First Name: Unknown

Last Name: Tofu

Children: Dr. Tofu

Jusenkyo Curse: None

Age: 70's

Eyes: Brown

Hair: White

Marital Status: Widowed

Loves: Her Late Husband
Dr. Tofu
(Motherly way)

Loved by: Dr. Tofu
(In a Son way)

Rivals: Ki ^_^

First Anime Appearence
Ranma � Volume 7
(Episode 14)

Voice Actors:
Oota Toshiko
Only God knows..

First Manga Appearence
Doesn't appear
Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange

After talking to Dr. Tofu, I headed into the back room of his office to find a shrunken old woman sitting near a huge family Shrine. She smiled slightly through her wrinkles and stood up energetically.
Ki: Hey there, I'm Ki.

Mrs. Tofu: I heard all about it! I'd be glad to answer your questions. Just ask away, Miss.

Ki: Umm.. okay.. Tell me about this bridal contest.

Mrs. Tofu: Sure thing! I came by one day to visit my son, that healthy young lad you were just speaking with, and tell him that I had arranged his marriage to some big hipped woman that I'd picked.

Ki: There's a lovely image.

Mrs. Tofu: Image? Why yes.. I think I have one.

Ki: Oh! That isn't necessary! Please.. continue.

Mrs. Tofu: It's nothing, really! (she pulls a picture of a muscle clad woman in a blue bathing suit)

Ki: Oh my...

Mrs. Tofu: Lovely hips, don't you think?

Ki: Well, I wouldn't know. I mean, I've never judged them before.

Mrs. Tofu: Yours aren't so bad, either! Wow!

Ki: Yeah.. that's really interesting. Now back to this contest...

Mrs. Tofu: Well, when I got here, I found that my amazing son, the hansome fellow you saw a moment ago, had gotten himself engaged to three other girls!

Ki: I heard. Akane, Nabiki and Ranma.

Mrs. Tofu: Yes! Them! They were all here.. and I made them go through the hip training.. it's a great little game I made up to pick a bride for my son. Would you care to see it?

Ki: Oh please no..

Mrs. Tofu: Well! You don't have to be rude!

Ki: I'm sorry, but I'm not in the mood for games, ok?

Mrs. Tofu: I see. You should have made that clearer.

Ki: Well, continue, please.

Mrs. Tofu: As we were playing my bridal contest game.. it's a lovely little jig, are you sure?

Ki: Yes, ma'am.

Mrs. Tofu: Another girl showed up. I think her name was Kasumi. Anyway, she showed up and the way my Tofu acted around her made me believe that he was truly in love with her.

Ki: I got that impression, also.

Mrs. Tofu: So, I agreed to let Tofu stick to his "Betty-chan" but I know the one he likes. I'm sure she'll be a lovely wife.

Ki: She is a wonderful cook. I think I'm going to head out now. It's been a great deal of.. fun.. talking to you, Mrs. Tofu.

Mrs. Tofu: Why, thank you, Ki! It's been a pleasure, and I don't get many these days.

Ki: Ick! Oh my.. well.. I'm leaving. See you later. I'll stop in if some loser.. I mean wonderful person wants to talk to you. See ya!

Do you have any questions you would like to ask Dr. Tofu's mother?

Ki: Mrs. Tofu, here's a curious question. "Why are you always trying to commit suicide?"

Mrs. Tofu: Oh that? I'm just getting my dear son's attention, though should I succede I'll get to be with my beloved husband once again. I'm not rushing into anything, though. Just a false threat that I wouldn't particularly mind accomplishing. (smiling)

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