First Name: Ukyo

Last Name: Kuonji

Parents: Mr. Kuonji

Jusenkyo Curse: None

Age: 16

Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Black

Marital Status: Engaged

Loves: Ranma Saotome
(Tsubasa! I swear!)
(Ki! Shut up!)

Loved by: Tsubasa Kurenai
Konatsu Kunoichi
(Ki, you aren't a character!)

Rivals: Akane Tendo
Kodachi Kuno

First Anime Appearance
Ukyo Can Cook
(Nettouhen 23)

Voice Actors:
Tsuru Hiromi
Kelly Sheridan

First Manga Appearance
Volume 9.5
Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange

I met Ryoga outside the Doctor's Office and together we set out again for what I hoped was going to be the Cat Cafe. It was almost noon and we still hadn't reached that restaurant.
Ki: Hey, Ryoga, I'm starving. It's been hours since lunch time and I think you've dragged me all over this place. I'm stopping at the next restaurant I see.

Ryoga: Funny you should say that. (he stopped outside the doorway to a restaurant)

Young Woman: Ryoga! What are you doing here?

Ryoga: Hi, Ukyo, I'm showing Ki, here, around town. He's been talking to everyone who knows Ranma reasonably well.

Ki: Ukyo? You're the one they left behind!

Ukyo: (smiles slightly) Don't remind me, sugar. Won't you come in?

Ki: Oh! That would be wonderful! I'm starved!

Ryoga and I followed her into her restaurant and sat down up at the hot plate bar. She began to cook us okonomiyaki.

Ukyo: It's on the house, you two. So what can I do for you Ki?

She slid the pancake on to a plate and placed it in front of me, then sat down on a stool

Ki: Oh thank you... This is perhaps the best okonomiyaki I've ever had! (Ryoga scoffed slightly)

Ukyo: Thanks, Ki, that means a lot. So you wanna know about Ranma-honey, huh? I'm his cute fiance.

Ki: How did you get engaged to Ranma?

Ukyo: We used to be friends when we were little. Then my dad and his dad arranged for the two of us to get married, but the two of them ran off with our okonomiyaki cart, which would have been the dowry, and left me behind.

Ki: Okonomiyaki is like a family business?

Ukyo: After they ran off, I was teased and tormented at school. I left behind my normal girl life and began training as a boy in the okonomiyaki style martial arts. Now, I like to think I'm the best okonomiyaki cook in the world.

Ki: (gazing at her) Well, hey.. you have my vote.

Ukyo: Oh, stop..

Ki: I really mean it! Shouldn't you be in school, though, Ukyo?

Ukyo: Heh.. yeah, well... I should be. I'm in Ranma's class at Furinkan. But I'm here now, I run down here and open the store at lunch time. I'll have to leave soon.

Ki: I'm sorry to hear that. I'm glad we got here when we did, then.

Ukyo: You know, Ki. You remind me of someone, I'm not quite sure who it is, but I don't think it was something pleasant.

Ki: That isn't very nice at all!

Ukyo: No! I didn't mean it like that! Oh.. why can't I say what I'm thinking?

Ki: Don't worry, I'm not really insulted.

Ukyo: Oh... (she stopped suddenly and looked at me carefully; then sat back and pulled a large spatula out in front of her) Ki, are you.. a boy?

Ki: Yip Yip!

Ukyo: It can't be... I'm sorry to cut this short, Ki, but I really gotta get back to class. Ryoga, close up for me, please!! Or you two can wait and talk to Konatsu when he's back from some errands! (She began to dash off out the back before Ryoga could protest)

Voice: Ukyo, I'm here!

Ki: Ukyo! I'll catch up to you if I get any new questions for you!

Ryoga: Heh.. you're going to enjoy this, Ki...

Do you have any questions for Miss Kuonji?

Ki: Ukyo! Glad I caught you. I have a question. "Miss Kuonji, do you and Ryouga have any kind of relationship other than trying to tear Akane and Ranma apart from each other???"

Ukyo: Ki-chan! Don't be silly! Why would I have any relations with that jackass when I have someone as perfect as Ran-chan? There is NOTHING between Ryoga and I.

Ki: Following up on that last one, Ukyo, "What about Konatsu? He seems to like you a lot."

Ukyo: Oh? Konatsu? I like him and all, but he is not nearly the man that Ranma is. Not that I'm trying to be funny, or anything.

Ki: Speaking of Konatsu, "Why do you only pay Konatsu 5 yen an hour?!"

Ukyo: Hey! He wants to work for me! I was doing fine without him. I also let him stay with me, that's room and board. I'm only sixteen, how much do you think I can afford? When Ranma-honey and I are married, then maybe I'll be able to pay him decently.

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