THIS FILE IS NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN OR SHAREWARE IT MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED, IN MODIFIED OR UNMODIFIED FORM, AT ALL You should only have this file (which contains the WWIV-BBS source code) if you have registered WWIV, and have a valid WWIV registration number. If you do not have a valid WWIV registration number, you should not have this file, and should delete it. Registration of WWIV entitles you to use the WWIV software beyond the 60-day trial period, and access to and use of the WWIV v4 source code, for use on one BBS, with up to two lines. (Additional lines may be purchased at a lower price.) You are allowed to view, modify, and use the source code for your BBS. (this means you can modify the source code to suit your needs/desires, compile that, and run your modified executable as your BBS.) You may not give out the source code, or give out a copy of the BBS which you have compiled (only the version of the BBS, compiled by WWIV Software Services, may be distributed). Questions may be addressed to WWIV Software Services at P.O. Box 720455, McAllen, TX 78504-0455.