THE CONTINUUM By Constantine Thomas ( (Also see: [1]Nexus, [2]Shelby Babb's additions, and Arthur-Trevor D.M. Lasher's [3]Southron Republic virtual) PREFACE Introduction to the Continuum and Nexus The Continuum and Nexus basically represent a change of direction for Mage. Originally, it started out as a little homage to a rather obscure (but very Magey) early 80's British Sci-Fi series called Sapphire and Steel, starring Joanna Lumley and David MacCallum. The series itself is a bit heavy, but the stories are excellent and the ideas are quite unique. If you can get hold of some of the videos of these, then they are certainly worth watching! It revolves around two Agents who are dispatched by an unknown extra-dimensional organisation to deal with the invasion of very alien creatures who dwell 'beyond the Corridor of Time'. Indeed, one of the nasties they face bears an uncanny resemblance to a Nephandi Pure Form (found in the back of Mage)... This got me thinking as to how I could incorporate them into Mage, and the result was the Continuum. Originally, this was designed to replace the Cult of Ecstasy as the Tradition that specialised in Time (I felt that the CoX had very little connection with Time), but in the final draft I decided to keep the Cult as a Tradition and put the Continuum outside the Traditions and the Technocracy. Thus they are neither a Tradition nor a Convention -- they're just the Continuum. The role of the Continuum itself is to guard reality against invasion by the Darkness (ie. the Nephandi). The full supplement is in two parts. The first part is a complete description of the Continuum itself (in the first half), and of its Paradigm (in the second half). The whole thing is described largely in terms of the Continuum's Paradigm, which means that it is advisable to read through the Paradigm Page first so the rest can be understood fully. The second part is a description of the Continuum's Chantry Realm -- Nexus, the Shade Realm of Time. Unlike Doissetep (in the Shade Realm of Forces, described in the Book of Chantries), the connection between Nexus and the Continuum is very strong -- so strong in fact that it is more like the relation between Iteration-X and Autochthonia. Nexus is definitely the home ground of the Continuum, and they operate at a distinct advantage there. Because of this, outsiders may gain Paradox in Nexus. While this may seen a little controversial, it is not too hard to believe when one considers that Tradition Magick probably suffers just as much (if not more) on Autochthonia, since it is so alien to the It-X paradigm -- the situation is very similar. Nexus is also the link to the Virtuals, a new kind of plane in the cosmology of the Tellurian. These are essentially alternate worlds, in which history took a different route. Any and every possible world is represented somewhere in the Virtuals that Nexus can access. The first part of the Nexus document contains the rules for creating and using these Virtuals. The second part of the document describes Nexus itself, and also describes a few of the Virtuals (in the Nodes and Virtuals section). The third part briefly glosses over Central Office (the actual Chantry of the Continuum, located in Nexus) and the Continuum's policy regarding the Virtuals and its allies and enemies. It is important to note that the existence of the Virtuals may tip the balance in the Ascension War, since they contain a vast amount of Quintessence. I have endeavoured to make the reasoning behind the Virtuals follow that described in the Mage game (ie. make it continuous and 'realistic' in Mage terms). For this reason, the Continuum zealously guards the Virtuals, allowing only those individuals from the Traditions that it trusts implicitly into Nexus (ie. actively 'employs'), and remains outside the Ascension War. Should any of the Traditions or the Technocracy break through and plunder the Virtuals, they will have a vast amount of Quintessence and resources at their fingertips -- certainly enough to win the Ascension War! An Alternative Chronicle: The Continuum vs. the Technocracy The rules presented herein are designed to fit in with the normal Mage background, without changing the slant of the game. One can either have adventures on Earth, or one can roam through the Virtuals, but neither should have a significant effect on the other. The Virtuals should remain largely separate from the rest of reality, outside the Ascension War. While these rules are designed to be used alongside the existing Mage background, it is also possible to change the whole slant of the Mage game using them. One obvious alternative is to have the Ascension War fought almost exclusively in Nexus and the Virtuals. This would take the form of the Technocracy (who seek to control and solidify reality in the Virtuals) against the Continuum and the Traditions (who seek to prevent this and let each Virtual evolve on its own to its own destiny). In effect, the arena of the Ascension War is now infinitely larger -- not only does it take place on the Earth we know, but it also rages across all the other possible Earths! However, I have not included specific details of how to manage this, as I feel that it is too great a change to the background. However, individual Storytellers may wish to do so, and the rules provided here can give a necessary starting point from which to do this. Virtuals and Rotes Two things are noticeable by their absence -- full descriptions of the Virtuals and their Inhabitants, and the Rotes that the Continuum uses. I have not described the Virtuals in any detail because I feel these should be up to the individual Storyteller to design. I have put in a few ideas (listed below), but basically the Virtuals should be personalised to how each Storyteller envisions the alternate Earths. And besides, there are far too many possibilities out there... The Virtuals mentioned are: Virtual Description Aegypt An Egyptian civilisation survives to the present day. Sauron A Dinosaur civilisation flourishes. Humans do not exist. Lucifer Life never formed on Earth. Neverland All higher lifeforms mysteriously disappeared from Earth two years ago... Lemuria The Dreamspeakers won the Ascension War (primitive societies). Terra Prime The Technocracy won the Ascension War (very high technology). Reich The Nazis won the Second World War. Armageddon The Cuban missile crisis erupted into nuclear war. It should be noted that if there was a general theme to the Continuum, it should be that of Mystery. The Virtuals that the Continuum explores are not the inhabited ones (like Reich or Aegypt) but are rather the ones that are left myseteriously untouched by sentient life (eg. Lucifer and Neverland). I think that designing Virtuals along these lines would do the Continuum the most justice. As for Rotes, there aren't any here primarily because I haven't gotten around to thinking about those yet! When I do get round to thinking some up (that are uniquely Continuum-oriented) I'll try and get them published -- I'll try and them written up soon! Hopefully, the Continuum should be usable as it stands using existing Rotes and Talismans. Remember that they're Technocratic Mages though, who require devices for their effects! (see 'foci' in the Continuum Description). However, one important thing to note about the Virtuals is that because of their unusual (Time-like) nature they can be entered using either Spirit 3 (stepping sideways) or using Time 3 (as a direct equivalent to Spirit). I should have mentioned this in the rules, but I forgot! Bibliography That's it then. I hope that you enjoy these new rules, and hope even more that you find them useful :-)! I've left a lot of the specific details about background delieberately open-ended, so that Storytellers can decide for themselves what to include in the Virtuals. Some inspiration is always a good thing, and there's plenty of it out there! Here's a brief list of things that may prove useful! Books: Furious Gulf by Gregory Benford. An excellent hard sci-fi book in its own right, this is the third book of the Galactic Centre Tetralogy. It describes a inhabited region inside a huge black hole, and an area of altered Space-Time inside it known as the Lanes. The idea of TimeStone (and a few other things...) was adapted from this book -- it gives the right kind of feel to how Nexus should be. GURPS Time Travel by Steve Jackson Games. The definitive book on how to handle time travel in roleplaying games, though I wouldn't advise using it as a reference for handling the Virtuals! However, there is a section set aside to Alternate Universes which gives lots of ideas for the Virtuals. Generally an excellent book. TORG by West End Games. Now this is a real gem. The world books for this make excellent Virtuals! I'm sure I'd love the game itself, if only I could get used to those blinkin' cards!!! :-) TV: There's loads of Time Travel Series flying about (Quantum Leap, Time Tunnel, etc) but only a few are going to provide much inspiration for Nexus and the Virtuals... Sapphire And Steel Obscure but very underrated early 80's British Sci-Fi series that provides much of the inspiration for the Continuum. If you want to get the right kind of atmosphere for stories involving the Continuum (as well as some nice ideas for Nephandi!), try and get hold of this! I know its available on ITC Video in the UK, but I'm not sure if its easily available elsewhere. Sliders I don't know much about this brand new Sci-Fi series (which I believe has just started in the US), but it sounds very similar to the ideas presented here!! It involves a group of people who 'slide' between alternate timelines. Apparently its very good, but I haven't had a chance to see it yet. I'd imagine (from the description) that it'll be a good source of ideas for Virtuals. There's probably more (undoubtedly the odd episode of the Star Trek series (Yesterday's Enterprise, for example) springs to mind, but they're a bit too futuristic to be much use!), but I can't think of any! Oh, and you should all watch the 'X-Files', cos that's a really good series as well (but its got nothing to do with the Continuum...!!!) 8) Acknowledgements Finally, but by no means leastly, I must thank those responsible for helping me to get this all published! Certainly, without the contributions of DJ (Shelby) Babb and Anders Sandberg, this monster would never have gotten off the ground. Many of the ideas in here came from these two guys, and I really appreciate the patience and time that DJ and Anders put into helping me, and for putting up with all my emails! And of course, I am indebted to Anders for putting this on his Mage Page - its an honour to be here! Thanks a lot guys!!!!!! That's it from the preface - enjoy the Continuum and Nexus!!!! If anyone's got any questions, comments, ideas, etc, then I can be contacted at: Thanks for reading this, and enjoy the show!!!!! TTFN, Constantine Thomas THE CONTINUUM Speciality Sphere Time Secondary Spheres Any History and Overview The Continuum is an unusual group of Mages, separate from both the Technocracy and the Traditions (though it was once part of the former), who specialise in the Sphere of Time. They are entirely devoted to the defence of reality from the Nephandi, which they call 'the Darkness'. The Continuum has existed (though not as an organisation) since since the dawn of Man, as individual Mages from the various Traditions who constantly battled the Nephandi. After the Mythic Age, these Mages joined the Technocracy when they discovered that the nascent organisation also sought the defence of reality. During this time, the previously individual Mages that fought the Darkness found new purpose together, and formed the organisation that would be called the Continuum. A large majority had studied the Sphere of Time to aid them in their battles against the Darkness, and a Construct (Central Office) was set up in the Shade Realm of Time (Nexus). This Realm was found to contain access points to many alternate realities, or Virtuals, which were observed, explored and catalogued. After a while however, they felt they had become trapped in the Technocratic Agenda and the Ascension War, which they felt was meaningless given the true Perpetual War with the Darkness. In addition, they were increasingly becoming aware of dark plots within the Conventions that would wrest control of Nexus from the Continuum. The tension built between the Continuum and the other Conventions when in 1905, the Continuum realised that Time was not constant but relative to the observer, and believed that this was something so profound that the Sleeper scientific community should be informed immediately. The Technocracy forbade them from publishing, since this was scheduled to be revealed far ahead in their Time Table. The Continuum itself then announced that one of their researchers had 'rebelled' and had published the Theory regardless. The resulting paradigm shift was far more dramatic than the Technocracy had ever imagined, as the traditional Newtonian/Copernican system was swept aside by the new Special Theory of Relativity. Suddenly, Sleeper scientists had the answers to those nagging problems that had started to plague the Newtonian Universe -- this in itself Awakened a few of their Avatars. There was now a new way to describe the Universe. The Void Engineers also made unexpected gains, when it was realised (and popularised) that Space Travel was now a step more 'tangible' -- by sending someone to distant stars at extremely rapid velocities, he or she would age relatively more slowly than those left behind. This made people more accepting of the concepts of Extended Space Flight, a goal of the Void Engineers. The Technocracy as a whole, however, was not impressed. Further (covert) investigations revealed that the publication of the Relativity Theory was actually intentional, despite the Continuum's protestations of innocence. This was all the excuse the Technocracy needed, and in an emergency Symposium the Continuum was declared an enemy of the Technocracy and an attempt was made to destroy them. However, the Continuum had foreseen the attempt and set numerous booby-traps that killed or trapped many of their enemies. Damage was heavy, but the Technocracy could not afford to follow up with a huge Mage Hunt due to the preparations for the approaching First World War. Alone for the first time in over 300 years, and aware that it could not possibly defend against the much more powerful Technocracy on Earth, the Continuum retreated to Nexus. Central Office became a fortification, and the former Convention recruited many Mages from the Traditions, who were keen to woo the Continuum to their side of the Ascension War. By the time the Technocracy could begin to retaliate effectively, the Continuum had become too firmly entrenched on its home ground. The Technocracy simply could not afford to divert the manpower to destroy the Continuum and a stalemate was declared, even though the Continuum had managed to elaborate on their earlier theories and published the General Theory of Relativity in 1915. While Nexus and its Virtuals were obviously a valuable prize, the Technocracy realised (much to its chagrin) that the Continuum was more valuable alive, since they had absolutely no interest in the Ascension War and served a useful purpose by combating the Nephandi as and when they appeared. Outright hostility between the two ceased, and Nexus was left to the Continuum, although covertly the Technocracy still seeks to somehow regain control of their seceded Convention and their Realm. Having no urge to participate in the Ascension War, the Continuum was not interested in joining the Traditions either, despite repeated attempts by the Council of Nine to persuade it to do so. Instead, the Continuum concentrated on the struggle against the Darkness. However, it has accepted Mages from the Traditions into its ranks and often allies with them where they have the same targets. It still does not trust the Technocracy, and their paths often cross. Encounters between the two often escalate into full-blown animosity. Despite the fact that the Continuum targets the Nephandi, Marauders, and Wraiths (forces that the Technocracy also consider dangerous), the Technocracy would rather deal with these themselves -- killing the competition can only be an advantage. It is also rumoured that some elements within the Technocracy seek to use the Nephandi for their own ends, and as such would rather have these creatures alive. As a result, the Continuum has had to divert a siginificant part of its forces to defending itself from its former 'employer. As described above, the Continuum sees itself as separate from both the Traditions and the Technocracy. They view the Ascension War as a struggle in a burning house -- Reality is under siege from beyond, and the only powers capable of protecting it are locked in their 'petty War'. Today, the Continuum is a rather militaristic organisation. While there are many non-combatative personnel, its main focus is on the Perpetual War with the Darkness and the organisation's defence against the Technocracy. The Continuum is divided into three main Branches. The most important branch (Repulsion Branch) is largely concerned with combating the Nephandi, who they see as dwelling 'beyond the corridor of Time.' Wherever the Nephandi break through into our reality, the Continuum is there to close the rift and destroy the intruders. The Continuum believes that the Traditions and the Technocracy are too busy fighting their Ascension War to realize the magnitude of this threat from outside. Repulsion Branch also often deals with Marauders and Wraiths where they prove too much for Target Neutralisation (see below). The other major branch of the Continuum is Intelligence Acquisition, which collects information against its enemies on Earth, and forecasts any future attacks using their Time magic. Target Neutralisation applies the knowledge gathered by Intelligence Acquisition and is the part of the Continuum most commonly seen on Earth. This Branch most often works with Mages of other Traditions. Philosophy Repulsion Branch: We must repel the Darkness at all costs. It is enough that it seeks to destroy reality -- then where will the Traditions and the Technocracy fight their Ascension War? They can struggle against each other for as long as they like, but in the end the forces from beyond the corridor of Time will devour all -- while they fight eachother the Darkness can only gather its strength. Once both sides are weakened enough, it will step in and destroy everything they have fought for. We must ensure that this never happens. Since neither side wishes to listen to reason, it is left to us to fend off the Dark Ones' continuous attacks. We have held them off so far, but how long can we continue without the full attention of our allies? No matter -- we have a mission to protect the Corridor. Should we fall, reality will be left wide open. Perhaps then our 'allies' will realise the folly of their ways... Intelligence Acquisition: We are the advance guard of the Continuum. Should there be an assault against us, we will know of it long before its initiation. We are the early warning system of Reality, forever vigilant for Nephandi attack. We have a job to do, and we do it well. Target Neutralization: We are the Front Line in this reality. We seek and destroy the enemies of the Continuum on Earth, and we secure and protect its allies. Organisation Repulsion Branch: It is believed that this Branch of the Continuum is directed by the Oracles in person, whomever they might be. Certainly, no Repulsion Branch Agent knows the origins of his or her mission orders -- and no Agent ever questions them. They know the gravity of their situation, and do what must be done. Agents simply receive their orders -- strangely, they are completely unaware as to how they know their mission. All they know is that they have been briefed before the mission, and will be de-briefed afterwards. There are two types of Repulsion Branch Agent -- the Field Operatives and the Specialists. Much of the mission work is done by the Field Ops -- should a situation get out of control, the Field Ops can call in the Specialists to patch things up. Specialists are usually the Adepts and Masters of their field, while Field Ops have Sphere levels between 1 and 3. Field Ops are frequently assigned in pairs or threes. These partnerships are usually fixed, until one partner is killed or lost in action. The ability to work as part of a team is essential to Repulsion Branch Agents, and each Agent's magickal abilities frequently complement those of the other team-members. Specialists work alone, but are never dispatched into the field unless called upon by the Field Ops. The Earth Section of the Repulsion Branch is but the final obstacle for any invaders. Most of the Repulsion Branch guards the Horizon into the Deep Umbra, continually fending off assault from the Nephandi. Occasionally, some slip through the net and must be stopped by Earth Section (usually from within our own reality) before damage is done. Earth Section closely liases with Target Acquisition. Intelligence Acquisition: Intelligence Acquisition is based primarily on Earth, and is organized in a similar fashion to military intelligence gathering organisations. It is important to realise that this part of the Continuum takes part in both intelligence acquisition (through Time, Chaos (Entropy) and Mind effects) and in Target Neutralisation, which takes out the perceived threat. Neutralisation Agents frequently have potent Forces, Matter, and Life scores in order to best affect any opponents. While Intelligence Acquisition focuses on any forthcoming attacks, any extra-dimensional assault (ie. Nephandi) is directed to Repulsion Branch, and any attacks from within Reality (ie. Technomancer) are directed to Target Neutralisation. Target Neutralization: Target Neutralisation is based exclusively on Earth, and deals with the enemies of the Continuum therein. As such, they are not quite as specialised as Repulsion Branch, as they have to deal with the Technocracy, Wraiths and the odd Marauder. In addition, they must acquire certain targets alive (such as new recruits for the Continuum) and protect them from their enemies. Target Neutralisation is a highly militaristic organisation, which liases closely with the Earth Section of Repulsion Branch. Meetings Repulsion Branch: Much of Repulsion Branch is based in Nexus, in the Home Chantry of Central Office. The Specialists and Field Ops of the Repulsion Branch are dispatched from here to Main Corridor (Earth) or to one of the Virtuals or Realms which are under attack by the Darkness. Some Repulsion Agents are based on Earth, often in other Chantries. They often work in teams of two or three, and often work with Target Neutralisation Agents. Intelligence Acquisition: Acquisition Chantries (called Stations) are located in many of the occupied Realms of Main Corridor, as well as in the Near Umbra and Earth itself. A complex network of sensors and look-outs around each Station provides the information that is relayed to the Repulsion and Target Neutralisation branches. Target Neutralization: Target Neutralisation are often associated with members of other Traditions in Chantries on Earth. These are sent out as Strike Teams to the Target Location in order to neutralise the target if hostile, or acquire the target if 'friendly'. Out of mission time, these Agents can continue their normal research. Initiation Repulsion Branch: Intelligence Acquisition keeps an eye out for any Sleepers who have had experience with the Nephandi and survived to tell the tale. While they may be in deep shock from this experience, it has been shown that in some it goes some way to awakening their Avatars -- they begin to question what they have seen, which is the first step to becoming Sapient. Although they often eventually recover from the ordeal, they become perfect targets for either the Technocracy, looking for more Avatars to swell their ranks, or Nephandi eager to finish what they started. Acquisition dispatches Target Neutralisation teams to escort the 'Initiate' to Central Office, the Continuum's Chantry located in Nexus, Main Corridor's Shade Realm of Time, where he or she is introduced to the ways of the Continuum and fully Awakened. Those who do not Awaken as a result of their brush with the Nephandi are usually held as Acolytes for the other Branches. In addition, many Mages voluntarily join Repulsion Branch from Target Neutralisation or even from other Traditions (although this is rare). They too are escorted to Central Office to undergo Training. Intelligence Acquisition: This is a much more open Branch of the Continuum. It approaches those in other Traditions who choose to specialise in Time and Mind and requests that they join this Branch. It also keeps an eye out for Sleepers who self-awaken and show aptitude in the Time Sphere -- it then picks them up (usually with a Target Neutralisation team) before the Technocracy can get hold of them. Target Neutralization: Many of the Agents who join Repulsion Branch work in Target Neutralisation first, honing their skills on more mundane enemies than the Darkness. Some remain in Target Neutralisation, training others who come to join the Front Line on Earth. Other Information Chantry: The main Chantry for the Repulsion Branch is at Central Office in Nexus, the Shade Realm of Time. Intelligence Acquisition and Target Neutralisation are based on Earth, and they share a main Chantry which is located in London, England. Acolytes: Repulsion: None. All members of Repulsion Branch are fully Awakened. Intelligence Acquisition: Detectives, Policemen, Public Records Clerks. Target Acquisition: Soldiers, Armed Forces, Survivalists. Sphere Time. All Agents receive some training in the Sphere of Time, but many of the other Spheres are also extensively studied. Many Target Neutralisation Mages concentrate on Forces, Correspondence, and Matter to attack or protect their targets. Intelligence Acquisition Mages usually also specialise in Entropy (Chaos) to best assess probabilities and Mind. Repulsion Branch Agents usually have high scores in Correspondence, Mind, and Forces. Spirit is also popular among all Continuum Agents in order to enter and leave the Umbra. Foci Since they have spent a few hundred years as members of the Technocracy, Continuum Agents require foci for all their effects until their Arete reaches 5. Spheres Focus Correspondence/Mind/Prime/Spirit Meditation Forces/Matter/Life Weapon Entropy Calculator Time Timepiece * Meditation: Observation is the key to Continuum Magick (see the Paradigm Page below). An Agent has merely to concentrate for a few seconds to Observe the desired effect for it to occur. This requires at least one round of meditation per Sphere dot, and one point in the Meditation skill (regardless of the level of the effect). Note that Countermagick can be cast in the same round as the incoming effect, and does not require such meditation. Fastcasting is also possible, and allows the effect to be cast in one round with a penalty of +1 to the difficulty. All Spheres that do not need a physical focus (ie. Correspondence/Mind/Prime/Spirit) can only be cast through meditation. * Calculator: Chaos and Entropy calculations must be done on some form of calculating device, be it abacus, calculator, or computer. * Timepiece: Frequently, this is a pocket watch of some sort, though some Agents prefer a digital watch. This helps to focus the Agent's mind on the Observation of Time. It is a unique item. * Weapon: This is often a high-tech weapon of some sort, and is unique to each effect. Continuum Agents are completely incapable of using Matter, Forces, or Life without the relevant weapon (which is in fact a unique talisman). Thus, to fire a laser at a target, the Agent needs his Laser Rifle, which is a Forces 3 Prime 2 device. Each device is a unique item. The rules for these are similar to those for the devices of the Sons of Ether. Concepts Soldier, Information Gatherer, Secret agent, detective, anyone who's discovered things they weren't meant to know. Quote "Dark forces are at work here...and they're very cunning so far. This could be a trap..." Stereotypes The Continuum's opinion of the Traditions is described below. The Traditions' opinion of the Continuum is denoted in emphasized script below this. [Note that many of the subtraditions here can be found in the various Mage Archives on the Net]. Traditions Akashic Brotherhood, Verbena, Cult of Ecstasy: They are too wrapped up in their own primitive views of reality to see the threat from beyond. They overestimate the magnitude of the Nephandi threat. Our immediate struggle against the Technocracy is much more important. Celestial Chorus: They are far too focused on their 'One', and are worryingly ecclesiastical. However, they can be quite useful allies in the Perpetual War. They are committed fulltime to the destruction of demons and devils. This can only be good. We are not blind to the threat from beyond. Dreamspeakers: They know of the Nephandi threat but focus too much on the Earth. They should realise that Earth is but part of Main Corridor, which will be destroyed should the Nephandi break through. Still, we respect their views -- after all, their existence means that we can devote less troops to protecting the Earth itself. They speak wisely of the threat from the Nephandi, but we are powerless to aid them at the front line of the Horizon. It is our place to protect Gaia from harm, and theirs to guard the Near Umbra. Euthanatos: A worrying group of fanatics and murderers. Despite their *ahem* good intentions, many are prime targets for corruption by the Darkness. Most of them seem to attract ghosts like moths to a flame, which we must endeavour to extinguish. Close-minded scientists! They think we are agents of darkness!! Don't make me laugh... There's nothing wrong with what we do. They overestimate the threat of the Nephandi! Necromancers: These blind fools serve the Darkness! We aim to locate and destroy all their cursed artefacts, and have diverted several task forces to such missions. A constant thorn in our sides. Fortunately, they seem to be making no more headway in their quest to seek and destroy the Pages than we are in finding them ourselves. Sons of Ether : They have their uses, and were once our brothers. Their devices are without rival. However, they are still too complacent with regards to the threat of the Darkness. We'll deal with the Nephandi as and when they appear. Of course, to have this lot get there first saves us a lot of bother. Virtual Adepts: We saw this little Schism from our former 'employers' coming. Their ideas of virgin new Virtual Worlds are interesting, but should we fall their worlds will be destroyed as surely as our own. The Continuum have got it all wrong -- our worlds can survive anything the Nephandi throw at them. Orphans Hollow Ones: A sad indication of the state of human society today. Regardless, the existence of this group and of other Orphans is something that we did not foresee. Clearly, something important is about to happen... Protect us from the Nephandi? Don't bother, they've been with us for ages... Discordians: Pointless buffoons. Continuum? We don't need no stinking Continuum! Eris will be there for us, or maybe she'll be brushing her teeth at the time. What do we care anyway?! Cerebus: Interesting and useful individuals -- we could do with some of them in Acquisition. Another reject from the Technocracy? Boy, there's really something wrong with those bastards if they lose three Conventions in a hundred years! But anyway, this lot isn't actually that bad -- we help each other quite a bit actually. Sons Of Jupiter: They fight the War against the Nephandi in their own way, but are too easily distracted by the Chimerae and their ancient artifacts. If only they'd focus on the Horizon instead... They may not realise it, but we're allies in the Eternal War -- any help is appreciated in our struggle. They do seem a little distant -- perhaps they have focused too long on the Deep Umbra. Trenchcoaters: Unfortunately, there are always a few who get away -- most of these should be in Repulsion Branch. Still, they at least tolerate us, which is an improvement on their relations with the other Traditions. They're a useful alternative to us, and they want to protect reality as much as we do, but they're really off this planet. Still, we can get along since most of them have also seen the horrors that are really out there, poor sods. Wanderers: Nice idea, but just seeing what's out there doesn't stop its destruction. Action is more important than plain experience. Still, the ones that roam the Umbra are at least aware of the problem. It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it, I suppose! Order of Hermes The Five Houses: Fascinating history, but all too often their power is directed inwards rather than outwards to the protection of reality. While the threat is real, we must focus on this Reality. Let the Continuum deal with the Nephandi. Goetia: Given their past record, we don't trust this group one bit. Whenever one of their Dark Magi shows up, we're always there to destroy them. It's bad enough that the Nephandi can force their way through, but an open doorway into our reality is totally intolerable. Goetia: They've just got it in for us -- we dumped all that demonic stuff long ago. Dark Magi: Another one of our myriad of mortal enemies -- they are fools if they think they can stop us, like all the others. Cabalists: Their magic is unusual. They are slightly sympathetic to our cause, and combat the Nephandi in their own way. Any defenders of reality against the Qlippoth are worthy of respect. Theirs is a lonely and dangerous path, but one in which must ultimately tread as well. Enochians: More unusual magics. We are not entirely certain of the origin of the Enochians' spirits, and there is a suspicion that they may well be disguised Nephandi. We have them under constant surveillance. They are somewhat suspicious of us for some undeserved reason. This is not appreciated, but our way is bound to draw fear from the ignorants. Rosicrucians: Another pointless group. All their secrets cannot protect them should the demons come knocking on their doors. Useful but somewhat esoteric. I wonder who watches these Watchmen? THE CONTINUUM PARADIGM PAGE Note The Paradigm as described here is probably only important to Agents of the Repulsion Branch. Continuum Agents within Intelligence Acquisition and Target Neutralisation tend to be more 'Earthbound' than those in Repulsion Branch, so many 'round down' their personal paradigms to a much less esoteric level. For example, a Target Neutralisation agent is probably more likely to just Teleport (ie. think 'I need to get from A to B in no time at all' and then teleport) than to think about exactly how he is moving across the Corridor in a Space-Like Path. As a result, Repulsion Branch Agents sometimes think they take their job much more seriously than their Acquisition/Neutralisation counterparts... The Paradigm The Corridor: Reality is an endless Corridor, with time as its length and space as its width. The Corridor is under constant attack from the Darkness beyond its walls and its agents within. The walls of the Corridor must be continually guarded, and any holes in its walls must rapidly be sealed before any permanent damage is done. Magick Observation: An Accepter [Sleeper], sees events around him as they have been defined by the Observations of other, more astute Observers [Mages] -- observing an event fixes it in time and space (ie. the Corridor). Observers are able to see what they want to see, thus fixing events in the Corridor according to their own requirements. Spheres * Correspondence: Space-Like Paths (Sidestep). By travelling along a 'space-like' path (effectively, by moving sideways) in the Corridor, an Observer can bypass Time and travel great distances instantaneously. By shifting one's perceptions along the width of the Corridor, an Observer can sense distant events and locations. By reaching across the Corridor, an Observer can physically affect these distant locations. Note that it is not possible for Accepters to travel across the Corridor in this way -- the closest they can ever get is the theoretical maximum of the speed of light (c), which itself cannot travel across the Corridor instantaneously. However, acceleration to such velocities warps the fabric of the Corridor such that Special Relativistic effects can occur to slow the subjective passage of time. Observers travel on Space-Like Paths so both t (absolute travel Time) and Tau (subjective travel Time) = 0. * Entropy (Chaos): Quantum Mechanics. By observing events at the Quantum Level, an Observer can control probability and randomness. * Mind: Opinion. One of the more esoteric concepts within the Paradigm of the Corridor -- since observation defines reality, opinion of what one sees plays a critical role in determining what one has just seen. Thus, opinion is also a vital factor in fixing reality. * Prime: The Flow. All things are pushed in one direction through the Corridor -- the current that drives them is the Flow. By increasing or decreasing the density of the Flow through an object, it can be more or less firmly anchored to the Corridor. Decreasing the Flow density causes an object to become inherently unstable, until it completely discorporates when the density reaches zero. * Spirit: Opening the doors. There are many 'side doors' in the Corridor, through which branch corridors with differing parameters to our own may be entered. It is believed that other Corridors (as opposed to Branches) do exist, presumably also under constant siege from the Darkness in which they rest. * Time: The Corridor. The infinite length of Corridor itself represents Time. The Flow passes through everything within the Corridor. While manipulation of the density of this Flow affects an object's inherent stability, the Flow also imparts a force to the object while it passes through it (that is not related to its density) that pushes it along the Corridor. This force is uni-directional in Main Corridor -- it only pushes the object in one direction (forwards through time). Manipulation of this force affects the speed at which an object travels down the Corridor. Increasing the forward motion makes Time pass at a faster subjective rate -- decreasing the forward motion makes Time pass at a subjectively slower rate. Anchoring the object to Corridor so that it has no forward motion freezes that object in Time. Experiments are currently underway to reverse the direction of motion in a test object, but all attempts so far have failed -- the reversal of causality (cause and effect) that results creates a Singularity since such phenomena are not stable in the Corridor. Patterns * Forces: Interaction. All forces (Gravity, Electromagnetic, Strong and Weak) are manifestations of unseen interactions between particles. Only in certain circumstances do these interactions manifest as real particles such as photons and electrons. By Observing these interactions, an Observer can influence the forces that affect the macro/microscopic world. Matter: Mass-energy. E=mc2. Mass has energy, and energy has mass. All physical objects, whether solid, liquid, gaseous, or plasma, possess this mass-energy. Observers can convert ambient energy into mass (transferring it from extremely distant parts of the Corridor to their present location if necessary) and fashion this into any material they desire through Observation and opinion. Note that the total amount of mass-energy in the Universe is constant, so even Observers cannot spontaneously create mass-energy -- it must exist already in another form. [Note that this is just background -- in reality, Matter as used by a Continuum Agent will itself draw the energy from elsewhere in the Universe (say, a cloud of interstellar gas a thousand light-years away, or the air around the targeted object) to create the material/object. Correspondence or Mind is not required to use Matter)]. Life: Mass-energy. Living beings are still constructed of basic matter, but this interacts in a complex (biochemical) manner to fuel the body. Affecting Living creatures requires more finesse and concentration than that required for non-living material, and by necessity the problem must be approached from a separate direction. [Life is affected in a similar way to Matter, but since living bodies are much more complex than non-living material, a new approach must be set up in the Observer's mind -- hence, Life is a separate Sphere to Matter]. Arete Astuteness. More Astute Observers can understand the Corridor better by seeing in more detail. Observers become more astute through experience -- by noticing the subtle nuances in every Observation. Quintessence Energy. Energy is an unusual quantity. While in the conventional universe it manifests as a force or as mass, the truth is much deeper than this. Energy is in fact a physical manifestation of the density of the Flow, the current that perpetually pushes events forwards in time along the Corridor. In the physical world, the Energy Density of the flow can manifest in many forms in the right circumstances. This Energy can be used to back up Observations, ensuring they are perceived correctly. Paradox Singularity: Instabilities created by poorly Observed events in the Corridor result in the creation of Singularities [Paradox Flaws and Spirits]. In some cases, the disturbance is so severe that Naked Singularities arise, which necessitate the creation of an Event Horizon around the Observer which shields the surrounding Corridor from the instability [ie. a Paradox Realm -- since nothing originating in the Corridor can penetrate an Event Horizon, the Paradox is enclosed and Reality is effectively shielded from the instability while the Observer negotiates the Paradox Realm set up within the Event Horizon]. Awakening/Ascension Sapience (Sagacity): Accepters who start to question what they see become Sapient. By doubting the Observations of others instead of just accepting them, they formulate their own Opinion and so become Observers themselves. It should be noted that the Continuum does not believe in Ascension. The struggle against the Darkness is continuous, and so can never have such a culmination [other than the total destruction of Main Corridor]... Mage-Specific Backgrounds * Arcane: Covering the Tracks. Observers are capable of seeing reality in its true form -- the Corridor. By looking behind them [in the past], they can cover their tracks so they pass with very little trace along the Corridor. * Avatar: Dense Flow. Observers exist because the Flow through them is denser than the Flow through normal Accepters. In addition, Observers can draw upon this excess density as a kind of Energy 'battery' with which to back up their Observations. * Destiny: Recognition. Some Observers are simply very good at what they do, or show a faint hint of extraordinary talent -- as such, they deserve recognition. * Dream: Scanning the Corridor. Since the Corridor contains everything that will be, is, or has been in existence, it is possible to scan its contents (at least in the immediate vicinity) for knowledge that the Observer may require. * Node: Energy Concentrations. The Flow through some regions of the Corridor is denser than normal -- more Energy can thus manifest in these locations. Views on other Mage-related issues Terminology: Metaverse: The sum of reality -- the Metaverse can be thought of as an infinite region of Darkness, within which are suspended the Corridors. Corridor: A single universe, with all its branches (Realms). Arcadia is a Corridor. Main Corridor: Our own Universe, encompassing all the Realms and the Near Umbra. Nexus: Main Corridor's Shade Realm of Time, the Chantry Realm of the Continuum Virtuals: The alternate universes that can be accessed only from Nexus. The Perpetual War: The continuing defense of Main Corridor against the Darkness. Nephandi: The Darkness. The raison d'etre of the Continuum, the Nephandi are the Darkness that surrounds the Corridor. Like the Corridor itself, this Darkness appears to have always existed, and has always acted to destroy it. The Continuum believes that the Darkness represents the natural state of the Metaverse, with the Corridors being unstable imperfections in its fabric. As a result, the laws of reality always try to correct these flaws by destroying them. However, the destruction of the Corridors would be the destruction of all reality -- absolute Oblivion. As such, the Continuum continually acts to defend the integrity of the Corridor from the 'corrective forces' of the Darkness and any who would aid them. The Nephandi themselves are the physical representations of these forces. Since the Darkness is infinite, the Continuum never seeks to 'win' the war against it -- its actions are entirely defensive, striking the Nephandi as and when they attack Main Corridor. The Umbra: The Penumbra represents the periphery of the Corridor, nearest its walls. Since the Corridor is infinite in length and width, only Observers (not Accepters) can perceive its Walls. By entering the Periphery, an Observer can easily find doors into Branch Corridors, while at the same time being able to perceive 'normal' reality. By entering these side doors, Observers can enter other Realms in the Umbra. In some places, doors may lead directly into the Darkness that surrounds the Corridor [ie. the Deep Umbra]. Such doors are sought out and are continually guarded, since they present an obvious route for the Darkness to enter the Corridor. More adventurous Observers claim to have seen other Corridors [ie. Realms in the Deep Umbra] suspended in the Darkness around our own, but the Continuum cannot afford to expend its limited resources by investigating them and defending our own at the same time. It is assumed that these other Corridors are also under siege by the Darkness. Wraiths: The Continuum holds what appears to be a violently paranoid opinion of Wraiths -- it actively seeks and destroys them wherever they exist! In their view, when something dies it may leave an Imprint of itself [ie. a Wraith] on reality -- a good analogy would be to equate the Imprint to an after-image left on the retina after a bright light is shone into one's eyes. The Continuum perceives these Imprints as a very real threat to the Corridor's integrity, for it is through them that its walls become weakened, allowing the Darkness outside easier passage to reality. By resonating with the Imprint's desires, the invader can manifest itself within the Corridor. Lingering memories and desires, nursery rhymes, and even old photographs have proven to be a major thorn in the side of the Continuum as it fends off attempts by the Darkness to break through the weakened walls. There is much debate on whether or not these Imprints are sentient. Some argue that Imprints are just that -- emotional after-images left on reality, with no sentience or intelligence. Others (especially those who have come face-to-face with Wraiths) believe that they are indeed sentient, but can be driven, used, or tricked by the Darkness into acting as a gateway into the Corridor. All factions believe that while these Imprints may or may not be a direct threat, they remain a weak link through which the Darkness can break through, so they should be removed wherever found. Some Agents actively seek and destroy Fetters in order to loosen the bonds of a Wraith to the Living World.8 [In game terms, the Continuum sees Wraiths as a direct link to the forces of Oblivion, toys to be used by the Darkness to penetrate the walls of the Corridor. It should be noted that the Underworld has not been discovered by the Continuum, and cannot be accounted for within its Paradigm. Chronicles involving the interaction/confrontation between Wraiths and Continuum Agents (especially Repulsion Branch) are potentially the most interesting of all. Inspiration can be found in the early 1980's British Sci-Fi Series 'Sapphire and Steel', starring Joanna Lumley and David MacCallum. Indeed, the Paradigm of the Continuum is extrapolated from information hinted at in the six adventures that made up this series -- Adventure 2 in particular is a very good example of Wraiths being used by the Darkness for its own ends. As an aside, Sapphire and Steel themselves can be considered as Repulsion Branch Field Ops (with Lead and Silver (who also appear in the series occasionally) as Repulsion Branch Specialists)]. Garou: The Continuum is neutral to the Garou, primarily because it knows so little about them. The Continuum views the Garou as natural hybrids of the forces within this Corridor and its Branches, since they exist at or near the Periphery (ie. the Walls of the Corridor). If the Continuum knew enough Garou cosmology, they would probably believe that the Wyrm is yet another manifestation of the Darkness. It is not certain that the Garou are aware of the existence of the Continuum, but where they can, the two sides prefer to leave each other to fight their own battles with the Darkness on their own terms. Vampires: While the existence of Vampires is rumoured, the Continuum knows too little about these creatures to draw an opinion. The general consensus is that they are a form of unusual but natural lifeform unique to our own Corridor, possibly forming when an Accepter dies while becoming Sapient to create a partially-Sapient creature. All of this is conjecture -- if truth be told, Vampires are a largely unknown quantity to the Continuum. However, it is believed that there is no connection between the Darkness and these entities. Wherever possible, Vampires should be studied (carefully!) by Continuum Agents, although their paths rarely cross. Nevertheless, the Continuum is aware that some of these creatures actively aiding the Darkness, and tries to seek and destroy them when they can. Spirits: Inhabitants of our Branch Corridors. The Continuum is curious as to the nature of these creatures and how they interact with our own Corridor. However, it is aware that some of these beings either willingly or unwillingly serve the Darkness, so it treads very carefully when dealing with them. All attempts are of course made to destroy any who do serve the Darkness. Changelings and Faeries: The Continuum is aware of the existence of these creatures, and studies them wherever possible. Faeries themselves are cited as proof of the existence of other Corridors, and are believed to originate from a 'nearby' Corridor. Changelings appear to be exiles from this other Corridor, believed to be known as 'Arcadia'. Very little is known about the Arcadia Corridor, and some Observers believe it to have once been a Branch of our own. How and when it separated from our own would be of great interest to the Continuum if it had the time to study it. Sleepers: Accepters. Those whose lack Sapience and so are unable to Observe the Corridor. Accepters merely accept the Observations of others as fact (hence their name). However, while they are incapable of forming their own opinion and making their own Observations, they are capable of instinctively Contradicting observations made by Observers that go against their accepted world-view. Such Contradiction is dangerous to careless Observers, as it can set up Singularities and Event Horizons to plague them -- by making Observations that can fit in to an Accepter's world-view, an Observer can avoid these problems. Technocracy: Prior to the Age of Reason, the Continuum did not exist as an organisation. When the Technocracy formed, the like-minded Mages that had been defending reality from the Darkness beyond came together, believing that the Technocracy appeared to have similar goals to their own. They formed the Continuum within this organization, and learned much from it. Unfortunately, the Technocracy quickly became too wrapped up in their attempts to completely `define' reality, and so the Continuum lost interest in them. The `accidental' publication of the Special Theory of Relativity in 1905 was done partially out of spite to them. The Continuum had been restrained and obstructed for too long, and saw that the Technocracy did not take the defence of the Corridor seriously. When they realised that Relativity had been released to the `Masses' far earlier than they wanted it to, the Technocracy attempted (and failed) to destroy the Continuum. As it is, they still prove a constant thorn in the Continuum's sides even today, obstructing them at every count. Marauders: The Continuum is not entirely certain of the origin of this bizarre group of Observers. It is believed that they are from our own Corridor, and represent Observers who have become Sapient in a highly stressful environment. Some believe they have come face to face with the Darkness and have been driven insane by it. Certainly, the Darkness holds many alien horrors that can drive even Observers insane -- even Continuum Agents do not enter it without substantial protection. Marauders are a constant thorn in the Continuum's side. Originating in Main Corridor, they are fully capable of entering Nexus and the Virtuals, which they see as a playground of sorts. They have contaminated a significant number of inhabited Virtuals, which the Continuum actively tried to prevent. In addition, the Marauders' disruptive activities can provide gateways into Main Corridor for the Darkness to enter, so the Continuum makes every effort to drive them back from whence they came. The Traditions: The Continuum sees itself as separate but allied to this this group of Observers, since it now has much more in common with them than the Technocracy. Most of the Traditions are too focused in their `struggle' against the Technocracy, which serves no purpose -- who would be left to pat the winner on the back should the Corridor collapse to the Darkness? The Continuum believes they should focus instead on the real enemy -- the Darkness. Many of the Traditions leave the Continuum alone, and while some do not trust them, they do acknowledge that someone has to take the defence of reality seriously. However, only the Celestial Chorus, Dreamspeakers and Cabalists are sometimes helpful to their cause in their own way. Ideally, the Continuum would gladly see some Traditions destroyed outright -- the Necromancers and some Goetics actively aid or seek the Darkness, which cannot be tolerated. The Continuum distinctly distrusts the Euthanatos, believing they deal too much with Wraiths and so are a threat to the stability of the Corridor. The Ascension War: The Ascension War between the Traditions and the Technocracy is something that never ceases to amaze the Continuum. They liken it unto a battle in a burning house, with the walls collapsing all around the combatants. The Continuum believes that both factions should cease their childish bickering and pitiful powerplays and devote themselves to the defence of the Corridor against the Darkness outside.