Otaku World Presents...

The Futaba-kun

Dov Maintained by:
Dov Sherman

Gender is a State of Mind...

Shimeru Futaba is a junior high school student and member of his school's Pro Wrestling club. Futaba is just starting to get a crush on his friend Misaki when he discovers something shocking: When he gets excited, he changes gender. His entire family has this same quirk, starting at puberty. This manga by Aro Hiroshi is a slapstick romantic comedy featuring Futaba haphazardly trying to start a relationship with his friend Misaki while fending off hormone-addled classmates and a perverted older sister.

This manga appeared in Japan in Shounen Jump Monthly and has been completed in 8 compiled volumes. Futaba-kun Change is copyright 1995 Aro Hiroshi and Jump Comics.

Futaba-kun Change will soon be released in English translation from Studio Ironcat! Watch for issue one in July 1998. Check the May issue of Previews for listings and be sure to ask your local comic shop dealer to order you this very special release!

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Lots of dolls with anime and manga themes! Fun, free, downloadable! Try it! It's fun!

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This page and all the other pages I made are copyright and all rights reserved to me, Dov Sherman, and you may use images, code, or other elements from this page only if I give you permission which I'm likely to do if you ask nicely because I'm really a very friendly and easy-going person most of the time which I'm sure you will find is true if you ask around a little.