Asuka Saginomiya

Vital Statistics

Name: Asuka Saginomiya
Age: 16
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
First Appearance (Anime): None as of yet in the USA
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 32 (Japanese)
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: Kodachi Kunou

Profile: Asuka Saginomiya, also known as the "White Lily", is an old schoolmate of Kodachi's whose rivalry goes all the way back to kindergarten, when the two were kids.

When they were back in kindergarten, both Kodachi and Asuka had fought over which of them deserved to get the most handsome boy in class, a kids' battle which Kodachi eventually won after much destruction of the small classroom. Asuka then made Kodachi promise that in 10 years, they would once again duel and see who has the coolest looking boyfriend. Kodachi agreed to this, and the two never really saw each other again..until they both were 16.

Asuka appears, reminding Kodachi of their promise, and Kodachi is forced to try and convince an unwilling Ranma to try and stand in as her boyfriend/date for one day. After a long talk, involving Asuka insulting Ranma's looks, Ranma agrees to stand in as Kodachi's boyfriend, encouraged by Akane, who had been upset that Asuka had insulted Ranma's looks.

On the day of reckoning, Asuka attempts to kill Ranma, or at the very least, ruin his face enough that he would be judged uglier than Asuka's date, who turns out to be very handsome. Ranma, however, avoids most of Asuka's traps, and makes it unharmed to the appointed place to make the judgement. However, it is later found that Asuka had kidnapped her date unwillingly. With the fact that Ranma was not particularly willing to be the appointed date for Kodachi, both Asuka and Kodachi agree to duel again in 5 years.

Personality: Asuka seems very similar in personality to Kodachi - seemingly trying to act innocent, but willing to do anything and everything to achieve her goals, including resorting to underhanded ploys and techniques. Ruthless as well as vindictive, her fair demeanor hides her intent to one-up Kodachi and have the cutest date.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez