
Vital Statistics

Name: Kinii
Age: ?
Eyes: Brown
Hair: ?
First Appearance (Anime): Once Upon a Time in Jusenkyo
First Appearance (Manga): None
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: None

Profile: Kinii is one of the main members of the Jusenkyo Police, and one of its primary enforcers. He is also one of the last surviving members of the Cult of the Muscle Sword, a martial art whcih grants its users a well-muscled body as well as the skill to use muscle swords, or large scimitars, with deadly force.

Kinii was ordered by the Jusenkyo Police to bring back all the Jusenkyo cursed regular cast members (Ranma, Mousse, Shampoo, Ryouga, and Genma) because they were in some way or another violating the Jusenkyo Police's codes. Kinii was able to capture almost everyone - however, when he got to attempting to capture Ranma, it was found that Kinii himself was Jusenkyo cursed (due to Ranma's quick thinking with a bucket of cold water).

It turns out that long ago while practicing at Jusenkyo, Kinii fell into a cursed spring called Fuushanniichuan, or the Spring of Drowned Priest. Now whenever Kinii gets wet he turns into a kindly, scrawny old priest whose peaceful demeanor is the complete opposite of Kinii's raging attacks and anger in his normal form.

Taking advantage of Kinii's personality change as a priest, Ranma made Kinii lead him to the place where the other Jusenkyo cursed people were being held prisoner. However, just as Ranma was able to free all of them, Kinii was able to regain his original form and remember his mission to apprehend (or, that failing, kill) all Jusenkyo cursed persons. Managing to capture Genma and Ranma, Kinii subjected them to alternate dunking of hot and cold water in an effort to discipline them into controlling their curses. It was only after a bit of trickery and a tough battle that Ranma was able to defeat Kinii.

Personality: Depending on what form he's in at the time, Kinii can be either kindly or very aggressive and fierce. HIs usual, true form is an attacker and will methodically rip apart any enemy he comes across. The real Kinii will stop at nothing to complete his missions. His cursed form, however, is a complete opposite and embodies the Buddhist beliefs of peace and tranquility, refusing to fight even if ordered to do so.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez