
Vital Statistics

Name: Koeda
Age: ?
Eyes: Brown
Hair: ?
First Appearance (Anime): None
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 32
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: None

Profile: Koeda is one of the members of an all-girls ninja school in a remote part of Japan, and who is also one of the ugly stepsisters of the Cinderella-like Konatsu, one of the most skilled ninjas at the school. Forcing her to work and do their bidding, the ugly stepsisters and stepmother told Konatsu to go and destroy the Tendo dojo after Happosai, Ranma, Soun, and Genma accidentally burned their own school down.

However, Konatsu ended up falling for Ukyou, and fighting against Koeda and the others when they kidnapped Ukyou against her will.It was only after a team effort by Ranma and Konatsu that they were able to defeat Koeda and the others.

Personality: Koeda's unattractiveness is reflected in her personality, as she is cruel, spiteful, and mean-spirited. Like her stepsister and stepmother, she is skilled in her art, but follows a dishonorable and unsavry path toacheive her goals.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez