Hayato Myojin

Vital Statistics

Name: Hayato Myojin
Age: 16
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance (Anime): None as of yet in the USA
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 30 (Japanese)
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Ukyou

Profile:Hayato Myojin, like Ukyou, is a chef and restaurant vendor who has a specialty dish. In Hayato's case, he makes octopus balls as his primary skill at cooking.

10 years ago, right after Ranma had left Ukyou, Hayato had challenged Ukyou to a cooking contest/match. The loser of the match, Hayato had said at the time, had to put on a silly looking mask and leave it on for the rest of his or her life. Needless to say, Hayato was very confident in his skill, but was still beaten very easily by the young Ukyou. Though Ukyou, at the time, had not taken the bet seriously, Hayato did, and had placed the mask on his face.

This mask is still on his face 10 years later, when Hayato comes in to take revenge on Ukyou and challenge her again, leaving little masks in her okonomiyaki. Ranma and Akane show up, and after much effort, get Hayato to take the mask off, revealing his very normal face. However, Hayato is not satisfied with merely taking the mask off (because he _had_ taken the bet seriously, after all) and challenges Ranma, who he gets into a fight with, to a match to determine if he is allowed to take his mask off.

In the course of the duel, Ranma gets one of Hayato's silly-looking masks on his face, and gets turned female in the process, causing Ukyou to attempt to help Ranma by attacking Hayato. Hayato is able to defeat Ukyou, though, and finally gets the right to take the mask off. Unfortunately, Onna-Ranma had placed glue ont he mask, sticking it to his face temporarily...

Personality: Hayato has a very high sense of honor, seen in the way he honors his promises, but he's also willing to resort to trickery to get what he wants. An adept fighter and sneaky at times, he may seem weak, but is actually a very intelligent person.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez