First Name: Unknown

Last Name: Tofu

Parents: Mrs. Tofu
(Deceased Father)

Jusenkyo Curse: None

Age: 25 - 30

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Marital Status: Single

Loves: Kasumi Tendo

Pets: Betty-chan
(sorta.. kinda)

Loved by: Kasumi Tendo
(Most of us hope)
Akane Tendo

Rivals: Ki ^_^

First Anime Appearence
Ranma � Volume 1
(Episode 2)

Voice Actors:
Mitsuya Yuuji
Ian Corlett

First Manga Appearence
Vol. 1.3
Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange

Ryoga and I lept clear of the Kuno's mansion and thankfully made our way down the streets, to where I hoped would be the Cat Cafe, as promised. But soon we came upon a sign that read "Chiropractor" and "Accupuncture"
Ki: Ryoga.. now where are we?

Ryoga: Well, it would appear to be Dr. Tofu's office. You may want to stop in here. He's healing Ranma constantly from my assults, I'm sure of it.

Ki: Oh.. the family doctor, huh? Sure, I'll stop in.

Ryoga waited outside as I entered

Tofu: Why hello there, young lady! How can I help you?

Ki: Well, you see, I'm not really injured or anything, I'm just going around talking to people who know the Tendos and the Saotomes.

Tofu: Oh, I see! Well, by all means, they're regulars around here.

Ki: Is that so? Tell me about it, would you?

Tofu: Well, where should I begin? Akane's always been around here ever since she was little. I remember when her sister.. Kasumi.. brought her by.

Ki: The way you say Kasumi.. Dr. Tofu.. you aren't, in love are you?

Tofu: In love?! With Kasumi!? (he began laughing rather childishly) Whatever gave you that impression?

Ki: Well, I just told you.. the way you said Kasumi made me think. Nevermind, I guess I'm wrong.

Tofu: Who needs a real girl when I've got Betty-chan here? (he pulls out a skeleton from a rack and begins to make it move)

Ki: Oh.. I'm sorry. I didn't know. (trying to avoid eye contact) How about we get back to the Tendos and the Saotomes?

Tofu: Yeah, that's a good idea! Well, recently, since Ranma's returned from some trip to China, he's been dropping in very frequently. It seems that he and Akane don't seem to get along. Though, there seems to be something between them.

Ki: I've noticed.

Tofu: Mr. Saotome works here, rather part time. I haven't seen him in some time. I guess he forgot or something. And Kasumi.. well, Kasumi.. and I are good friends.. heh.. she stops in frequently, always thinking of me. (he sighs but I tried to ignore it that time)

Ki: So Ranma and Akane come in, Ranma's always being injured by her?

Tofu: Yes, that's right. You're very intelligent, young lady.

Ki: Yeah, thanks..

Tofu: I personally think that Akane's very sweet. She's always very nice to me. She always used to poke in to say hello. It's a shame that Ranma doesn't see it.

Ki: Well, Akane seems to be.. moody, but I guess she is sorta nice.

Tofu: (nodding) I was engaged to her, Ranma and Nabiki once.

Ki: Oh really!? That is very strange, tell me about it.

Tofu: Well, you see, Mother was in town, infact she's here now! But she wanted me to marry some girl that she'd chosen for me. So the girls sort of helped me out by distracting Mother by pretending to be my fiances.

Ki: That's nice of them.

Tofu: It was very considerate. Would you like to meet Mother? She's in the back. I'm sure she'd love to tell you all about it.

Ki: That is a good idea, Dr. Tofu. I'll be back to see you if I get any new questions for you. Also if I have an injury, I think I know where to look. Good bye!

Tofu: Thank you, it's been nice talking to you.

Do you have any questions you would like to ask Dr. Tofu?

Ki: Here Dr. Tofu, I finally got a question for you. "Dr. Tofu, don't you think that you should propose to Kasumi, if you love each other that much? And you probably could stop cracking Ranma's head to the side. You should be happier together."

Tofu: Love Kasumi? Heh heh.. Whatever gave you that idea.. what do you mean happy together. Ranma? Is he here? (Looks around quizzically)

Ki: No, Doctor. It's okay, calm down. Oh no.. here's another. "Don't you really love Kasumi? She's REALLY nice."

Ki: (aside) Are you all trying to get me killed? The doctor is a dangerous man! Stop asking about Kasumi! Please!

Tofu: Mr. Saotome, why do you keep asking me about her?

Ki: This is Ki, Doctor Tofu.

Tofu: Oh! Anything you say, Akane!

Ki: Here's a more interesting one, Dr. Tofu. "How did you learn the amazing techniques you use?"

Tofu: I suppose you're refering to the Old Man of Tokyo pressure point and all my other special touches. Well, it's a combination of medical school and martial arts training. Being a martial artist and understanding the physical human body has made my work a real success.

Ki: Oh great.. another one about her. Give it up, people! "So, Doc, tell me, if you don't love Kasumi why do you act so weird around her? I have pictures of you dancing with your skeleton...."

*(Ki would like such pictures! Send them to him!)*

Tofu: I just like Betty-chan a lot!! Hoo hoo!! (begans to dance with the skeleton)

Ki: This one seems rather irrelevant, but what the heck? "Do you think Shampoo is a nice person?"

Tofu: Shampoo? She was nice enough when she was here working for me as a nurse. I got along well with her, but she disappeared suddenly. I guess she quit. I have the hardest time keeping my help working for me. I can't explain it.

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