Otaku World Presents...

The Big KiSS Page Paper Dolls
For Your
Your Source for French KiSS
Maintained by
Dov Sherman
[Join the Blue Ribbon Anti-Censorship Campaign!]

Here's a small example
from the KiSS doll

KiSS, the Kisekae Set system, is a fun and easy paper doll game for computer users. KiSS takes its name from the Japanese term kisekae ningyou which refers to playing dress-up with dolls.

The KiSS paper doll game allows you to load any of hundreds of KiSS paper dolls on your computer and dress them in different clothes by using your mouse to click and drag the clothes.

To play with KiSS you need: Important Notice
to America
Online Users
A KiSS Viewing Program
Win95/NT Users: Be sure to get the new PlayFKiSS version 0.81, now with CKiSS support!
KiSS Dolls
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Please tell your friends about KiSS!
Several hundred thousand visitors since April 96! I've lost count.
If you want to add a link to us on your website, here's how!

KiSS was rated
as cooler than
Barbie by
Wired Magazine!

Member of the LinkExchange
The KiSS DollRingThe KiSS DollRing
is sponsored by Otaku World

This site is owned by Dov Sherman

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[Recipient of Too Much Coffee Award]

Thanks for visiting my KiSS homepage. If you have questions or feedback about this page or KiSS in general, you can contact me by e-mail at dsherman@otakuworld.com

The Big KiSS Page and all the images and icons here are copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 Dov Sherman. All rights reserved.
KiSS Viewing Programs and Tools are copyright to the individual authors of each program.
All KiSS dolls are copyright to their individual artists. Do not distribute without obtaining permission from the artist first.