QCALC 1.22 Possible Future Additions: -------------------------- o Environment constants -- variables defined by the set command could be used as variables -- QCALC would check there last before reporting an error. o "Live" (online) calculator, or at least editing capabiltites, for those who don't use DOSKEY or 4DOS. o Programmable functions! o An /Xponent switch to handle E. Should###e### be expanded to zeroes? o A =real= scripting language. o Probability functions: Permutations, combinations, summation, (variance, standard deviation?) ... o Programmer's switches: Hexadecimal, binary, octal, (ascii?) ... o Fractional functions: Round, Rounds to nearest integer RoundU, Rounds up to next number RoundD, Rounds down (truncates fraction) Characteristic (integer), truncates fractional part (same as roundd) Mantissa (fractional), removes integer part o Algebraic switch: Handles expressions algebraically. Example: 10B4 is the same as 10*(b^4) o Logic switch: Answers with TRUE/FALSE Switch operators? Change meaning of operators to have logical powers. o Switch to turn off all output (including script file printings) o Switch to "breeze through" pauses in scripts. o Add operator functions? (ie, ADD, SUB, MULT, DIV, MOD) o How about a function-information switch that describes a function live? (Hmm -- memory wasteful?) o Shortcut switch for /OA tip described in manual. Bugs, Parasites, and Raccoons that eat your garbage: ---------------------------------------------------- (Also known as, "Author's Notes to Himself") o Verify that all of the math functions work right. (Ha.) o Hack out the error system, see if you can improve it. o Look into having a /pr switch for rounding up when /d is on. o Make /EH (halt on error) default? o Perfect "Line too long" in getarg when reading from files o Make "constants" (predefined variables) redefinable? (hardy har) o Delete variable switch: Frees memory used up by user variables. o Clarify exponentation: can we call "^" (pow) exponentation? o Is there a modulo bug, or possibly am I a tad brain damaged? o There is somewhere a null pointer assignment bug, but I can't seem to track it down. Will eventually fix that. Ack. o Use far calls, or even worse (gasp) change to a different memory model?