Dark Colony Version 1.0 The following changes and additions were made to the game after the manual was printed. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 8-Bit and 16-Bit versions +++++++++++++++++++++++++ The game automatically runs in 8-bit color mode. To play the game in 16-bit color mode, select the DC16.EXE to start your game. ++++++++++++++++++ Multi-Player Games ++++++++++++++++++ 1) Dark Colony supports 4-player TCP/IP games and up to 8-player IPX games. For 4-player TCP games you can have 4 AI players for a total of 8. 2) In Multi-Player games, multiple napalm attacks may slow the game down due to the repeated explosion animations. To avoid this, choose a lower game-detail setting from the options menu. 3) When all players are moving large amounts of units across the game screen, the game may slow down incrementally to compensate and keep the game in synch. 4) Old chat messages in Multi-Player games cannot be reviewed once new messages appear. 5) Un-select chat for players who you do not want to see what your chat messages say. 6) To maximize game speed, music does not play for Multi-Player games. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Non-Deployment Radius Around City Bases +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There is a Non-Deployment Radius around each City Base. Units such as the Firestorm, Xeno-Wort, Slom, and Sentinel are not allowed to deploy within this radius as their detonation / destruction damages the player's own City Base Buildings. +++++++++++++++++++++++ Maximum Number of Units +++++++++++++++++++++++ 1) To maximize game speed and minimize slowdowns, each player can build up to 150 units. Any units "built" after this will not be available and player's money will be refunded. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Destruction of Buildings ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1) If you are building many units and the building that is producing them is destroyed, you lose the money allocated for their production. ++++++++++++++ Manual Errata ++++++++++++++ 1) The Tektarra artifact in Multi-player games allows you to control a portion of all of the indigenous creatures on the game screen. 2) Once controlled, the indigenous creatures cannot attack other creatures. 3) S.A.R.G.E. and Gorrem units can spot enemy mines. +++++++++++ Suggestions +++++++++++ 1) Artifacts are fragile and should be protected, if possible. Also, an Artifact's affect-radius is large and may affect friendly units if they are in range. 2) Use Barragers or Atrils to clear out enemy mine fields. 3) Use your Commander to scout for P-7 vents early on. His fast speed and large vision radius make him a great reconnaissance unit. 4) Use combined forces for most attacks. Dark Colony is a trademark of Gametek, Inc. (c)1997 Strategic Simulations, Inc.