_[ - T H E K I L L E R I N S T I N C T 2 FAQ - ]_ "A MaS`Ta FAQ Comez Wit Full Force" -Disc0 ,sS$$$$$$$Ss, ,sS$$$$$$$Ss, ,sS$$$$$$$Ss, $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ `S$$$$$$$$$S' `S$$$$$$$$$S' `S$$$$$$S' ASCii By: Johnny Key v 1.5 By: Johnny Key Ki2 Johnny@AOL.Com Copyright © 1995-1996 Eclipse Communications Date FAQ Began: 1-24-95 Last Update: 2-4-95 _____________________________[ Legal Mess ]_________________________________ This FAQ's sole purpose is to benefit other player's from my knowledge of Killer Instinct 2. I ask that you please only sell this FAQ for oversized, large amounts of money, take no less than $50.00 :) *Johnny Key* ____________________________________________________________________________ _[ Contents ]_ 1.) Letter from the author 2.) Key / Explinations 3.) Character Stories / Moves / Endings 4.) Rumors / News 5.) Next Version... _________________________[ Letter From the Author ]_________________________ Aight guys. I've been working on this FAQ awhile now. It should be one of if not, *THE* best and most comprehensible FAQ out there. I get new mess every day so this FAQ is updated daily, all for you guys. And to all you guys with arcade-rat friends, that don't have iNet, please rip there asses off and sell this to em for a lotta money hehe. And be sure to cut this part out of the FAQ, so you can do it every time I release the FAQ. Just a lil business tip from me, :) *Johnny Key* ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________[ Key ]___________________________________ Controller: Buttons: U | (1) (2) (3) B--O--F | (4) (5) (6) D -(1) - Quick Punch -(2) - Medium Punch -(3) - Fierce Kick- -(4) - Quick Kick -(5) - Medium Kick -(6) - Fierce Kick- K - *ANY* Kick Button. P - *ANY* Punch Button. c - Charge the button or joystick position for at least one second. + - Press the button while holding the joystick in the desired position. , - Do one set of moves, then quickly do the next set. And so on. Note: A "®" Symbol symbolizes a Rumor, or a not confirmed move. Note: *ALL* moves are shown, as if your character is facing the right. "Danger Mode" - This is when someone's energy meter is flashing red. "Special Bar" - Like the special move bar in SF2Turbo. It increases when ya use certain special moves. _[ Special Move ]_ These are moves that make your character do something special. Not just something real dull and all. Example, Jago's Hell Kick is "F, F-D, D + K" That means, roll the joystick from F to D. Then press a any [K]ick button. _[ Super Move ]_ These moves can only be performed when your Special Bar is full. They do like a suped up special move that does severe damage to your opponent. U have to do these *DURING* a combo. _[ Combo Breaker ]_ These are now different. You do the movement, and you have to use the button one strength *LESS* than what they use in their special move. so like, if I was Jago, and you were Glacius. I do the Heel Kick with 6, you would do the combo breaker motion with 5. and so on. No more P for K, and K for P etc... _[ Linker ]_ A certian move, or string of moves that links 2 or more combos together, thus keeping the combo going on longer. In SNES KI, Cinder has 2 of these. Refer to them as examples. _[ Ultra Combo ]_ A combo where the CPU takes over after a certain string of moves, and it adds about 16+ hits to the combo you've already performed. Very glamorous. _[ Ultimate Combo ]_ A combo that ends in a finsihing move. AKA "No Mercie", which may be removed from the game otherwise. _[ Humiliation ]_ A move thats a finishing move, and it humiliates the opponent.By making them dance, or something else humiliating. Note: Rumor has it that some other form of a humiliation is also in the game now, hmm...only time will tell. _[ Super Ultra ]_ Ok these friggin rule! Start out a combo, then do a special move, then go into the ultra move, then do the movement for the special move WHILE they're doing the ultra, and they do a whole new ultra combo, and the new combos look PHAT! _[ Ghost Move ]_ Ok these moves, you do em in the FIRST round. See em to know what I mean. They're hard to explain! Too phat though! _[ Shadow Move ]_ These are moves that when you do them, a shadow follows your character. Do them the same as you did them in KI. ______________________[ New Character Descriptions ]________________________ 3 New Characters making an appearance: _[Maya]_ She looks kinda of like an amazonian princess. _[Kim Wu]_ A new ninja-like female character. _[Tusk]_ He's real big,bulky and strong. I don't like him very much. Along with those 3, there are 7 original fighters to choose from as well The new boss character's name is "Gargos". He is a huge gargoyle, with a barrage of fire attacks, from air and ground, and some rushing attacks. a must see _____________________________[ Moves and Such ]______________________________ _[ Maya ]_ Special Moves: Cobra cB,F+1 Blade Slice cB,F+2 Mantis Pray cB,F+3 Flip Kick cB,F+5 Jump Thrust cB,F+6 Special Moves Combo Breaker cF Super Move F,D,B,F+3 Ghost Move ? Combos D+2,F+2,B+1,F+5,B+1,6,F+6 * Super ? Finishers Ultra Combo cF,B+4 Humiliation ? Ultimate D,B,F+4 Ultimate 2 B,D,F,B+1 Pseudo Ultra ? _[Kim Wu]_ Moves Flaming Orchid D,F+1 Fireworks F,D,B+2 or 3 Spin Kick HCB+K Splitz Kick F,D,B+5 or 6 Special Moves Combo Breaker D,F,F Super Move D,B,D,F+P Ghost Move F,D,B,F+3 Shadow Move F,D,B,F+6 Combos D+3,F,D,B+3,D+5,F,D,B+5 * Super D+3,F,D,B+5,D+3,Slash+3,Slash+3,D,B,B,D,F+P Finishers Ultra Combo D,F+4 Humiliation ? Ultimate B,D,F,B+4 Ultimate 2 F,B,D,F+5 Pseudo Ultra ? _[Tusk]_ Moves Backslash F,D,B+1 Mega Attack F,D,F+P Super Boot F,D,B+K Skull Smash B,D,F+K Web Blast D,F,D,B+5 Special Moves Combo Breaker F,D,F Super Move D,B,F,D,F+3 Ghost Move ? Combos D+5,F,D,B+5,1,F,D,F+3 Jump F+6,2,F,D,F+3 * Super ? Finishers Ultra Combo F,D,B+2 Humiliation ? Ultimate ? Pseudo Ultra ? _[Glacius]_ Moves Shoulder Charge D,F+2 Puddle Port D,F+6 Ice Grasper D,F+1 Polar Blast D,B+P Energy Regeneration D,F+4 Special Moves Combo Breaker D,DF,F Super Move B,D,F,B+2 Super Move F,D,B,F+3 Super Move B,D,F,B+1 Ghost Move ? Combos cB,F+2,1,D,F+6 D,F+5,1,D,F+6 Jump+6,2,D,F+6 * Super ? Finishers Ultra Combo B,D,F+4 Humiliation ? Ultimate F,D,B,F+5 Ultimate 2 cB,F,D,B+4 Pseudo Ultra ? _[Fulgore]_ Moves Claw Charge B,D,F+K Cyber Reject D,B+4 Eye Laser F,D,B+2 or 3 Plasma Tosser D,F+P TeleCharge D,B+K Invisiblity F,D,B+6 Mega Charge F,D,B+5 Triple Plasma B,D,F+4, D,F+1 Special Moves Combo Breaker F,D,F Super Move D,B,D,F+3 Ghost Move ? Combos B+3,F,D,B+3,F,D,B+3 cB,F+6,5,F,D,B+2,B+3,F,D,F+3 Jump F+6,2,B+2,F+6 cB,F+6,6,F,D,B+6,B+1,F+5,B+6,B,D,F+3 * Super ? Finishers Ultra Combo ? Humiliation ? Ultimate ? Pseudo Ultra ? _[Spinal]_ Moves Skeleton Screw: D,F+2 Flaming Blade Skull D,F+5 (Must have a skull!) Absorption Shield cB+c1 (Absorbs Special Moves!) Sword Slice D,F+6 Teleport D,B+K Dart Kick cD+6 (Aerial) Special Moves Combo Breaker D,F Super Move F,D,F+3 Ghost Move ? Combos LiL Help here people! :) Finishers Ultra Combo ? Humiliation ? Ultimate ? Pseudo Ultra ? _[Orchid]_ Moves Flick Flak F,D,B+K San F,D,B+3 Aerial Attack F,D,F+K Tona Fire D,F+P Slide Kick B,D,F+K Baton Rush D,B+2 (Aerial) Special Moves Combo Breaker F,D,F Super Move D,B,D,F+6 Super Move F,D,B,F+5 Ghost Move ? Combos D,B+2,F+2,1,cB,F+5,1,F,D,F+6 cB,F+5,1,cB,F+5,1,3,F,D,F+6 Jump F+6,2,F,D,F+6 * Super ? Finishers Ultra Combo D,B+4 Humiliation ? Ultimate F,D,B+5 Pseudo Ultra ? _[Jago]_ Moves Tiger Fury F,D,F+P Wind Kick F,D,B+K Laser Sword F,D,B+3 Sliding Kick B,D,F+K Endokuken D,F+P Endokuken (Red) c3,D,F,release Endokuken (Fake) D,F+4 Special Moves Combo Breaker F,D,F Super Move D,B,D,F+3 Ghost Move B,F,D,B,F+4 Shadow Move F,D,F+5 Combos D+5,F,D,B+5,1,F,D,F+3 D+5,B,D,F+5,1,F,D,F+3 Jump F+6,2,F,D,F+3 * Super ? Finishers Ultra Combo D,B+4 Humiliation ? Ultimate B,D,F+6 Ultimate 2 F,D,F+6 Pseudo Ultra ? _[T.J. Combo]_ Moves Tremor Smash cB,F+5 Backpunch Spin cB,F+1 Roller Coaster x2 cB,F+2 Roller Coaster x3 B,D,F+2 Power Line cB,F+3 Skull Crusher cB,F+6 Cyclone c3,release Dizzy Fake D,F+4 Special Moves Combo Breaker cB,F Super Move F,D,B+3 Ghost Move ? Combos D+6,cB,F+2,F+3,B+1,F+6,F+3 Jump F+6,B+2,F+3 D+6,cB,F+2,cF+3,cB+1,cF+6,B+3 * Super ? Finishers Ultra Combo cF,B+3 Humiliation ? Ultimate ? Pseudo Ultra ? _[Sabrewulf]_ Moves Spinning Claws cB,F+2 Pounce & Slah cB,F+3 Claw Flip cB,F+6 Energy Growl cB,F+4 Fake Howl cF,B+1 Special Moves Combo Breaker cB,F Super Move F,D,B,F+6 Ghost Move ? Combos D+6,cB,F+2,F+1,B+2,1,F+6 Jump F+6,B+2,F+6 D+6,cB,F+2,6,B+2,F+4,F,D,B,F+6 * Super ? Finishers Ultra Combo cB,F+4 Humiliation ? Ultimate ? Pseudo Ultra ? ____________________________[ Rumorz & Newz ]_______________________________ Ok, here is the section where I get to go buck-wild over all of the rumors n' mess that all a yallz send me EVERY DAY! Hehe. Some of these crack me UP! Welp, without despair hehe. Let's get down to my rumors... :) Numerous ppl say they have a "Gargos" code. So he's pickable... Psssh! Yeah, okaaaay people! We don't even know all the moves yet for everyone. Don't send me anymore of this BS please! "Each character has 4 no mercies! I seen all 4 of Maya's!" Ok, #1, anonymous idiot, there are no no mercies, except Ultimate's. And each character doesn't have 4 Ultimate's so =P...Next Question. "After 50 wins in a row you can fight Sub-Zero! But u have to get a perfect on him, or the game locks up forever, and cannot be played again!!!!" Hehe...WTF am I suppose to say? Goto the funny farm bud! Ok...Keep sending me junk mail guys, I love this. All of the above quoted saying are real, not faked. and I love seeing ignorant ppl that are so attention pitiful, it is INSANELY FUNNY! Welp onto the news... 1.) A hidden Character named "Lankus". Aight I just received this. I haven't tested it yet. "Move the cursor to Spinal, then press 5,1,3,6,4,4,3,2 & 4. Then Lankus is revealed..." Someone test this for me please... If you have a rumor,news or just wanna cuss out my stupid-self then feel FREE to do so. Hehe. If you have JUNK mail, I'll let you mail my JUNK account hehe. My JUNK address is "Ki2 Johnny@AOL.Com". That's my JUNK account. I don't care if you flame or mailbomb it hehe. Hell, it's AOL. To get my real address, just mail that account, I'll tell ya'z. _____________________________[ Next Version ]_______________________________ Well, as the saying goes... "Be Prepared!" :) Well, if you wanna send me junk mail, or wanna tell me the meaning of life. Then PLEASE mail me at my junk account at "Ki2 Johnny@AOL.Com" _[ CreditZ & My Personal ShoutZ ]_ Druboy....... I've know him since KI, U know me as "ini kamoze" Dru. McCarron..... Hehe. He knows who I be =P VVebKrawL.... Um. We talked for a bit. I think he told me somethin too. DemonNyte.... Some new combo info Sandive...... My br0. Y0, if ya know him, you're kewl wit me... BaLLa........ A funky lil , that they call BaLLa. Kano81....... You know this maaaaaaaan. Jaahni....... Some new newz I think Until next version, I shall depart... If you have any comment,suggestions,rumors or news etc. Mail me at "Ki2 Johnny@AOL.Com" That's my junk account, feel free to mailbomb it :) *Johnny Key* aka MaSTa __________________________________________________________________________ |\________________________________________________________________________/| | | | | | | KiLLeR iNSTiCT 2 | | | | "It aint a game, it's a frickin complex..." -Johnny Key | | | |______________________________________________________________________| | |/________________________________________________________________________\|