her level. "No I am." Akane searched her face for any bitterness, but all she could find was kindness and compassion. It was too much for her and she embraced the older woman tightly. "Thank you for everything," she sobbed. Nodoka stroked her hair lovingly. "There, there child." Her eyes were full of affection as she comforted the hurting girl. Little did she know what a perfect picture of mother and daughter they made. She failed to notice her son quietly slipping away. When Ranma returned it was already dark, and only Kasumi had been left to clear the plates. He had been working out at the park to get his mind off his troubles but it hadn't worked. He wondered how he was going to ask Kasumi where Akane was. Kasumi watched him out of the corner of her eye. The poor kid, she thought. "Akane's in her room with Father." He started. "How did you know that I was going to ask that?" Kasumi faced away from him to hide the smile that crossed her face. Instead of answering she said, "My sister is very beautiful. Don't you think so, Ranma?" His mouth dropped open in shock. He gawked even more when she winked at him before leaving. When he had recovered himself sufficiently, he decided to stroll down the hallway of Akane's bedroom (casually!). Just idle curiosity... Idle curiosity made him bend down and press his ear to the keyhole. Akane's voice was soft but clear. "Don't worry about me. I'll be staying at the dorm there. I already made a deal with the landlady... Sick to his stomach, he stepped away. Somewhere deep inside him, he'd hoped that Mr. Tendo would be the one who could persuade her to stay. Now it looked like she was more determined than ever. He had to talk to her...to make her change her mind... He sat down against the wall and waited. When he opened his eyes, sun was already filtering through the window at the far end. He groaned, sitting up. His whole body ached from the stiff position he'd slept in. He must have dozed off while waiting for Mr. Tendo, he realized. Just then, the door to Nabiki's room opened and she stepped out. She was startled to find him glaring up at her. Her lips curved into a sly smile. "Now what are you doing there?" Ranma rose. "Leave me alone, Nabiki." Her smile grew even wider. "You know you want to talk to her. What's stopping you?" She gestured down the empty hall. "An army?" He shot her a withering glance. She just laughed and went downstairs. "Why don't they just mind their own business?" he grumbled to himself. He lurked around, figuring that Akane would soon appear for breakfast. Several minutes passed, and still there was no Akane. Just before he chickened out and left, her door suddenly opened. She didn't seem surprised to see him. "Come in, Ranma. I have something I have to tell you anyway." She disappeared inside again. Awkwardly, he entered the room. He couldn't help observing that the place seemed a lot smaller that it had before. Luggage and clothing were littered around. Akane sat down on an uncovered spot on her bed. She didn't offer him to sit down. He didn't mind. He felt like standing anyway. She looked straight into his eyes. Hers were rimmed with red. "Ranma, I feel that we have to talk to each other. It's to you above everybody else that I have to explain my actions to." She took a deep breath. "It's not because I want to leave you or my family, it's just... Oh let's face it. I actually wished that there wouldn't be a dojo. Everytime I see you or Daddy or anybody remotely connected to it, I'm reminded of what I did, and how everybody's suffering because of it. The school wasn't just the source of our income. It was part of our lives. I took that away from all of you. No-" she said when he started to interrupt, "don't protest. You know what it meant to you." Ranma had to admit she was right in that respect. But a practice hall isn't worth more than you! he wanted to say. "I can't live knowing how much pain I've brought. So I'm doing the next best thing. I'm moving away. You have to understand that I want to leave because I need to." her eyes pleaded with him. "Please tell me that you do." No! Ranma ached to shout out. I want you to stay! I love you for cryin' out loud! But instead he nodded grimly. "Yes, I do. You're only doing what's best for you." Her smile lit up her face in relief. "I'm glad. It's a safe bet to say I'll never forget you." He nodded again mutely. Stiffly, he got up and walked away. He wanted to turn around and confess everything but he had accepted that she had made her decision and she'd stick to it. It was too late to change anything. Akane slouched after Ranma left. It had been difficult for her, but that was to be expected. She sighed. Oh Ranma, she thought. What happened to us? I really thought we were going somewhere. I waited and waited for you to indicate a sign that you cared, just one intimate word. But you remained silent. I'm sorry that this is the way we're going to end, but what can I do? You can't base a relationship on silence and denial. She sighed again. It's a shame. A god**** shame. Ranma plopped down at the table noisily. He snatched his bowl of rice from Kasumi's outstretched hand and scowled at it. He felt the eyes of every one on him. "What's your problem?" he grunted, digging into the bowl. "Ranma's depressed because Akane's leaving," Nabiki explained. "I do not!" he shouted heatedly. No one minded him. "I feel melancholy myself." Soun's tears threatened to overflow. Kasumi placed her hands on her lap and sat still. Nodoka reached out and patted Ranma's hand. "If you feel sad over her going, why don't you tell her?" Her manner was slightly reproaching. Ranma rudely drew his hand away but couldn't bring himself to snap at his mother. His father's voice, on the other hand, was sharp. "For once be honest about your feelings, son." "Look who's talking." He pushed his bowl away and trudged outside. Soun shook his head as he watched him go. "I'm not sure about this, Saotome." Genma threw his hands up, trying to sound confident. "Relax, Tendo. Trust me." "Last time I did that my daughter got engaged to someone already promised to two others." Genma was annoyed. "Must you always bring that up?" Stupid, muddling Genma, Ranma fumed. If it weren't for him I'd never be in this mess. He reached the backyard and began kicking and punching the upright block of wood furiously. But with every move he made, a picture of Akane floated in his mind. Akane laughing merrily, Akane smiling secretively, Akane with her tongue sticking out, Akane with her eyes full of concern. Finally, he admitted defeat and sank to the ground. "Tired already?" A man stepped out from behind a tree. It was Ryoga. "Well, well," Ranma drawled. "If it isn't P-chan. I knew you'd find your way here sooner or later. Personally, I'd have preferred later." "Stop calling me P-chan. It's me and Akari now." "Oh? Then why are you here?" Ryoga paused. "All right, I'll have to confess. I still love Akane. A part of me always will. But I accepted a long time ago that it would be the two of you who got together." He grabbed Ranma by the collar. "Don't tell me I made a mistake." He wrestled out of his grasp. "Well you did. One of many." He turned away. "You mean you're letting her move away?" Ranma faced him in surprise. "How did you know? You just got here." Ryoga scratched his head in embarrassment. "Er - I sorta passed through Aomori on my way here. I got to talking to the landlady of a dorm there." "Figures." He took a step forward. "It's not too late! You can still stop her! Be a man and tell her how you feel!" "What's it to you?" Ranma's tone was bitter. "Thought you'd be happy." Ryoga bowed his head. "I'm as confused as you. But I can't watch you two self-destruct. If I hadn't broken down and told Akari the truth I wouldn't be as happy as I am now." "She's already made plans. This acting school means a lot to her." "That isn't the point!" Ryoga exclaimed. "You've got to tell her you love her or you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Really, you should have told her a long time ago and you know it." Ranma clenched his fist. His eyes shone with newfound determination. "You're absolutely right! I've got to tell her. And you know what? I'm doing it right now." He ran towards the house. "Way to go!" Ryoga cheered. Nabiki stepped out of the bushes. Her mouth formed a perfect o. "It's the first time I lost a bet," she muttered. Ryoga smiled. "Tough. Pay up." Ranma rushed into the house. "Akane!!!" he yelled. He stopped when he found everybody crying. "S-She's already gone," Soun bawled. "She left that for you, Ranma." Nodoka pointed to a note on the table. Numb with disappointment, he picked it up. Sorry I didn't have time to say good-bye, it read. I'll be going on Train 11 at the station. A sign from God, he thought. He clutched the note and resumed running. He ran long and hard before he reached the station. He almost circled around Tokyo. "Oh no," he mumbled as he saw a train pulling away. It was with great relief when he found out that had been Train 9. His legs were beginning to flag when he spotted Train No.11. But his eyes bulged when he recognized Akane being helped into the train. He wanted to cry out but he was too out of breath. He sprinted the rest of the distance. "Akane!" She stuck her head out the door she had disappeared into. "Ranma! What are you doing here?" Instead of answering, he bodily lifted her off the train. "What the - Hey!" she cried. "This is going to stop know!" Ranma's expression was fierce. "Stay Akane! Don't leave! I l-" He shook his head in frustration. "I love you! There!" Akane's mouth dropped open in shock. "But-but-after all I did...?" "The dojo doesn't matter to me!" he declared passionately. "At least not as much as you do." "Ranma..." she was struck speechless. "A-Anyway, I'll build a new dojo. A better one! We will." His eyes pleaded with her. "Please." Akane's eyes began to glow with happiness. I can't believe this is actually happening to me. The barker appeared. "Boarding, miss?" A smile turned up the corners of her mouth. "No looks like I won't." With a laugh, she flung herself into Ranma's welcoming arms. They embraced like they'd never let go. "Kids," the barker muttered. He jumped aboard as the train began moving. When the two finally broke apart, they shared a slow, meaningful smile. Akane sighed, this time in contentment. Playfully she remarked. "It's too bad love got in the way. I'm sure I would have had a brilliant career as an actress." Ranma leered down at her. "Oh you can still be an actress. You just have to star in an all-female film." He leaned in for a kiss. Soun sighed happily as he laid down the binoculars. "Ah...the reward of our sacrifice is now painfully apparent." Genma laughed boisterously as he puffed up his chest. "What did I tell you, Tendo? My plan was foolproof!" Soun turned on him indignantly. "Your plan?! I was the one who thought of stuffing Master's clothes with 'real' bombs instead of happodaikarin ones!" Genma stepped up. "I was the one who came up with the idea to burn down the dojo in the first place!" "Only after I showed you the list of expenses of repairing the dojo!" "After I said we needed a new strategy to get our children together!" The two friends glared at each other. But they were too happy to stay angry for long. They broke into grins. "I have to hand it to you," Soun chuckled. "If you hadn't brought that Hibiki boy into the plan we would never have been able to pull it off." He laughed loudly. Genma's grin froze. "Ah-er -um - Yes! It was clever of me." His smile fell off the instant Soun turned away. The two proud parents watched as their children fulfilled a dream. AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi! Hope you liked the story! If you guessed Soun and Genma were behind the whole thing at the start then you must have a brilliant mind. (great minds think alike -> he he) Or maybe you're just as crazy about Ranma as I am (more likely, I suppose). Anyway, I don't know all that much about Japan, especially their cities and stuff, so I'm sorry if there is no way there could be a school in Aomori. I just looked it up in the atlas, see. I also don't know if there's a train to Aomori from Tokyo. Sorry if the idea's even ridiculous. Just bear with me...:) Oh, I also have to say that I sorta "borrowed" the idea of Akane going to acting school from the "Daigakusei no Ranma" fanfic. Without their permission. Sorry... Okay, my other stories don't have this, so I hope everyone who read the other three read this too. Pls. e-mail me at . I love receiving more mail than my Dad so just drop me a line: even just to say that you read it. All comments and suggestions are welcome!!!
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