
Vital Statistics

Name: Harumaki
Age: ?
Eyes: Black
Hair: White
First Appearance (Anime): None yet in US
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 20 (Japanese)
Love Interest: Someone looking like his first love
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: None

Profile: Harumaki is a very old man who is in critical condition at the local hospital, who has a dying wish - to relive a date with his first love.

Harumaki's first love happens to turn out to look like Onna-Ranma, who then begins to have recurring bad dreams about dating Harumaki and eventually kissing him. In a show of sympathy (and mostly because she doesn't want to get haunted by Harumaki's ghost from the afterlife), Onna-Ranma goes on a date with Harumaki. However, Harumaki adds in, during the date, that he and his first love had promised to elope underneath a special spot - near some cherry blossom trees in the city. Luckily for Onna-Ranma, the site didn't exist anymore (a large building was now built over it).

Later, though, Onna-Ranma found out, much to her displeasure and Harumaki's amusement , that Harumaki had made up the entire story about his first love being separated from him and that he had actually married her (now an old woman who looks nothing like Onna-Ranma).

Personality: Harumaki has a romantic idea of love, but has a trickster streak to him which he used to fool Onna-Ranma into a free date.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez