CEREBUS By Clayton S. Caddy (c_caddy@oz.plymouth.edu) (10 Oct 93) Background: During the time after the age of fantasy, in what most would call the 'enlightened' age, a small number of people began manifesting unexplainable powers. If they revealed the powers, they were persecuted as witches, or demons. Thus, they concealed their power, but began aiding others like themselves to understand their 'gifts'. As they studied, they found that certain practices of relaxation, meditation, and focusing allowed them better grasp and control over their power. They built on this, and developed an intense understanding of the way they saw magick. Unfortunatelly, no one ever told these people they were mages. In time, and while listening to the great thinkers of their days, they began to see their powers as an extention of the mind. By focusing one's thoughts, one could shape reality by will alone. A vocabulary taken from various psychology and parapsychology books became used by these collected orphans, and a new tradition was born: one of the mind affecting the world. Terms such as 'psychokenesis', 'telempathic projection', and other psychobabble became the may of the world. Only years later, once the tradition was firmly structured, did the other traditions take notice of these 'mind mages', whom they had originaly considered crackpot 'spoon benders' and 'psychics'. But the Cerebus (originaly the Cerebelus) were very real. So real, in fact, and since they were separate from the other traditions, that the Technocracy waged a full scale war against them, as an 'example' to the other traditions. The Cerebelus were decimated, and their art nearly lost. Only a few survived the war, but those that did gained 2 gifts: an immense knowledge of the Technocracy, and a burning vengance. The name of Cerebus, the three-headed dog which guarded the underworld, became the embelem of the tradition, as a warning to those that opposed them: never surprised (as they had been), and one may fight as well as three. The Cerebus, originally one of the most pacifistic and philosophical traditions, and become a holy army against the Technocracy. In the years after the original war, the Cerebus stayed quiet, watching from the sides, until the moment of greatest weakness came: the seperation of the Virtual Adepts from the conclave. Then, the jyhad began, and the Technocracy reeled from the ferocity of the attack. Just as quickly, the Cerebus were gone, returning to the shadows, to watch once more. There they sit today, waiting for the next opportunity to strike. Organization: The Cerebus, because of their orphan status, long were wanderers, with no chantry, no orginization, and no leadership. A 'common mind' was shared by the members, and that was enough. After the attack, the common mind was the key that held the tradition together. Now, there is still no 'ruling class' as all have a say in decisions. However, there are 'divisions' throught the world, who work together against the Technocracy. They are set up like military legions, with the exception of the number 3: all members have 2 partners, forming teams of 3. 3 teams work as a group. 3 groups work as a lance. 3 lances make a squadron, and so forth. These divisions, and their subgroups, focus on three things: opposing the Technocracy at every possible opportunity, initiating new members, and, as was their original purpose, learning a better understanding of their power. The Cerebus still seek their own Ascention, through complete understanding of their power and their own mind, but now see the Technocracy as an obstical before them that must be destroyed before ascention may occur. They know that anyone may be awakened, but that the choke of technology prevents it. They do not oppose technology itself, just those that prevent free thought. With the apparent 'double mission' of the Cerebus, it might seem that the order would fragment quickly. There are three subgroups in the order: one oriented towards combat, one oriented towards the accumulation of knowledge. and one oriented towards self-enlightenment. They do not, however, clash. The three-headed embelem indicates several ideas working together for a common goal. The Cerebus see the subdivisons as beneficial, as the Technocracy sometimes doesn't know 'which head is biting them' at any given time. They share knowledge amongst themselfes freely, as well as to those they see as allies against the Technocracy. Although there is no leadership, there are two types who stand out among the Cerebus, and are more likely to be listened to: those that have fought bravely and successfully against the Technocracy, and those who have gained great understanding of their powers. More often than not, one person is admired for both reasons. Meetings: Members with Mind of 3 may communicate with others through the 'common mind': a great telepathic conference which is always buzzing with activity. Any mage with Mind 3 may contact the common mind as well, but may not be immediately weclomed. Otherwise, face-to-face meeting are sometimes difficult, as the members are frequently scholars, solders, or hermits. Initiation: The Cerebus are comprised almost exclusively of orphans. They do know how to awaken sleepers, but chose not to, seeing awakening as a natural step in life. However, they also agressively attempt to convert other traditions to join them, with some success (especially among the Euthanatos and the Brotherhood). They welcome those who oppose the Technocracy with the same determination which they possess. They are also regarded as some of the best teachers in the world, and as such are sought by other mages (all of whom must swear allegence to the Cerebus before learning anything). Chantry: Although the common mind serves as the primary chantry, the United States Military Academy at West Point serves as a meeting point for many members. There are other chanrys begining to appear, most at Colleges, Military Bases or training grounds, and the like. Acolytes: Anyone self-awakened (Orphans). Spheres: The primary spheres used by the Cerebus are Mind, Correspondence, and Force. One point MUST be placed in one of these spheres. The other five may be placed anywhere. When advancing, these three are all considered primary spheres, but all other spheres advance as Orphans. In addition, no sphere can be higher than the mage's Meditation score. Foci: * Eye: Correspondance/Time; Weapon: Entropy/Force/Matter/Life * Meditation: Mind/Prime/Spirit * Eye: Any piece of jewelry depicting an eyeball. Often a ring or necklace. * Weapon: Any weapon may be chosen, from a knife to a submachine gun. * Meditation: The mage must successfully enter a meditative state to cast a spell. The mage may opt to attempt to reduce the difficulty (difficulty 9), but must successfully meditate first (effectively spending one round concentrating). Concepts: Soldier, Scholar, Teacher, Psychologist, Any mage from another tradition (convert) Stereotypes Akashic Brotherhood: They truly are our brothers. They have found a near-perfect balance between mind and body. We can and have learned much from them. Celestial Chorus: The power comes from within, not a higher being. They must learn this before ascending. Cult of Ecstacy: Hedonistic fools. They attempt to escape their destiny. We will have nothing to do with them until thety see the error of their ways. Discordians: Valuable allies in a fight, but to unpredictable otherwise. Dreamspeakers: Like the Chorus, the look outside themselves for the power which they already possess. Euthanatos: Cleansing the world of the technocracy should be their priority, not killing those not worth the effort. Tho we are allies, we abhore their lack of compassion towards the sleepers. Hollow Ones: Our greatest asset. Teaching them how powerful they can be, our ranks swell. Order of Hermes: Scholars beyond compare. Their research has aided us many times in the past. Runecasters: Noble warriors, but they focus to little on the Technocracy, and too much on the phyrric enemys of the future. Sons of Ether: The mirror of the Technocracy, we support them as much as possible. They also make some great weapons. Technolibertarians: Like the Sons of Ether, they bring technology without crushing free thought. Verbena: Blood is of the body, but is not in itself power. The life itself is. Virtual Adepts: Electronic pulses from a computer are not as powerful as those of the mind. Self-reliance is needed. Rotes Psychokinesis (Force 4, Prime 2): The ability to move objects by will alone, though a great mystery to science, is second nature to many Cerebus. By imagining the object's movement, the will causes it. System: Simple Telekinesis, as described in the book. Mind Sight (Mind 3, Correspondance 4): The ultimage gathering of information, by 'skimming' all minds in the area for the answer to a specific question, much can be learned. System: Each success acts as the Dream background for one turn. The knowledge may be pened, but will be quickly forgotten otherwise. Psychic Blast (Mind 3, Force 2): The delicate workings of the human mind can be easily disrupted, sending the thought processes into disarray. System: A form of induced epelepsy, each success stuns the victim into inaction for one turn (the effects can be 'soaked' with a wits roll, difficulty 6). Mystic Sight (Mind 2, Correspondance 1): Three heads with six eyes can not be surprised. Each head watches a seperate direction, to prevent an unexpected attack from behind. System: A form of radar which passively scans all minds in the area. When the sense of hostility twards the caster is noted, the exact location of the purpetrator is known immediately. This is primarily ment to prevent surprise attacks in battle, stoping would-be backstabers. Talismans: Because they stress self-reliance so much, Cerebus talismans are all but unheard of. Occasionally one may take a weapon from the Sons of Ether, or a scyring device from the VA or Hermetics, but few have constructed their own items. Most of those that do exist would fit the descriptions of those mentioned above (weapon, scrying). NOTES (optional): The Cerebus are known as the great teachers of magick. Their wisdom is valuably sought. If one was willing to join their ranks (by converting to the Cerebus), they may learn from them. In the system, study points available from allies of the Cerebus are DOUBLE their normal value (ie, an ally who could normally give 10 study points can give 20). This may not be available, at the Storytellers discresion.