How to set up WWIV with 2 nodes under Windows Note: This assumes you are using WWIV 4.24 and Windows 3.1 or 3.11 1. You need to unzip this file into your WWIV directory 2. You need to go into INIT and enter your registration code (You cannot setup two nodes wihtout it) 3. From your WWIV directory, type "MD TEMP2" 4. From your WWIV directory. type "INIT ,2". This will allow you to change the second instance's information. 5. Go to setup paths and make sure the Temp and Batch directories for the second instace are set to C:\WWIV\TEMP2, or whatever your directory is. 6. Now you have to do the easy part. Go into Windows and run PIF Editor. You will have to change your Startup directory and Program Filename to your directories for WWIV1.PIF and WWIV2.PIF. Leave the filenames alone. 7. Now the only thing left to do is set up programs in your Program Manager or whatever you happen to use. Just set them up like this: Description: Node 1 Program Filename: C:\WWIV\WWIV1.PIF (or whatever) Working Directory: C:\WWIV (or whatever) and repeat for Node 2 using WWIV2.PIF 8. I included BBSICONS.DLL for those of you that can't stand having it say MS-DOS, it has icons for 2 nodes and 2 inits. 9. You can also set up programs for INIT if you want. For instance one, you would use "INIT ,1" and for Instance 2 "INIT ,2". Well that's pretty much it, If you still need help you can call my board and I might help you if I am feeling helpful. ³<”“œ, sysop of The Black Hole BBS, (410)256-5904