~2HUMAN OVERVIEW: ~4The year is 2137, and the colonization of Mars is not going smoothly. The discovery on Mars of "Petra-7", a remarkable energy source, led to the belief that the terraforming of this planet was a viable solution to easing Earth's population crisis. Mankind's most ambitious project has spanned more than a Century and has turned a sleeping planet into a thriving world, complete with lush jungles and colorful deserts. The time had come to move in. The major undertaking of colonization has been split up among a handful of Earth's largest corporations all of which preached cooperation. The initial bases, mainly setup as mining outposts, have begun to experience strange equipment malfunctions and accidents which are severely testing the human alliances. Amidst the increasing confusion, mankind's leaders have admitted to what has been suspected for centuries, that we were not alone, and worse yet, that our alien guests have plans for us. In Earths's darkest hour, the war to save humanity is about to begin...