============================= Distribution Site Application ============================= Fill this application out completely: ----[Begin Application]---------------------------------------------------- ================================================== Audio Video Assembly Distribution Site Application ================================================== System Information: ------------------- System Name :[ ] Phone:[( ) - ] Sysop's Handle:[ ] Modem Speed: (Mark all [ ] 1200 [ ] 2400 [ ] 9.6k V.32 speeds that R [ ] 14.4k V.32Bis [ ] 16.8k HST Supported) [ ] 14.4k HST [ ] 19.2k ZyXel [ ] 19.2k V.32Ter [ ] 28.8k V.34 [ ] MNP 1-5 [ ] V.42Bis [ ] other, what: [ ] Modem Idents: [ ] USR HST [ ] V.32bis (Mark All [ ] Hayes V-Series [ ] Fax Modem That Apply) [ ] Telebit PEP [ ] V.42 [ ] Compucom 9600 [ ] Do You have : [ ] Guest Sysop Account? [GSA] [ ] Auto Sysop Validation? [ASV] [ ] Callback Validation? [CBV] Number of Users: [ ] Total Calls :[ ] BBS Software: [ ] Version Num.:[ ] Date BBS Started:[ ] Modded?: [ ] Network Software Version #?: [ ] The Networks your BBS currently belongs to: Name of Network Node # Name of Network Node # [ ] [@ ] [ ] [@ ] [ ] [@ ] [ ] [@ ] [ ] [@ ] [ ] [@ ] [ ] [@ ] [ ] [@ ] [ ] [@ ] [ ] [@ ] NOTE: The Audio Video Assembly does not support the illegal distribution of copyright files (non-public domain). A BBS may NOT be a AVA site with NPD files online. Does your BBS distribute any NPD software: [ ] Is your BBS a distribution site for any other groups?: (Yes/No) : [ ] : [ ] If yes, please list them : [ ] [ ] [ ] Is your BBS a private or member board: (Yes/No) : [ ] SysOp information: ------------------ Real, FULL Name:[ ] Birthday:[ ] Age:[ ] Sex:[ ] Voice Telephone Number: [( ) - ] Address:[ ] [ ] [ ] Are you an NC, AC, GC of a Network?[ ] If so, which Network? [ ] [@ ] How many nodes online in net to date?[ ] Do you have auto-network update software?[ ] Date network started: [ / / ] Misc Information: ----------------- The Audio Video Assembly has its own gated sub across the WWiV networks. It is for question and answer concerning AV composing and to find out the latest releases. If you run a BBS and have joined a network which has this sub, you MUST have it. If you are interested in gating the Audio Video Assembly subconference into your network, you must do it through Jack Morgan III. Do you wish to have the AVA sub in your network?: [ ] The AVA has also set up an area on the Internet's World Wide Web with information and files to be downloaded. Do you have an internet account with access to the WWW to get updates from? [ ] The AVA is also putting its files on America Online. Do you have an account on America Online? [ ] To split the AVA file courrier charges in LD phone calls, If you are LD from the WHQ, will you split the LD calls to transfer the setup and update files for your BBS? (Requiring a LD update and saying "no" to this may seriously jeopardize your chance of becoming a dist site for the AVA) : [ ] [ ] Will you be a file courrier to boards local to you? [ ] I have completed this application with the intention of becoming a distribution site for the works of the Audio Video Assembly. I do hearby swear that all the above information is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge and I agree to this by electronically affixing my name to this as: / /1994 ____________________________________________ (Today's date) (Your Real FULL Name is entered here) Any other information we should know about you: [.........................................................] [.........................................................] [.........................................................] [.........................................................] ---[End Application]-------------------------------------------------------