First Name: Ryoga

Last Name: Hibiki

Parents: The Hibikis?
(Never Seen or Mentioned)

Jusenkyo Curse: Spring of Drowned Black Piglet

Age: 16

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Marital Status: Single

Loves: Akane Tendo
Akari Unryuu
(Occasionally Disguised Ranma )

Loved by: Akari Unryuu

Pets: Checkers
(AKA: Shirokuro)

Rivals: Ranma Saotome

First Anime Appearance
Ranma � Volume 4
(Episode 7)

Voice Actors
Yamadera Kouichi
Michael Donovan

First Manga Appearance
Vol. 2.2
Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange

As I left Akane's room, I noticed that it was really late in the afternoon, and soon Kasumi was calling people in for dinner. Still no sign of Happosai, though. I ate with them, as Kasumi had asked, and decided to spend the night, since I was offered. While I was preparing my room though, a young man entered.

Young Man: I hear, you're Ki. Wha-?

Ki: What's wrong? Who are you, by the way?

Young Man: I'm sorry, I thought you were Ki.

Ki: I am. Who are you?

Young Man: But.. you were.. a.. (he quickly throws cold water on me that he got seemingly out of nowhere)

Ki: Hey! What are you doing? WHO ARE YOU!?

Young Man: I'm Ryoga Hibiki. Who are you?

Ki: I'm Ki and I'm a guy! You just caught me out of my holy gear and in my boxers!

Ryoga: (very confused) Well, then.. you're the one I'm looking for I guess. You were interviewing Akane about Ranma and me, right?

Ki: That was me. I guess it's your turn, right?

Ryoga: Yeah, I was hoping.

Ki: Umm.. okay, would you like to tell me then? I really don't know much about you. Akane mentioned you and Ranma fight a lot, why is that?

Ryoga: That's sort of a long story. Ranma and I met back in Junior High.. and she was right, he continually stole bread from me, the lousy thief. We were supposed to fight, but the coward fled before I could get there.

Ki: He was there waiting and then fled? You said before you got there..

Ryoga: Yeah, it took me four days to get there. Can you imagine my fury when I found out he had left for China?

Ki: Yeah, I suppose I can.. why did it take you four days?

Ryoga: Huh? Oh.. well.. I get lost easily. Very easily, in fact. I don't understand why I can't ever get where I'm going, but I can't. The only place I always seem to come upon is here, the Tendos' home. (he gazed longingly into the ceiling

Ki: Is there something wrong?

Ryoga: Wha-? Oh, no. Just thinking about Akane, I guess.

Ki: Oh? Got a thing for Akane?

Ryoga: Shut up! Well.. actually, I do. But keep that to yourself, ok?

Ki: This is all fairly confidential, from your point of view, that is.

Ryoga: What's that supposed to mean?

Ki: Don't worry about it. Akane won't be reading what I'm writing. But I did catch something earlier. You made a reference to something that she and I had talked about and said that she was right. How did you know what she and I were talking about?

Ryoga: Oh? Did I? (Real nervous laugh)

Ki: Spill it, Ryoga.

Ryoga: You're sure she won't be reading this?

I nodded

Ryoga: All right, I'll talk. I'm P-chan. I followed Ranma to China and I too have suffered from the Jusenkyo Curse! If Ranma hadn't been such a coward, then I would have never needed to follow, but I did, and then when starving on a high cliff, I was knocked off by a panda and a girl, who as it turns out were..

Ki: Genma and Ranma Saotome?

Ryoga: (forcing his words through a clenched jaw of fury) Yeah.. it is all Ranma's fault that I have been through such a hell. I can never fully forgive him for what he has done.

Ki: I can see now why you don't tell Akane these things.

Ryoga: She loves her pet, P-chan. Not me. I don't think she could ever accept me the way I am. Besides, she's engaged to that inconsiderate jerk, Ranma.

Ki: I'm sorry, Ryoga. But, hey, you never know, right?

Ryoga: (seeming to ignore me) Not only that, Ki, but Ranma makes my life worse. He knows of the curse and that is why he picks on her pet pig. He is jealous of her pig, and she hates him for it. (sort of an smile of irony on his face) He has also come close to telling my secret many times. Mocks me by calling me P-chan. I tell you this out of a need for sympathy. It is a lonely life I lead never being able to get where I'm going.

Ki: I sympathize, Ryoga. It must be harsh. I wish you only the best and I promise that Akane will not get a hold of this.

Ryoga: Thank you, Ki. How about tomorrow I show you to the Cat Cafe, where Shampoo works? You can interview her.

Ki: Thanks, Ryoga! Good-night, now. I'll look for you when you get some questions of your own from others.

Ask Ryouga anything you want! Send your Questions to Ki and he will ask the cast for you! Follow set guidelines or questions will be disregarded. Guidelines are set on the main "Interview" page.

Questions Answered!

Ki: Hey, Ryoga. Here's one. "Ryoga, who is Akari??? And why don't you or Ranma, Shampoo, Mousse, Genma or Pantyhose go back to Jusenkyo to find the Spring of Drowned Man or woman in Shampoo's case?

Ryoga: Akari? She was a friend that I was writing to. She seems to have a certain affinity for pigs... and me. Something to do with her and raising champion sumo pigs, one of which I happened to defeat. Oh, and speaking for myself, I don't think I could get back to Jusenkyo if I tried. Do you realize how long it took me to get there?

Ki: "Ryoga, don't you think that if you just told Akane of your curse she would love you anyway?"

Ryoga: How could she? How could she love a man who has been deceiving her for so long, been sleeping in her very bed? If I had only known..

Ki: This came in, "Didn't your dog Checkers have puppies?"

Ryoga: Yes, two puppies that Akane adores. (he sighed heavily)

Ki: This just came in, "Ryoga, you have the potential to defeat Ranma EASILY. So why don't you get serious and beat him to a pulp?"

Ryoga: It's not as easy as that! It's not that I wouldn't love to smash the life out of Ranma, but as it so happens I'm always inconveniently caught in front of Akane, or change into (he shudders slightly) P-chan. There have been times when it was possible to shatter Saotome's life, but those chances escaped me.

Ki: That's tough, I suppose. "Well, I'm on a Newsgroup and one of the posters accused you of being a worse pervert than Ranma because you sleep with Akane. By the way, I like you and I know your a pig so why wouldn't Akane?"

Ryoga: Me? A bigger pervert than Ranma? That's ridiculous. I'm just her pet pig, but you're answering your own question. What if she took it all the wrong way like the people you're talking about. She likes me just fine now, but what if she learns I've been holding back on the truth all this time? That's the true tragedy.

Ki: Back to the sense of direction it seems... "If someone were to guide you straight to Jusenkyo, I don't mean point directions, but actually take you there, you would go, am I correct?"

Ryoga: Why must everything come back to my directional disability!? I suppose I could try to find my way back, but who knows how to get to Jusenkyo anyway? Other than the Saotomes and the Amazons? There's no way Ranma or his father would help, and I'd be lucky if I could find my way to that Neko Hanten.. Cat Cafe or whatever.. I don't see your point in asking. I'd do anything to rid myself of this curse.

Ki: "What type of Martial Arts do you practice? I have heard that you practice Anything Goes Martial Arts but if that is the case, who taught it to you?"

Ryoga: No, I follow a much more honorable school than the Anything Goes. Only the Tendos and the Saotomes practice that school, so I've heard. I just learn from my travels and experiences, no sense of direction has come in handy in that area, I suppose.

Ki: I got a new one for you, Ryoga. "You seem like a nice guy, don't you think some other girls would give you a chance?"

Ryoga: Some might. It's Akane who is sweet to me, though. I couldn't give her up. I just need to get rid of this stupid curse and I'll be confident enough to tell her myself how I feel.

Ki: In response to that, "Do you think she's cuter with short hair? Do you feel responsible for giving her the cut of her life?

Ryoga: Oh... wow. (he blushes slightly and begins to twiddle his thumbs) Akane's always very beautiful. But I refuse to take all the blame for her hair cut, but that's all in the past. It was just as much Ranma's fault as it was mine. I guess, she looks a lot better now anyway. She looks a lot more grown up and if she didn't like it, she'd be letting it grow.

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