Kodachi Profile

First Name: Kodachi

Last Name: Kuno

Alias: Black Rose

Parents: Principle Kuno
(Unnamed Mother)

Jusenkyo Curse: None

Age: 16

Eyes: Deep Blue

Hair: Black

Marital Status: Totally Single

Loves: Ranma Saotome

Pets: Mr. Green Turtle
Appears:Vol. 2.9
Nettouhen Episode 19

Loved by: No One
(Poor Kodachi)

Rivals: Akane Tendo
Ranma (Girl) Saotome
Ukyou Kuonji

First Anime Appearence
Ranma � Volume 6
(Episode 11)

Voice Actors
Shimazu Saeko
Teryl Rothery

First Manga Appearence
Vol. 2.9

Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange

Kodachi Kuno
Ryoga stood up suddenly and begged me to hurry up and leave with him, but I wanted to meet this other suitor of Ranma's. Ryoga disappeared into a tree to wait, I guess he didn't want to deal with another member of this crazy family.
Ki: (shouting into the tree, trying not to be over heard) Ryoga, get down from there! You're not even going to introduce us?

Kodachi: Excuse me, young woman, but why are you talking to our foilage?

I turned to see a young girl, about my age, standing behind me. She wore a brown and white school uniform and held a gymnastics ribbon in her hand.

Kodachi: Are you a friend of brother dears?

Ki: Not exactly... I'm more of a reporter, I'm trying to piece together bits of Ranma's life. I assume you know Ranma Saotome.

Kodachi: My sweetums? Of course I know Ranma..! (she trailed off longingly on his name)

Ki: You're not wearing a Furinkan uniform.. how did you meet Ranma?

Kodachi: I, Kodachi "The Black Rose" Kuno, go to Saint Hebedeke's School for girls. I am the champion of their ryhthmic gymnastics team. (she began instinctively twirling her ribbon) I was to head a match against Furinkan High, but their entire team met with an unfortunate accidents. Their substitute, a wretched girl, Akane Tendo was also hurt and replaced by a fiery haired hussy who prances around with the same name as my love.

Ki: You mean Ranma.

Kodachi: Yes, this girl calls herself Ranma Saotome and claims that they are of the same mind and body. Totally disgusting how she has corrupted him. Anyway, I met Ranma while visiting Miss Tendo one evening a week before the match. On our first encounter we almost kissed.. but Akane had to interupt.

Ki: Almost kissed!? Ranma?!

Kodachi: Such a display of love surprises you? Ranma and I have shared many such tender moments.

Ki: It just doesn't sound like the Ranma that I know.

Kodachi: (began a most annoying laugh) Perhaps you have not seen true love before in your life, then.

Ki: Well, no offence, but I think I'd like a second opinion on that.

Kodachi: You doubt the Black Rose?!

Ki: I probably wouldn't phrase it like that...

Kodachi: Oh.. I'm beginning to see it all too clearly... (her voice began to grow cold)

Ki: What are you talking about?

Kodachi: You're asking all these questions so you can gain enough information to get Ranma all to yourself!

Ki: Ugh! You're disgusting! I'm a guy!

Kodachi: A male!? Impossible! How dare you try and lie to the Black Rose Kodachi, herself!

Ki: No, really! I'm a guy!

Kodachi: You wear a dress! You have a female voice! What kind of fool do you take me for?! (her ribbon began to lash out)

Ki: I'm not interested in Ranma! I swear! Oww!! Ryoga! Do something!! She's crazy!!

Ryoga jumped down from the tree and caught the end of her ribbon.

Ryoga: Happy now, Ki? I said we should leave, but did you listen?

Ki: It's Ryoga that I'm interested in, honest, Kodachi! Miss Kuno, please, stop!

Kodachi: He is formidable...

Ryoga: Wha-? Ki.. I never knew..

Ki: (aside to Ryoga) I'm a guy, you idiot!

Kodachi: All right, Ki. I shall trust you. But I'm afraid I must be going or I will be late for school. We shall meet again.

Ki: Yes, and I'll probably have other questions for you to answer. Until then, good-bye, Miss Kuno!

Kodachi Adeiu!

Have any questions for Kodachi "The Black Rose" Kuno??

Ki: Here, Kodachi, I've got a question for you finally.. about some sort of powder or something. "Exactly where do you get all those sleeping and paralysis powders from? Are you a bio-chemist or something?"

Kodachi: Bio-chemist? Heavens no! You've seen what brother dear does with his share of the family money. Now you've caught on to where mine goes. Could I offer you a cookie, perhaps? Hmm?

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