First Name: Ranma

Last Name: Saotome

Parents: Genma and Nodoka Saotome

Jusenkyo Curse: Spring of Drowned Girl

Age: 16

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black (m), Red (f)

Marital Status: Engaged

Loves: Akane Tendo

Loved by: Akane Tendo
Ukyo Kuonji
Kodachi Kuno
Kaouri Daikoku(real minor)
(Female Only)
Tatewaki Kuno
Mikado Senzenin

Rivals: Ryoga Hibiki
Tsubasa Kurenai
Mikado Senzenin
(Male Only)
Tatewaki Kuno
Hikaru Gosunkugi
(Female Only)
Kodachi Kuno

First Anime Appearance
Ranma � Volume 1
(Episode 1)

Voice Actors
(Japanese Male)
Yamaguchi Kappei
(Japanese Female)
Hayashibara Megumi
(American Male)
Sarah Strange
(American Female)
Venus Terzo

First Manga Appearance
Vol. 1.1

Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange

Hello! Konban wa! Nihao! I'm Tsubasa's Ki and I have with me a notable warrior, Ranma Saotome. He's set aside some time to talk with me, so you all could learn a bit more about him. From what I know, he's the son of Genma Saotome, and is having a bit of woman trouble. He's a bit impatient though, so let's get to the point, shall we?
Ki: Ranma, care to introduce yourself?

Ranma: Yo! I'm Ranma Saotome of the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts.

Ki: I'm so glad you could spend time with us. Word has it you're engaged, is this true? How old are you?

Ranma: It's true, I am engaged, and I'm only sixteen. Where'd you hear about that though? I mean which girl are we talking about?

Ki: I was referring to Akane Tendo, and you never mind where I heard that.

Ranma: Oh, her? Yeah, I'm engaged to that tomboy. Lucky me, huh? Well, Pop decided that one for me, I really had no say in the matter. He's like that.

Ki: Tomboy, huh? What's wrong with Akane? She seems nice enough.

Ranma: Nice? Hardly! She's so uncute! She's built like a brick! Her legs are too...

Ki: I see... I guess it's just me then. Then tell me about your father, Akane seems to be a touchy subject.

Ranma: Touchy? Her? Come on...

Ki: I heard you haven't been home in over ten years, any comments?

Ranma: That's true, it's been so long since I've been to my own home. Pop took me from my mother when I was about six. Something about teaching me the ways of the Anything Goes School, and make a true man out of me. Some joke, huh? Now that I have this body? Some man, I've become.

Ki: Oh right, your girl side... what's that like?

Ranma: She's certainly interesting, but I could do without. There isn't anything I wouldn't do to get rid of this curse. I'd sacrifice just about anything.

Ki: Sacrifice anything?

Ranma: I said almost, ya pervert, are you deaf?

Ki: What? Just because you're jealous of my beautiful purple dress doesn't mean you can go around calling me a pervert! Getting back to the point, though... Haven't you've missed a chance or two here and again?

Ranma: Are you talking about Togenkyou? Well, forget it. That was different. I couldn't let Akane... I mean.. no one deserves that fate... if I were stuck in female form I'd go insane!

Ki: Sure whatever, I know how it is. What about cats? I've heard a story or two about that..

Ranma: Cats!? Where!?

(At that point Ranma leaped up into my arms, but I threw him back into his seat)

Ki: Not here, I assure you! I only meant why are you so afraid of them?

Ranma: Huh? Oh... phew.. I thank Pop for that as well... that jerk. In his search for the ultimate technique to incorporate into the school of Anything Goes, he came upon a tome detailing the dreaded Cat Fist technique. It was supposedly invincible, but unfortunately the training was pure terror.

Ki: Really? What happened?

Ranma: He strapped me in Japanese Fish Sausage and tossed me into a pit of starving cats. As if that would teach me a technique! When it obviously didn't work.. he threw me in over and over again.... oh... the horror..

Ki: Truly such a training exercise should be banned!

Ranma: It was! If the fool had decided to read the next page, he would have found out that it wasn't a practiced exercise due to severe mental set-backs! I could kill him!

Ki: I think that you need time to cool down. We'll hand things over to our audience now, shall we? When they come up with questions for you, they can write them below and we can discuss the subject. Thanks for talking to me, I'll get back to you, Ranma, when we get another question.

Ask Ranma anything you want! Send your Questions to Ki and he will ask the cast for you! Follow set guidelines or questions will be disregarded. Guidelines are set on the main "Interview" page.

Questions Answered!

Ki: Ranma! Your first question has come in from a friend of mine and a loyal Tsubasist.

Ranma: I don't think I want to know about that...

Ki: Yeah, well.. He asks, "Hey Ranma, why do you always pick on Ryoga? Can't you at least let him say what he has to say instead of fighting? Let him tell his true feelings about Akane. It's not like anything would happen if she married him. You still got Shampoo."

Ranma: Now look, half the time I don't do a thing to Ryoga! He's always picking fights with me, so I just pay him back the hard way. By interrupting his stupid feelings for a tomboy. If you ask me, I'm doing him a big favor. And what makes you think I'd want Shampoo? Sure, she's cute.. but what happens if she gets wet? Besides, I have better things to do than be distracted by girls. I have a curse to deal with.

Ki: We've got another one, Ranma. "Hey fem-boy, do you ever get scared that someone might try to avenge shampoo's kiss of death on your girl side?"

Ranma: Who are you calling fem-boy?

Ki: (scratching my head) That question wasn't mine. Someone else was calling you fem-boy.

Ranma: Yeah?! Well whoever that was is an idiot. If he thinks he knows so much about me he should look up LinLin and RanRan (or Ling-Ling and Lung-Lung by the retarded Viz Video butchery). Shampoo's sisters, they did come after me. They weren't much of a challenge.

Ki: Well, he goes on to ask, " Have you heard about a guy named Pantyhose Taro and do you fear him? Oh and if you don't want Shampoo, why not go for the cute fiancee, Ukyo? Don't hate me for saying that. It's for a fanfic."

Ranma: Maybe I won't hate you when I find out what a fanfic is, but you're out of luck right now for the fem-boy thing, pal. I know of Pantyhose and I ain't scared of nothin'. I already said I don't have time for girls, so why even ask?

Ki: One more question from him, "If Sasuke and the Kunos ever needed a place to stay, that is their mansion was being remodeled, would you allow them to stay at the Tendo dojo?

Ranma: I've heard about enough out of this jerk. Look, it'd be up to Mr. Tendo. I'd sure have my say, but it ain't my decision.

Ki: This just came in, "Why do you always seem to fight Ryoga Hibiki when you can be fighting better and harder enemies?"

Ranma: That pig headed fool just gets in my way. He wants a fight, I say come and get it.

Ki: He also wants to know, "Why did you wear Chinese communist clothes for a while?"

Ranma: That sounds like a typical American prejudice. Look, I was in China and they're comfortable, try it some time. Next?

Ki: "Hey, Ranma, why do you have so many fiancees, and how come Happosai is such a pervert?"

Ranma: Umm.. I don't know. Lots of reasons. Yeah, that's it. Let's see, I'm irresistible and then there are the girls that pop got me in trouble with, Shampoo's laws.. That good enough? And about Happosai.. go ask the old freak yourself.

Ki: Okay, "Ranma, you may say that you don't like Akane but is that really how you feel, way down deep in your heart?"

Ranma: Well, I suppose I don't hate her. She's okay to have around, I guess. She's pretty uncute though, if only she weren't such a tomboy..

Ki: Well, that's nice, Ranma. Really. What about this one, though? "If you don't love Akane, then why do you always save her when she is in trouble and get really jealous whenever someone likes her?"

Ranma: Well, you know.. (he scratches the back of his head) If I didn't do those things.. what would people say? Yeah.. I mean, I am engaged to her as far as our parents are concerned.

Ki: That's nice of you, then. "Hey, Ranma! Why do you always want to keep Akane as *your* fiancee even if you have so many others?

Ranma: I was just talking about that! Our parents decided! Look, I got better things to do than pick and choose fiances. I'm not particularly concerned with Akane at all. Let her do what she wants.

Ki: Okay.. okay.. I understand, how about this. "Don't you think that Shampoo is pretty cute when she's a CAT?"

Ranma: C-c-cat? Shampoo? No! She's not! Don't get me started. Let's not talk about either of those things.. (Ranma got a bit uneasy right there)

Ki: It's okay, Ranma. Calm down. Here's a different one, just stay cool, ok? This is from a distant friend of mine. "I'd like to ask that stupid aquatransexal who thinks he's all that a question.. Ranko, isn't it true that you secretly like guys? I mean you go around half the time foolin' Ryouga n' stuff.. I just think you wanna be a girl, Ramma."

Ranma: Hey! Who do you think you are!? I don't do that stuff because I like it! I'm just messin' with Ryoga! You know how easy it is to confuse that idiot! There is no way that I want to be a girl!

Ki: Here's the next one, "Hey! Ranma, how would you feel about getting another fiancee? I mean with all the ones you've got, would another one really matter? And how come everyone thinks that you pick on Ryoga? Don't they remember that he came practically begging for a fight?"

Ranma: You think I like having all these girls chasing me around? I don't! I probably have other fiancee's anyway. Who knows with the father that I have. Thanks for your support on the Ryoga, thing! That's right, he's just asking for it!

Ki: Here's another. "Yo, Ranma! Didn't you go on a date with Ukyo once before?"

Ranma: If you can call that a date, yeah, I did. We went out just to get back at Akane since she was with Ryoga. It was nothin' special.

Ki: On a different note, "What would you do if Shampoo didn't turn into a cat? What would you think about her then? By the way, please exuse my use of the C-word."

Ranma: Her turning into a cat has nothin' to do with how I feel about her. Even before then I didn't want to deal with her. I told ya' all before, I have no time for all these obsessed girls.

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